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Posts posted by AbsolutionZero

  1. I think you're asking for too much. The title isn't really enough, imho, to have DE give you every frame to come for free. The fact that you paid so much for the Founders PKG tells me that you love the game, hence you helped the devs with that purchase. That was merely it though, support for the game.

  2. I think you guys should change prime trading so that it is like for like only (like you guys originally promised trading would be like). You can only get a prime part from someone if they offer a prime part. And maybe have them tradable for credits as well instead of plat. Let plat trading be only with mods.

    :O SO you mean to say, I can trade Plat for Plat??? :O and that should be it???


    Pfft please.

  3. I got one after 15 T2 exterminates within a 24 hour period.  My 16th finally got me what I wanted as well(Dakra blade).  I also got 8 frost prime chassis before that along with a handful of keys.... Something seems wrong with that.

    I've probbaly gon through 50+ runs with no Helmet. 


    I guess I'll just wait for a fix.

  4. DE Rebecca has Confirmed this herself by running about 26 keys (she said in a reply a while ago) that she will get the guys (Sheldon) attention about a fix for this

    also #BlameSheldonForBadDropsInVoid yep sry Sheldon but it has to be done also INCREASE CREDIT REWARDS BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE

    Thanks for the info!


    I had no clue, but it's good to know it has caught attention.

  5. Has anyone been having trouble getting an Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint?


    Since the Void Rewards were disclosed, I've been grinding T2 Exterminate for days.


    No drop yet. Just Frost Prime Chassis and T3 Exterminate keys.


    Could it be a bug? Or has anyone gotten a Helm BP after U12?

  6. Not really, the damage from AoE abilities oversimplify lower levels to the point of being ridicolous and have little to no use on high level endless missions.

    This is every game ever made.


    High lvl player going into low lvl mission/dungeon will always be so much better.


    Not a very good argument.

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