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Posts posted by (XBOX)MountedCombat

  1. I can't draw worth crap (my stickmen are insults to the art of three-year-olds), but I have some good ideas. Does it count as "mine" if I convince somebody to draw the idea for me with both of us having full knowledge that I am entering it in this contest?

  2. Just did it through pure, unadulterated luck. I had a speed/loot build Mirage (the fastest Warframe in my possession) that I was using to loot every single container on the map, and one of the locker rooms dropped five small life support capsules, along with me finding another three throughout the mission, totaling 24 additional seconds. I say this is pure luck because I had found a grand total of three life support capsules across my other five tries.

  3. I have tried three times, and each time I failed with 15-25 seconds left because I didn't get enough life support from the Lotus, with the item crates not dropping any and the enemies apparently immortal. I tried my highest-damage lacera build, Trinity's energy vampire, radiation procs, and a karyst with a rank 2 covert lethality: the enemy's health bars never visibly moved.

  4. Ever since this event started, I haven't been able to play publicly. Setting the matchmaking to "public" has a 90% chance to cause "Failed to connect to server. You will be logged out." to pop up, forcibly logging me out, and even when I do get it set to public other players trying to join me or me trying to join other players will trigger a "host not found" error message. I tried to start a mission five times on public with the hope of people joining me mid-mission, and each time the game reached the mission intro cut scene (where your ship flies towards the target), it would pixelate, pop up an error message about loss of connection, and send me back to the mission selection screen.

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