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Posts posted by (PSN)Galaxy_Cicada

  1. 6 minutes ago, 321agemo said:

    Problem is, its not out yet. And we have no idea when its coming out.

    And im not sure but DE said its a support frame, not a healing frame? Which raises the question of whether it can heal other AW.

    Not yet, but it's been brought up enough that hope may be had that it's sooner than soon (tm) 

    And if it doesn't heal, it fails to fill an obvious gap... and healing is a type of support. Just trying to stay hopeful realy

  2. So, just had a brainwave. For all of you salty about the trinity nerf when it comes to healing in JV, maybe some relief isn't too far out. Hear me out. 

    Now, we know the devs have been playing around with AW movement, and making the game mode more interesting in general with new mission types.  We also know the next 'wing is supposed to be a 'healer' support unit. So maybe it's all just prep for incentive to get the new 'wing, and the AW revamp is closer than we think. 

  3. Title makes it pretty clear, but just to clarify, on missions of a more defensive nature(defense, mobile defense, interception, etc.), who do you not leave your orbiter without? 

    For me it's vabuan(prime), I'm finding him to be a frame who's just natural to me. Love the cc, and vortex + tonkor gets really useful in those later waves. And oddly enough, I just don't like playing frost. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Reitrahc said:

    Style doesn't beat finisher damage.

    To you. We're clearly not playing for the same endgame here. I'm guessing you like doing long void runs? Cause for me it's all about dat fashionframe. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Reitrahc said:

    VR Sucks anyway. Just get Crimson Dervish. Nothing beats finisher damage and 3x damage combos.

    VR isn't about getting the best damage, it's about looking amazing. I should be using my Dervish, but VR is just awesome to watch. I'd rather take a little longer and kill things in style.

  6. I main nezha, his mobility is amazing, as long as you can keep waring halo up you've got great durability, his heal is enough for keeping myself alive in solo, but not reliable enough for team play I'll admit, and his spears do pretty good damage up to a certain point, and are still good cc after that. It's hard playing other frames now. I love my trapframe

  7. 40 minutes ago, Ghost_1302 said:

    On a side note, when I say "rino p set" and get 500 pm's, I'm not gonna respond to all of them with "thanks but I already made a deal with the other guy". So don't get to upset when people don't respond to your pm.

    ^this. While I agree with most of what was said I usually end up having way to many offers coming in to get back to everyone. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)xKAIOWAx said:

    Djinn have a good concept but dont works against targets with guns, when he attract enemies everybody shoot in him and instantaneously die =/ , shade s terrible, he loose invisibility so easy, huras do the same much better, wyrm im really dont know, have few exp with him, diriga and helios are great , my favorites sentinels , death cube need much more power and carrier s for lazy peoples 

    I don't think your djinn is working right. Enemies just tend to aimlessly wander in when it's ability kicks in for me

  9. Le sigh... honestly kids these days. Theb only time I've ever actively ignored(with the button) someone in trade was when they started giving me lip for 'taking to long' to reply. Like everyone has it easy on chat on console. (Did prompt me to buy a keyboard attachment though)


    Other than that, sometimes I don't get back to people when I get around 9-10 replies to a wtb message in trade chat

  10. Now I should start with the fact that this did not happen to me, as I haven't been in my system today. But my girlfriend updated warframe today and after the update the game was just gone off her system. She's having to re-install the whole thing over again. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Should I avoid updating my own game for awhile just in case? I'd like to find out some sort of reason for this so I can offer her an explanation as to what happened. 

  11. Updating consoles is a process. You have to port the updates, fix any resulting bugs, push it through console cert. And then it goes live. 

    It's better to just wait till the update is significant before going through so that work. Plus it gives them time to fix any bugs PC updates caused, so honestly in happy to wait

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