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Posts posted by (PSN)Galaxy_Cicada

  1. I'm mr7, almost ready to go to 8. I'm not amazing, but I don't need to be carried either. I've got forma'd gear, almost have my frame builds complete, rarely ever go down, have carried pugs.

    I'm a low MR. I'm not pro, but I'm not a liability either. I just have limited free time to rank up new gear all the time. You know with a full time job, relationship, and social life taking up much of my time.

  2. Hydroid, the much hated, has his uses beyond pilfering swarm. I'm serious. I used nothing but hydroid to till I got Nezha (who ruined me with warding halo+speed/mobility)

    But most of his skills provide close area CC, set up finishers, can bypass laser doors in more than one way, and his skills spammed in defence can clear the pod of threats pretty quick.

    Just don't mod for range. Or things get useless quick

  3. Have you... not played Rhino ever? I think Nezha is better, just curious.

    Favorite warframe probably Loki Prime. He is just so versatile and easy, there is always a place for Loki in a squad. Runner-up is probably Nezha just because he is so mobile and has decent utility with a low skill floor, but a high skill ceiling.

    I have rhino prime, but yeah prefer the agile tank of nezha. Also even when warding halo goes down and my health evaporates, a well timed Chakram throw heals it all /is a fun escape vector

  4. My favorite warframe is Nezha because(everybody needs a little controversy)

    But realy it's a combination of good speed, powers that the use of feels natural to me, and the first time I used warding halo was a crazy power trip that sold me for life.(it was like: ahahahaha-I'M INVINCIBLE )

    And to this day, when I manage my energy well, I finish a lot of games with 0% damage taken, and picking up teammates is a lot less stressful in even the worst of times

  5. Im curious why people are picking Wukong. I just finished building him yesterday and started playing.

    Defy seems very good for late game stuff. People are swearing by Iron Jab, even though Im not getting behind it just yet. Ever been in a late-game survival where everything oneshots, entire team is down, you have 10% of lifesupport left and need to traverse half the map to get to the exit? Cloudwalker. One of the things I am questioning is Primal Fury...how strong is it late game?

    Either you need to watch your energy very carefully or be amazing at knowing when to trigger defy or it will be less than useful, iron jab is a melee sniper shot, that's hard to aim. Much better one skulls on most frames. Cloudwalker's speed reduction is painful and ruins it's utility. Primal fury I can't complain about though
  6. I held off getting sayrn because I knew her prime was coming, my girlfriend uses her quite often though, with great success. I think it's much more preferable to have her skills as they are now where they're dynamic and have synergy with each other. Makes it an interesting and fun frame to use instead of boring one button spam. But hey having an engaging playstyle may just be fun for the minority. Who knows

  7. So one thing I see quite a lot is people advocating the same 7 or 8 weapons for endgame, and everything else is MR fodder. Now we also know with enough forma any weapon can preform at least decently in the endgame. So with that in mind, what 'sub-optimal' weapons do people find they just can't let go of/would rather use over the 'normal' choice.

    For me, hate me all you want for it, I prefer my karak wraith over my boltor p. Something in the sound and operation of the weapon is just preferable to me. Mostly those across the map sniper bursts being hitscan allows.

  8. Oh I know what to do, I'm one of those people who looks things up ahead of time. I just only got around to unlocking Uranus last night.

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone

  9. The big question is why is that one speed runner even in a pug? If you can rush through and one shot everything just to leave people catching up, why aren't you solo? I have to agree spending a whole game running behind someone who can't even stop to mark the good mod drops,never using a skill or a weapon once = not fun.

    I was that person one time, and only because I had just switched from a slow frame to a fast one, and was kinda marveled by my own speed. After I felt bad for my team...

    This is why I only play with a premade team anymore. (That and showing up to an excavation pug to pick up everyone else off the floor the second I arrived)

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