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Posts posted by Equil1

  1. Or.. perhaps a high amount of Orokin cells instead of Forma? I thought the dojo was meant to be a resource sink, I have 40+ orokin cells which I'm never going to spend making frames/potatoes. Also yes, severely hinders progress of smaller-sized clans, quite frustrating.


    How would say ~150 orokin cells instead of 5 forma work?


    ... potentially missing out on more HELLFIRE.


    Fixed ;)

    I was kind of more referring to how mods drop like candy from mobs in defense missions, not to mention resource drops. The claim & exit reward is more just the topping on the cake(Or Banshee BPs if you're lucky).

  3. I meant two different infested enemies. The Ancient disruptor's attack has two powerful effects. I'd suggest making it so disruptors only drained the players energy and some other enemy drained the players shields.


    Maybe give the shield drain ability to the Ancient Healer or something, he needs some offensive love.

    Well yeah, I just thought since we already have a unit dedicated to shield draining(Osprey) we should try to keep it unique and interesting by not having enemies sharing the same function.

  4. Well, wait, isn't that how Defense maps work? Players can claim & exit at every 5 wave intervals, leaving their fellow Tenno behind but potentially missing out on more rewards. I don't see the harm in implementing the same idea into other missions types.

  5. Personally, I think Disruptors need to be split into two enemies. They drain both shields and energy in one hit. How about one enemy that drains shields in one hit, and another that drains energy.

    Well.. there's already the Leech Osprey for shield draining, unless you mean two different infected enemies? Maybe buff Leech Ospreys and remove the shield drain from Distruptors? *shrug*

  6. Another idea I had is instead leave distruptors as they are, but for anyone familiar with Dark Souls, add invulnerability frames during your knocked down animation until you're back on your feet. It feels like such a cheap shot when you're knocked down by an Ancient/Leaper that was nowhere near you on your client(Due to lag or what have you) and then have your energy sapped while you're on the ground, unable to retaliate. 


    Also they're incredibly hard to avoid in groups on the defense map like on Xini, where the pod is on a small platform, there's not much room to roll out of the way of their tentacles without rolling off the edge, which is sub-optimal to say the least, it kind of requires you to be Rhino and pop iron skin or just sacrifice your energy and shields and tank the hits. 

  7. I suggest Distruptors should drop accumulative energy orbs. By this I mean they would drop an energy orb on death depending on how much energy they've sapped from players. It would work something like this:


    No players sapped = No drop

    1 player sapped = 25 Energy drop

    2 players sapped = 50 Energy drop

    3 players sapped = 75 energy drop




    It could also work in a more complicated fasion, e.g it could drop an energy orb that would give 25% of the total energy it's consumed from all players.


    I came up with this idea just after experiencing how futile and easy it can be for distruptors to take -all- your energy sometimes, I know the best solution is to avoid getting into those situations in the first place, but I feel like this would be a nice addition without horribly unbalancing anything and make it feel more rewarding for taking them down.


  8. So me and my friend decided to go snag the glaive blueprint for this alert, when an ancient decided to drop a mod down a supposedly "safe" area underneath a un-usable elevator, we could see the mod down there so I assumed it wasn't a "dead zone" as usually mods that fall down those will teleport back up somewhere. After going down to get it, we were now trapped in a textureless "pit" of sorts. Unable to escape we were forced to abort the mission.


    Screenshots below:






    Thought I'd report this incase this "setpiece" is used in future map-generation.



  9. On the topic of Kril... "it's" ragdoll seems to be very unstable for some reason, after doing some Exta runs with some friends the other night, nine times out of ten it's ragdoll would spasm and stretch all over the place, causing all our games to chug down to about 10-15 FPS. Made it quite the challenge getting to extraction in slow motion.

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