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Posts posted by Demogarose

  1. OP claims multiple times to be "done here" or "quitting" and yet is still here replying...

    also claims to be representing people, without actual proof of said representation...

    apparently the OP is unfamiliar with the way the real world works.


    The Junction requirement is something we ALL have to deal with, like it or not. Complaining WON"T make it go away. Junctions are how DE has decided to handle their progression system going forward, like it or hate it. Either deal with it, or actually leave like you've been claiming you are.



  2. 14 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

    You clearly have no idea how publisher operate. 


    No developer has full control when under a publisher. A publishers ONLY job is to get back investments and keep their shareholders happy which means strict deadlines and pushing developers in a direction they want them to go to maximise profits.


    You may think it would be an influx of cash but it would end up just another free to play cash grab game.

    10000000000000000x this.

    Publishers ONLY care about their bottom line and ROI. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Cyanidekiller24 said:

    but I don't think that you can just switch frames in the middle of the quest can you? I don't think we were allowed to switch during second dream.

    The Second Dream was broken up into several missions, between which you could return to your Orbiter IIRC, allowing you to restock gear and switch equipment.

    That's also how all the other quests in the game work, so why would they change anything for TWW?


  4. First things first: ALL HAIL THE CORGI COMMANDER!


    With that out of the way, here's my advice:


    Don't fall into the trap of only ever using one frame!


    Get in the habit of picking the best frame for the job, instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. For example, Frost is great for Defense missions, but you wouldn't want him for a Spy. Ember is great for low-level trash clearing, but doesn't do so well against tougher targets.


    Picking the right frame for the mission and enemy type is essential to success the higher up you go.

  5. This is exactly what I expected out of the Bladestorm rework, and I can't say I'm too broken up about it. As long as no further negative changes are made to it (i.e. keep it finisher damage, don't lower the damage) I'm happy.

  6. I personally believe that the biggest barrier to entry for the Trials is a lack of player training.

    Let me explain: There are mechanics involved in the raids that simply DO NOT EXIST outside of them, leading to complete unfamiliarity from players that have not participated in them before, which leads to those that ARE familiar with these mechanics unwilling to risk their run bringing along those who are not.


    The solution? Introduce players to the mechanics involved in the raids in a lower risk environment. Train them in what to do, by making them do it in a place where failure is far less painful. Also, dont try and teach all of it at once. Have them encounter them one at a time, so they become familiar with them gradually, rather than hitting them with information overload (another problem with trying to learn the current raids).


    This would also be great for the game as a whole. There are alot of interesting mechanics utilized in the Trials, brining them out of the Trials and into the regular star map would go a long way to spicing things up a bit.

  7. First off, the DPS of the Synoid is actually HIGHER than the base Heliocor (120x1.08=129.6, 140x0.833=116.62) when not accounting for Crits

    The Synoid then trades Crit for Status Chance, and I for one am ok with that. I just mod for Viral and swap Blood Rush out for Weeping Wounds and boom, done.

  8. I've come up with a solution/compromise: 

    Leave Carrier's Vacuum AS IS, and give the new, split Vacuums to all the other sentinels.  This would make Carrier still the best option for those who only want Vacuum, but would still allow other sentinals to have a weaker version for those that want the functionality of another Sent but still want the convenience of Vacuum.

    This creates an interesting choice for the player, and DE's stated goal is more player choice.

  9. From the official Dev Stream Overview: 

    What we're playing with right now is this idea: Vacuum will be transformed into 3 new mods that can be used by any sentinel, with 3 different types of Vacuum:

    · Health and Energy

    · Credits and Ammo

    · Mods, Endo, and Resources/Miscellaneous


    So instead of 1 mod, I'll now have to use 3? This is a NERF no matter how you try to spin it.

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