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Posts posted by ComediNyan

  1. Pretty rare (3 times since mainline) yet severe animation-lock(?) bug. Noticed it after the mainline update, the one with self-stagger introduction, but I suspect it was present before - but it's much easier to trigger it now.

    What happens: can't jump, crouch, slide, shoot guns, use melee and abilities, type in chat (at least by hitting the assigned button). Of all the things that I would regularly use, wasd, run and gear still work.
    What causes: my assumption is conflicting animations. Or landing animation in particular. Of the times I remember having this bug, 1 was caused by self-stagger (evolving "can't jump after self-stagger" to this?), second one was by mashing space bar to skip the landing cutscene while boarding the sentient ship - or shortly after.

    The only way I found that worked to get rid of that state once you are in it is respawn - by dying, lesser measures didn't work.
    I would attach a video if it would be helpful, but it's just "nothing happens, as if buttons aren't pressed".
    the "can't use chat key to type in chat" thing baffles me, but it might be the key to solving this

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  2. As mentioned above, this bug exists not only on poe, even though I first encountered it here. aside from being killed and respawning, found no way to deal with it.
    to reiterate: no jumping, crouching, sliding, shooting, melee-ing, and, most importantly, writing in chat. probably also can't roll, don't remember that. Can run though.
    Since mainline, happened 5 times, 3 times today - though 2 of them resolved quite quickly for some reason. The one that didn't resolve was on trying to skip animation of landing into sentient ship. My guess is it's the problem with landing animation.

  3. 1 hour ago, MaxScarf said:


    there are still limitations, but fair point - I worked around them instead of within them.
    To clarify: watched couple of recordings on youtube and thought, that timing problem was inherent to Shawzin (now think that recording system is inaccurate) - so decided - let's just have melodically interesting tune, instead of rhythmically interesting one.

  4. My entry, woo!
    Discovered (wrote, if you prefer) this tune last night, made it in guitar pro, thought "this might be good within the limitations of shawzin", made it into midi -> ShawzinBot.exe
    Bought the Sunburst Shawzin
    Got to sunny location
    Made a video


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  5. Where can I post my feedback about the update? because minimap for archwing isn't helpful in the disorientation that is regular space sim. You have to really rework it if you want for archwing to be playable.

    Also, 1 more complaint: how the hell do I rotate on axis perpendicular to my screen? it is quite essential part of any spacesim.
    You had 1 job, DE, 1 job... And that is, make your research properly.

  6. Заявка:
    Вася, ComediNyan в игре, 21 полных лет, 15 ранг и 764 наигранных часа.
    Онлайн ежедневно, чаще всего меня можно застать часов в 15 - 20
    В этом клане меня привлекло несколько вещей. Тематика: пожалуй, лучшее, что в этой игре есть - история цивилизации Орокин. Ролеплей вокруг этого был бы интересен. Также хорошо, что в клане, как тут сказано, "принципы равенства" - не могу нормально существовать в клане при тоталитаризме. Собственно, поэтому ушел из предыдущего клана - конфликт с клан лидером. Перед этим ещё клан друзей был - пришлось уйти, потому что никого не осталось играть, да и додзё самостоятельно развивать не мог не имея прав архитектора.
    Собственно, в клане хотел бы опробовать свои архитектурные замашки и просто найти хорошую компанию для торговли, общения и походов на миссии различного уровня сложности (от банального фарма до вылазок и рэйдов). Сам по жизни студент-инженер и гитарист, если кому интересно.

  7. Ищу клан с красивой эмблемой, названием и додзе. И чтобы без обсерваторий, упирающихся в другое крыло)
    Готов участвовать как в рейдах, так и походах в бездну. Но социальный аспект клана меня привлекает не так сильно.
    Касательно всяких голосовых программ, регулярно пользуюсь Discord и чувствую себя в нем комфортно. К остальным программам равнодушен.
    О себе: больше 18 лет, за 2 с чем-то месяца 700 часов игры и 14 ранг. Онлайн почти ежедневный. В основном, играю за Нову и Инароса.

    Edit: На данный момент уже не ищу клан.

  8. Thanks for the response. And thanks for explaining, why exactly Draco is so rewarding, I myself haven't thought about that until this point.

    First of all, I myself do agree that Draco isn't a problem at all, but on the last devstream, this topic was brought up to light and one of the developers said that they dislike this situation and want to rework Draco. This was just thoughts on how would I do it, if wanted to force people to play my game how I want them to play it.

    And now to the interceptions and my problems with them. I must admit that at the time, when I played mostly with Frost, I didn't realize that letters near map blink when corresponding points are being captured. but even if I would be able to utilize him to full potential and knew the map layout (which is a must), you are in a bigger disadvantage compared to other mission types. It requires to cc with large area, ability to quickly get to other capture point. And though I agree that making my suggestion a reality is too much work, I still think that it's unreasonably hard to solo interceptions.

  9. In the last gamedev stream it was stated, that developers want to change Draco as they want people to experience full game, not just one mission (or something like that). This is my response.

    While I do agree that having 1 game mode for exp farming is unreasonable and makes people tired of the game fast, there are 2 points to make about Draco situation. First is that interceptions give that much exp because they are technically harder than other game modes. You can't solo them at all as you just can't move through the map fast enough, can't be on defense and attacking in the same time, need to have very powerful weapons to capture a point while it's being attacked, can't start interception with all points captured. If I had the ability to change interceptions, I would, firstly, make so that amount of capture points scale with amount of players, if only one player there should be 3 points to capture at most; secondly, to fix the "too much exp" problem, I can only suggest lowering the spawn rates of eximus enemies. I'm not really sure if that would make a difference though.

    Second point I want to make is that Draco is merely a symptom of a problem. The problem is it's not fun to level up both frames and weapons, and if you want to be more effective, installing forma is a must. Again, 2 ways to fix: lower the exp needed to level up weapon with forma installed. That will lower the need to go Draco if you don't wish to spend a lot of time and also, if one decides to go Draco, they won't be burnt out on the game as fast. Other way might need exp/min tweaking for different game modes. The idea is giving the players place to farm experience that would be different every day or, let's say, every 5 missions. If going 'daily' route, developers can attach exp boosted missions to sorties: you either get access to them after completing sortie, or sortie missions you completed gain exp multiplier (for both completing them and killing enimies that also stacks with exp boosts) for the next times you decide to go through them.

    Hope my suggestions will be useful.

  10. There are couple questions I want to ask.

    The first one is about story line. Is there a possibility in future to leave Lotus? After completing second dream, I feel like my character wouldn't want to side with her if he had an option. She made Tenno destroy a great civilization they were a part of, furtermore, she originally supposed to destroy Tenno afterwards. Even if there is no rage towerds her, she is certainly dangerous, so being close to her and following her orders is foolish and risky, as my character thinks.

    Second question is about Draco and balance in game modes. I couldn't compress my thoughts well enough so here's a link to a post.

  11. Ok, starting with the complaints. I want to play game in English but still have chat active. In my region, none plays in English so chat is empty. Completely. And I can't talk with other people that do know English because there is no global chat. Only regional. And those regions are tiny - none speaks English in eastern Europe, according to the chat activity.
    The second complaint would be that global isn't readable in peak hour, pretty self-explanatory.

    IMHO, the way to 'fix' this would be having multiple chat rooms, divided only by language. And even though this might make economy in game a little bit shaky, I myself don't really see that would have that big of a negative effect in a long term; the positive ones are here to stay.
    So, about chat rooms, having about 500 English chat rooms and 250 in every other supported language should work (I might be overshooting). I'm not against having chat language the same as client language. But having the ability to talk in global is surely good. The way multiple chat rooms would work is when you join global chat, you are assigned to a room that doesn't have too much or too little people. Around 25-50 would work, but it needs testing. Though I don't really know, how to fix room being overpopulated, splitting it in two seems a bit rough. Also, adding 1 command to change the room (like "/global n" where n is number of the chat room) is necessary then. The same probably should be said about trade chat.

    And yes, I merely described how PoE's chat looks/feels like. Having flexible chat system really helps improving the game, and current chat system is very limited.

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