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Posts posted by BlazerEraser

  1. Excelent podcast, some technical issues but it's to be expected with a large group of people, 4 people is where i've seen more streamers and other podcasts draw the line and they also experience problems.

    I would like to add my 2 cents on your thoughts about changing how relics are aquired.

    Everyone argued that having relics on a set location would not get rid of the repetitiveness that the previous Void had, their solution being of shifting their location often, weekly maybe, with DE having to update their location i suppose, might i suggest an alternative to farming by using Traces to make relics ?

    I'm not sure how the conversion would work, but it would be a nice trade-off between either upgrading relics to radiant or making new ones entirely.

  2. 2 minutes ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

    ehh I'm willing to wait considering I have 40 items in my Foundry backlog to grind. Now if I was a MR 22 Founder with nothing to do but Fashionframe, I would have joined the Where's Umbras Crowd.

    i get what you mean, you will reach fashion frame too my Soldier, may :clem: be with you.

  3. You're going to love this...what you are seeing now is my normal form.

    *glows golden*

    This, is my Corrupted Form


    And this, is the Corruption of my already Corrupted Form...but we can just call it Super Corrupted.

    *gets ready* And this.....


  4. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Igna232 said:

    I was wondering because a was seeing a video about hackers bringing down steam servers. If I loose my account I can still go to play with my PC account but I haven't played Warframe in PC since Mirage came out.

    you don't need to be called a hacker to be able to DDOS, but it happened yeah, steam got hit during christmas and afterwards had a little bug in their servers that showed everyone other people's account information, not credit cards or whatever but just addresses and what not, what you owned...

    But that's it, static information, you had no access to that account and you couldn't change anything.

  5. There's a topic on the steam forums about how Smeeta is OP.

    Basically saying that Smeeta giving too many resources is a actually OP and has a negative impact on the game.

    I argued that new players might actually welcome having some satisfaction after grinding for DNA for weeks for this one kavat.

    He said DNA is worth 5p a pop so i shouldn't make a big deal out of it.

    This is literally a rich tenno complaining that the peasants are getting things too easy. I am sad.

  6. 1 minute ago, Nijyumensou said:

    Seriously, I don't see why we should even be enjoying/earn those plat made from other player misery of not being able to handle the grind wall and resort to buying it through trade?

    that's harsh, sometimes paying customers don't have time to grind :3.(Discounts help).

  7. People are just overreacting that they they can't "mine" for prime parts like they used to in survival missions, which they can sell afterwards in trade chat.

    Apparently this was the norm. Just replace mine with void and diamonds with prime parts...this would make a great parody.


  8. 6 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

    I'm all for quality story telling but waiting half a year for each quest? I know de work hard on them, I'm not saying they don't. but i feel like the wait for these quests really hurt the game overall. i mean the appeal of Warframe as an fpsmmo is that it updates regularly with fun updates. 

    but since the second dream they've set a bar for themselves and imo it just seems a little high for a game of this type.

    Here's another perspective on this, Warframe didn't budge lore-wise for a few years, i'm kinda happy they finally settled on something because that means we might actually have a full story and eventually...an ending. Story ending, mind you, gameplay might still be there, but it wouldn't surprise if they want to move on to another project/game.

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