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  1. Its funny how when Duviri came out, I had this conversation with my warframe friend – how with how many years of content this game has it is becoming harder and harder to connect completely new people to the new content. With Duviri the idea to make it a new starting point really didnt hit. And now we are here at the point of a potential story skip option for plat. First and foremost, I personally do not care how people want to spend their money. So if someone really only wants to play a new game for the most recent content and doesnt mind to pay, go right ahead. But on the flip side, I do think that it might lead to certain issues regarding new player retention as well as difficulty balance and other frustrations. I also believe that there is no “quick fix” for this issue without overhauling some of the systems in place. Yes, just like Rebecca has said a lot of the grinds have become better, but the really early start is still just as bad. POSSIBLE SOLUTION right now? I think the best option CURRENTLY without overhauling a lot of the systems in place is probably something akin to having a free “story pass” where a new player gets to play the replaybable story quests with preprovided inventory & loadout in chronological order. This would differ to Rebecca's proposed idea in that the new player still plays through the story quests themselves, goes through them one by one and gets to experience the lore instead of just skipping it all to the end. This would reduce the story grind significantly, it would still keep the aspect of unlocking junctions and planets as a secondary goal for new players functional and it would keep story quests outside the MR restrictions bubble. And most importantly new players actually get to connect to the lore and understand where it started and where it progressed to (if this can be done Co-Op with your WF friend to experience together, even better). Looking into the future Though going forward I would like to see the game itself become more accessible for new players and change certain things to make progression more engaging and interesting. Right now, players start on Earth, “backtrack” to Mercury to then open Mars, take a quick visit to Phobos but also see Deimos, then go to Ceres, Jupiter, quick visit to Europa, then Saturn and finally to start Natah, Uranus. This progession is so messy and hard to follow and a new player just asks why? Call everything before Natah “Act 1 - Finding your place". Then call everything from Natah to Sedna “Act 2 - Finding your identity". And then everything between from Sedna to New War would be “Act 3 - Finding your purpose" (the names are just examples). Make a progession window (similar to the new update overview window for the Dagath update) for all these acts so new players can easily follow what is recommended to do (such as what quests, nodes, requirements to finish for what junction and a recommended order), mark side/warframe quests as side/warframe quests so new players dont get stuck on those thinking they HAVE to finish them for progression and also use these progession windows to teach basic concepts that werent covered in Vor's Price. I think this could reduce the time to get to the newest content immensely. I was helped by friends back when I started playing WF and I have helped countless new players myself. I have seen both people that wanted to grind everything themselves, wanted to take their time as well as people who liked the story quests but hated getting there who spend money to speed up certain things (railjack, necramech, etc.). From all those experiences, I have seen that the quests from Natah forward have always been an integral part to people's curiousity to keep playing the game and seeing more of the lore. So I really do believe that not even having to play these quests would take away from player retention whereas a quicker way to at least experience them could help to make the game more accessible.
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