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Posts posted by Avarcaness

  1. Hi, before you continue reading, please take the time to read this "Author's note", if you will. While I originally intended for this story to be based in the Warframe universe, I strayed from the original concept and started writing my own universe. This was the start of the first chapter



    Hex lay, paralyzed with fear, behind a large pile of rubble, shielded from the light emitting from the center of the blown-out room. Shadows streaked across the wall behind him, occasionally flickering and warping eerily as bulky shapes ambled past. When this happened, Hex found herself unable to move for fear of being discovered.


    As a trio of troops walked nearby, off to the right, Hex wondered how she'd gotten herself into this mess. She didn't even remember anything prior to the blast. She had simply woken up and found herself, miraculously unharmed, in the midst of the rubble and destruction. Her thoughts wandered to what was happening elsewhere in the system. Throughout the night she'd heard screams and the odd explosion, but she had no way of finding out news from across The Grid, as her system was often referred as.


    There is no doubt, though, that she was plainly and obviously terrified. Terrified of being caught, terrified of what would happen if she were caught, terrified of making any noise or movement at all. She hadn't even dared to shift her position for the whole night, even though a sharp shard of rubble was digging into her chest. Nonetheless, That isn't to say there hadn't been any close calls during the night. A few hours previously, Hex had to pin herself close to the rigid, stone wall to avoid being caught in the beam of a flashlight. After that, she wasn't taking any chances.


    Once again, just as it had been all night, a loud, harsh voice blared over a loudspeaker;


    Any survivors, please do not be frightened. We are few, but we are strong. Join us. Embrace us. Come out, and your shall be spared. Ignore this message, and you shall be hunted like an animal. Make your choice. You have one hour and fifteen minutes left.


    Despite what the announcer said, Hex knew it not to be true. Hours earlier, she had heard a man coming out to the soldiers.The man's voice had seemed faintly familiar... but later, when she recalled the scene, she couldn't place him. The man was, to her horror, shot on the spot. The bulky soldiers promptly walked away, leaving the dying man on the ground, in a pool of his own blood.


    Hex fingered a chain necklace that hung around her neck. The metal felt cold against her skin. Hooked at the bottom link was a small, tin lockbox. Engraved on the roof was a strange symbol. Although Hex had no idea what it meant, it felt special to her somehow, as if an inkling of her memories was reminding her that she had a past.


    Hex's thoughts were disrupted by an exchange of grunting and snarling. Two soldiers had strode into the room to investigate. One soldier walked towards her hiding spot, sweeping their wide flashlight beam across the room. Shadows fled where the beam landed and illuminated charred walled and chunks of rubble scattered haphazardly across the floor. The soldier strayed dangerously close to Hex. Her first impulse was to run, but she knew that bullets were faster than she was. She lay where she was, flattened against the cold stone floor, and hoping against hope that she wouldn't be discovered.


    Too late. Upon hearing something, the soldier turned flashed his light into the direction from whence it came. In doing so, Hex's body was caught in the light. The soldier lurched backward and shouted something over his shoulder. In rushed the other soldier. Hex rolled out of the way before they could reach her, pulling herself to her feet. She ducked under a blow from an outstretched arm and bolted for the door. The soldiers yelled yet more and followed in hot pursuit.


    Hex stumbled out of the cracked door frame and into the hallway. The commotion had attracted attention, and soon more soldiers began to appear in the exits. They caught sight of Hex, silhouetted in the light of the other flashlights. She scrambled down the hallway and shoved her way through a dark door.


    Finding herself on the stairs, she vaulted over the side railing and landed on the next level. Soldiers burst into the staircase above her, clamoring and shouting. Some went up, some went down. Hex didn't wait around much longer. She ran down the stairs, two more levels at least, and found herself at the bottom of the stairwell. She pushed through a door and bolted into the ruins of a lobby. She recognized the lobby. A faintly glowing fluorescent sign sat hanging on a hinge, suspended only by a single bent hook. The sign read;


    "Comfort Hotel."


    Hex didn't have time to ponder the subject. She heard footsteps pounding on the metal stairs. Soon she would have company. She clambered under a bent metal support beam and climbed out a shattered window onto a desolate street. Debris fluttered raggedly in the streets, bags and papers rolling along the cracked concrete road. An impenetrable cloud of dust hovered over The Grid, blocking light from above. Miniature dust devils swirled around the block, twisting and snaking around objects and finally coming to a rest.


    Hex felt fatigued and tired. The explosion had dome more damage than she had thought, and staying up all night hadn't helped either. She didn't have the energy to run much longer, and there were soldiers close behind. She strayed too close to a wall, stumbled, and slammed into it. She fell and hit the ground, rolling off the curb and coming to rest leaning against the slightly warn wreckage of a car. She just wanted to forget her troubles... go to sleep... sleep.


    Her vision started to fade. The last thing she remembered seeing was a soldier standing over her and whispering into her ear;


    "Consider this a warning shot."


    A cold, metal barrel pressed into her chest. A gloved hand clutched the trigger and squeezed.


    Hex closed her eyes.



    Thanks for reading! If I ever finish the rest of it, I'll release it on FanFiction.Net. My account is called Avarcaness. Anyways, this story is highly incomplete. As you can plainly see, there are many flaws and unexplained events. I'll try to fix that in later versions. Once again, thanks!

  2. You've clearly put much thought into this. But it's already been proven that Tenno are HUMAN. Tenno are the remnants of the old humans from the Orokin Era on Earth. That's a line taken almost directly from the game.

  3. Stealth system in this game is currently broken, you can't stealth kill... you just stealth attack... What causes many times to slash an enemy throat and he/she/it keeps walking '-'

    As far as I've seen recently, some seem to be working and some don't. If I sneak up behind somebody I can usually stealth kill them, but sometimes it doesn't work.

  4. Introduction:


    Warframe is a great game, don't get me wrong. But it irks me that they say it's about space ninjas, and it's really not. Ninjas are stealthy. Ninjas are fast. Ninjas have incredibly fast reaction time. Warframes don't have any of these. Sure, occasionally a player can pull off a stealth mission, but it's too difficult, and it's just not ninja-like. I also feel that the parkour mechanics are lacking in this game, which brings me my next topic, reaction time. I understand that this game is just in beta, but this is constructive feedback for improving the game. So here are my big topics:


    Improving the parkour mechanics; so right now you can climb various objects, and you can wall run. There's not a whole lot of options.


    Improving reaction time; as of now, the reaction time after pressing a button is incredibly slow. If you press space, you jump several fractions of a second later rather than immediately. This bothers me incredibly. You should be able to press space, and have your Warframe jump immediately. I also think they should speed up the time of falling, especially when doing a jumping melee attack. I'll go into further detail later.


    Improving stealth mechanics; in Update 7 they greatly increased stealth, and they did so furthermore in Update 8. I realize they're working on making stealth better, and I have a few ideas that I believe could help.


    Parkour Mechanics:


    So as I stated, there aren't many options for parkour. You can awkwardly clamber onto a ledge, or you can wall run (which is pretty unresponsive and hard to use).


    I think they should add a lot of well known parkour moves that are actually used in real life. If you're a space ninja, you have to look the part. Various parkour moves include the following:


    Vaulting, Lache, Precision Jumping, Rolling, Muscle-Ups, Light Drop, Underbars, Tic-Tacs, and Wall Running.


    All of these could hypothetically be utilized in Warframe. Say you're running from a group of Grineer. You see a ledge or a railing up ahead. Currently, if you try to jump over them, you'll probably go farther than you mean to. If better parkour was implemented, you could vault over it, turn around, and grab hold of the ledge. From there you could drop or slide down the wall, eventually reaching the safety of the ground.


    Another practical use for better parkour would be if you're being pursued and you find a dead end; a wall with some crates and pipes sticking out. Instead of fighting, you could wall run up the wall, grab hold of some obstacles, and make a daring escape.


    It would also be cool to be able to edge along walls and railings. If undetected, enemies could not see you when doing this.


    Not only would parkour be useful in escaping, but also just for fighting, If there's an enemy behind cover, vault over it and stab him. Parkour could also be used for traversing the enviroment faster. Think Assassin's Creed. There's all types of moves that could be used in combat and for getting around.


    Stealth Improvements:


    Stealth is currently pretty useless. I find it fun, but there's really no point to it. You don't get any bonus rewards, and if you're farming it decreases enemy spawns so you don't get resources or money. It takes longer than normal runs, it's harder, and it has no point. So I aim to improve it. Here are some of my ideas.


    1.) The ability to shoot out lights or panels to stop enemies from alerting the ship. You could also hack a panel to turn off the alert. On Corpus missions, hacking panels disables cameras.


    2.) Timed alerts. If you're alerted you should be able to go into stealth mode and, after a set amount of time, the alert will turn off. However, enemies will still be more wary than before.


    3.) Rewarding stealth runs. Currently, stealth runs don't give any special reward. I propose that stealth runs should give a reward based off how stealthy you were. If you got 0 alerts, it could be a x7 reward. If you had some detection, but no alerts it could be a x6, etc etc.


    4.) Rewarding stealth assassinations. Simple, add rewards for stealth kills.


    5.) Ability to kill bosses stealthily. Currently this is impossible.


    6.) After destroying a generator, alerts can no longer be triggered. Your frame is truly a warrior of the shadows.


    7.) Ability to stealth kill Infested, MOA's, Shield Grineer, etc.


    8.) Stealth kills do more damage. I hate it when I try to stealth kill a heavy gunner, and he survives and alerts everybody.


    9.) Better stealth mechanics. Ability to stealth kill people on stares. Enemies find it harder to see you, especially when the lights are off.


    10.) More silenced weapons, and possibly a mod called "silencer" that adds a silencer to your main weapon?


    11.) There's many more ideas, I might add some more.)


    Faster Reaction Time:


    What more is there to say? Jumping in Warframe is incredibly unresponsive, as well as several other movements. Make jumping faster, and with less of a delay between pressing space and actually doing the action. Also, improve reaction with jump melee attacks, rolling, sprinting, sliding, and using melee. It's not much, but it's an important feature. Ninjas aren't meant to be slow and clumsy.

  5. It's too late now, but whenever that happens, press 'Ctrl' and 'z'.  That commands is a universal undo command.  Also, if you want to redo something, go ahead and press 'Ctrl' and 'y'.



    p.s. Both keys press at the same time.

    Well, damn, it's lost forever now. But thanks for that, if that ever happens again I'll know what to do. :P

  6. Please DE, add undo and redo features. I just had the absolute biggest rage moment of my entire life. In Fanzone, I was writing an incredibly detailed short story that I'd been working on for hours. I highlight it all to copy it, and I accidentally click paste instead. Instantly, all my story was deleted and I was left with one word I'd copied hours ago. I am so mad right now, I demand they add undo and redo features to the forum.

  7. You can't balance for both! That's the whole point.

    And no. It cannot fit both because they're opposite philosophies.

    Fine, I give up, I admit it won't happen. The game is fine as it is, I just thought it was a cool idea.

  8. What you people don't get is that cover shooter and ninja parkour slash-n-dash/run-n-gun have extremely different difficulty curves. You can't just add the mechanic and let it be, if you balance for cover shooting it makes the game super-lethal for anyone outside cover (like we see already!) and if you balance for slashdash/rungun then the cover shooterists (who really have no business in this game) complain that the game's too easy!

    You pick one or you pick the other, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

    Or they balance it for both. There are already cover mechanics in the game, but they need to be polished. And I love this game. I love the run and gun mechanics. I love slash and dash. I love the game as it is. But I also like cover shooters, and I have a feeling Warframe could fit into both categories.


    The current cover shooting mechanics work reasonably well, and so do the run and gun, but they just need to be mixed and balanced.

  9. Well, I'll redo this post later...


    But I agree with most of you about having the "option" of taking cover. For example, you run behind a crate and text will pop up saying "press c to take cover," or something like that.


    Also, I thought it would be fun to be able to do parkour while taking cover (Like vaulting over a crate to move yourself forward).


    I do currently like the cover system; it's very useful at certain times and even though it's not a "full-on" cover system, I must say it works quite well. I'm not saying DE should turn Warframe into a copy of Gears of War, but just improve a bit on the cover mechanics currently. It would be useful, fun, and even maybe immersive.

  10. I know Warframe is really built for run-and-gun mechanics, but I'm a huge fan of cover shooters. Not only do they add immersion, but they also have a practical use and are very useful in dangerous situations when you just need to get down.


    Personally, I feel that cover-shooting mechanics would be great. It would make stealth better, as it would block all your body parts from view. If you're in cover, you could also shimmy across the wall, limiting the amount of visible body parts. It would also be great to be able to fluidly switch positions in combat. For example, if there are two crates several feet away from each other, you could take cover behind one, then roll to the other one quickly. You can currently already to this in game, but it's not as responsive and not as fluid as it could be.


    The AI can take cover, and it's fairly efficient. So why not us?


    -Avarcaness. (This post may be expanded on in the future.)

  11. Good job it's pretty good. I like the twist Muhaha

    Of course! The Lotus has been our enemy all along. We were just too clouded to know it. Now we must confront her. We must stop this madness.


    EDIT: Made some revisions and changed a few paragraphs slightly.

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