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Posts posted by PurpleBomber

  1. I've yet to get better replacements for the 3 starting avionics, so I thought I'd slap a few enemies around Posit Cluster with Astral Autospy so I could see the drop lists. However, it doesn't look like DE added any codex entries for them? The new on foot Grineer enemies are in the codex, but unless I'm blind we actually don't have a way to see the avionic drops.

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  2. The vaulting system generally does work for the purpose of preventing too much drop table dilution on any given day, but the present problem is that DE started a new unvault (Valkyr/Saryn) shortly before the new Prime Access (Atlas). These two things really shouldn't overlap at all, but since they are we do have too many active relics floating around at once.

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  3. Main reason to build status over crit on the zaw is probably because Blood Rush is going to get you your orange and red crits no matter what. You don't want to tank crit completely to help Berserker get started and other things, but Blood Rush as a mod gives you a lot of leeway in your zaw design. I as well like the Ewkana Jai II on a lot of zaws, getting that extra base status helps a lot and the loss on crit chance isn't too terrible.

  4. The time-short potatoes, be it from alerts or invasions, are in fact randomly generated and not locked into any specific timeframe in which they show up. By and large the only potato alerts DE puts up manually are the Gift of the Lotus after devstreams, which as noted above are 24 hour alerts and not really relevant to this topic.

  5. I'm only on day 141 myself, but that's really neither here nor there regarding what the login rewards are for. DE wants to entice daily play for the metrics of it, as that translates well for marketing and sales purposes. To that end, the current reward system makes perfect sense. Doesn't do a ton of favors for us types that only play in bursts every few months, but eh, what's it really matter.

  6. Some of you seem to be under the assumption I'm saying that given the delay to Monday, Beasts of the Sanctuary would be ANY less broken than it ultimately was. That's simply not the case since, again and very obviously, DE does not do any significant work on Warframe on the weekend. It's strictly a difference of DE being able to more quickly respond to the most obvious and flagrant bugs with Onslaught in 1 day instead of 3. It took all of 20 to 30 minutes for players to figure out and report the bugs we're still sitting on today, and yet because of the Friday release we're stuck with them until work resumes on Monday.

  7. This should be pretty self-explanatory. For all of its flaws surely the biggest problem with Beasts of the Sanctuary is that despite a few nominal hotfixes on Friday (that didn't work very well either), every other issue has been left to stew all weekend because of business hours. Now I'm not saying DE has an obligation to pull overtime to release the update ASAP, but if Beasts of the Sanctuary was already troubled enough to push the release from Wednesday all the way to Friday then the wisest choice probably would've been to just cut the line and delay it back to Monday. There'd be forum salt, for sure, but there's no lack of it in the present situation either and simply not updating on Friday spares DE the mountain of support tickets that's surely piled up over the weekend.

  8. I saw another topic about this a few pages back, and there too the general consensus was that it'd be too difficult to accurately report the range for how variable it can be.

    ... Thing is though, I don't know why so many people think that a reported range stat on the modding page needs to be THAT exact. Just report the base range, before stance and attack modifiers, so we know the ballpark we're playing in. The game calculates this explicitly, reporting it is a simple matter.

  9. As it stands Entropy Burst is basically a tradeoff with a dual stat mod, as you can get 100% status on the Supra Vandal either way. That... doesn't seem like a bad thing to me? You say it's overshadowed by a dual stat mod, but IMO actually having the option to choose between the two and not be wrong either way is a good thing that we don't have nearly enough of in modding.

  10. The pace of waves is effectively identical to Survival and that won't change no matter what you think. The only thing DE would possibly do different based on your opinion is make each wave 5 minutes instead of 2 minutes 30 seconds, and that sounds EXTREMELY painful without some heavy reworking of how efficiency is calculated.

    If you wanna whine about the drop chances just do that, don't go for this roundabout method that only makes things worse for everyone.

  11. The main question is if DE still considers Mirage popular enough to be the holiday Prime. If the usage data says yes, we get Mirage during the holidays and Zephyr in spring. If not, we get Mesa during the holidays for the quasi-traditional cashout (see: Nova, Valkyr) and Mirage in the spring.


  12. I don't really count on the audio cue for anything regardless of where the cache objective pops up. Typically I just keep an eye on loot radar as I work outward-in the objective zone. Taking a quick run around the perimeter usually nets a cache, if not two, in most generations and from there it's just a matter of poking around the middle until you finish. Whether it's in an open field or a Grineer base doesn't really matter too much for me, at least by my experiences. Over time as well you just start learning where the spawn points are, so you'll keep an eye on the more obscure possibilities like when caches spawn in sniper towers or in caves.

  13. As soon as you get your first amp, your old void beam power is completely replaced by the amp as a new, distinct weapon for your Operator (you can unequip the amp in the Operator customization menu, if you want to for whatever odd reason). The Focus system by and large doesn't affect your amp much outside of a few abilities in Madurai, so as far as getting more punch for your Operator goes your priority should be replacing the Mote Amp you got. All the amp combinations you can assemble are wholly superior to the Mote Amp, though as to which you want it's mostly up to preference as each part is fairly equitable with each other and they just scratch different itches.

  14. Yeah, I have to agree that the problem with Bolkors over Ogmas is that Ogmas at least have to loop around before they can bomb your area again. Bolkors just come in (sometimes 2 at a time or worse, even) and camp the objective zone, raining gatling death down upon you.

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