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Posts posted by EvangelionUnit

  1. the latron was great when i started with the game (5 month ago haha) with the ammo mod, speed trigger, quick hands and some damage ups it was just awesome.


    the latron prime was then a must have and i've grinded it with my two clan buddys.

    it was awesome for some time, but with the new weapons it feels weaker (dunno if it IS weaker now)

    since it is allready 30 with a forma in it, i can wait till we get the new armor thingy and see if it's still fells weak...

  2. well buddy of me got the full reward pack last event, but not this one ...

    its allway bad for smaller player groups (pairs or 3 people) to have events where you are forced to play with full 4 player teams to get the stuff in a reasonable time ...


    i got my stuff this time, but i'm still sad because of the last time where i didn't ...


    anyway, nice to have new maps to play with

  3. i think it's fine when you throw in a potato and two or 3 formas (but then every gun is fine)

    maxed magazine mod, reload speed and fire speed a mandatory on this gun to make it somewhat usefull

    if you have the prime BP and parts, make this one or at least save your potato for it

  4. Ich finde es ziemlich langweilig gegen diesen Endboss zu kämpfen zumal man ihn ohne Muntionskisten nicht zu Boden griegt wenn man weniger als 4 Personen dabei hat. Der Boss hat einfach zu viel Leben und man verballert seine Gesamte Munition.

    Ich würde vorschlagen diesen Bosskampf etwas frischer zu gestallten.


    mfG Backfighter


    well ammo and shilde management is the key to this enemy.


    just try to get a Latron or Latron prime,

    i can go out with mine, 20 rounds per mag, and the standard 540 rounds ... i get Val down with my Rhino alone and still have ammo left over.


    (noch mal auf deutsch:)

    es kommt drauf an wie du den angehst, nehm mal ne Latron. das ding ist so sparsam, selbst wenn die fast standard ist kriegst du den tod und hast muni über!

    Braton und Boltor sind nicht so gut, oder gorgon, weil die muni raus pusten ohne ende ...

    und wenn alles nicht hiflt, gibts ja die neue muni mod für gewehre !

  5. Why should you deserve less costs for the higher tiers than others. Not gonna happen...

    because they tiered down again when they destroyed the great hall.

    same happend to me and my friends ... but we can still do stuff with 3 people.

    dunno if we could blow the 10 member barrier now, but would be only fair if this was still possible as long as the cost for new rooms are this high


    oh and i wrote a support ticket for this bug

  6. just a quick question and/or feedback


    i like your live streams, but i don't like the fact that i need to make a facebook account to get chat right in your livestreams.

    so why do you force players to make a facebook account ?

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