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Posts posted by Venatorio

  1. Was curious as to what others would think on this topic: What are your opinions on having some mods baked into every weapon? For clarity: there are a number of mods that just go onto EVERY weapon, and a lot of mods that are extremely likely to go on every weapon.


    There’s a great deal of mods that open more interesting, unique builds for weapons, but that requires sacrificing efficiency/effectiveness. The advent of the new Amalgam mods accentuates this problem. So what if, for example:

     - All primaries, secondaries, and melee weapons had their respective base damage increased by (whatever % is given by serration/hornet strike/etc.)

     - Primaries and secondaries get (split chamber/hells chamber/etc) multishot built-in

     - Melee weapon’s give you the option to either have more range or more attack speed, at %’s equal to their respective (primed?) mods, like a toggle option in the Arsenal that you can swap as you like.

     - all weapons get to toggle between either a critical rate or status rate boost, replacing... the base crit mods and some sorta status equivalent. Kind of hard to justify this one because all people use are the dual-stat mods for status chance (cuz the base status chance mods are just not good)


    I have absolutely no idea how to handle primed vs not primed mods, nor the potential sunk-endo costs this system would create. However, I at least would very much enjoy having an extra, like, 2 slots on all my weapons to use non-meta mods.


    cuz let’s be real. When we get new crit weapons, you already know what 6-7, sometimes even all 8 of your mods are going to be.


    What do you all think? Do you think the current mod system is fine? Would you like more mod slots and capacity, or baked-in free mods?

  2. But... why the new mods? We don’t need new mods. We need more mod slots. At present, we don’t have enough mod slots to actually use any of these fancy new mods that are coming out.


    Lemme explain myself before I get comment-slaughtered. Let’s say you’re building a crit primary/secondary/melee weapon. You already know ahead of time what 6-7 of your mods are going to be. Every. Single. Time. 


    Assuming you build in a way to maximize your weapon’s effectiveness, most builds are tried-and-true cookie cutter builds that allow maybe 1-2 open slots for mods of your choice. If that.


    Now, what if all primary weapons just had serration built in. And Split Chamber. Primed Pressure for melees. Etc, you get the idea. 


    We use the same old mods over and over and over 99% of the time because they work the best for most content. So now DE wants to implement mods that are MOST LIKELY (haven’t seen the new mods yet of course) going to be situational at best? Nobody will have the open capacity for them. We can only fit 8 mods.


    Warframes have a bit more flexibility, because they usually have multiple builds that we enjoy switching between. But even then, many times I’ve had to forgo Augments entirely because I just don’t have enough mod slots. Most of my primed frames have 3-4 forma invested each. And it’s just not enough. Could I sacrifice stats for Augments? Of course. Will I? Never, because most augments aren’t as efficient for helping my build do its thing than pure stat boosting mods.


    Apologies for the long rant, but I’m super miffed every time I see DE release new mods, because 90% of the time, they will simply be inferior to mods we already use, and thusly will never be used. Other times, we get a mod that’s a better version of a staple. Same problem. 


    Mod Economy is a problem. Not Mod Diversity or Mod Capacity. Fingers crossed DE realizes this... ever.

    • Like 3
  3. More operator fashion?


    Eyes roll further into skull.

    But like who actually wants operator fashion in 2019. You see the little kids for all of the 1 second it takes to pop the Zenurik dash, then never again. 


    Now, I’m not sure on this, but I would almost swear that all the recent tennogen waves that have had operator fashion have had fewer other items (skins, syandanas, etc.). Which is kind of a bummer. The old tennogen waves were so much better when it was just dumping like 12 skins at a time.


    i’d love to see statistics on purchase rates. It’d help content creators as well, as they could at least see what concepts the populace enjoys more rather than spending many hours making something that even if picked up by DE won’t be purchased by hardly anyone.


    Long rant short, Operator fashion is dead. I’d much rather prefer tennogen sets with other stuff instead.

  4. 4 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    I didn't see Wolf until last week...then I got him in 2 successive missions. First time on Jupiter...I was surprised and slightly confused, panicked a bit and he killed me quite easily. Second time was on Venus, I was slightly better prepared and had the presence of mind to dodge and bullet jump around. Eventually killed him, though he still took most of my health.

    Am I right in thinking his health & damage scale, depending on which planet you meet him on?


    His hp and damage scale off of the mission level, so in general: yes, planet dictates the Wolf’s strength. 


    Ignoring dark sectors, he will be stronger on Eris than Earth.


    ... or so the wiki tells me. I’ve got no personal experience with him. 


  5. What’re y’all’s thoughts on what’s going to happen once the nightwave ends? Will the Sledge and Armor Set be available to purchase? Should they be? When will the Wolf return, if ever?



     - I’ve completed the nightwave. Rank 32 at present. I play a few hours per day after work. MR 23. Haven’t seen the Wolf. 


    Not even once. 


    I’ve had stalker show up 3 times for pete’s sake.


    This is a pretty huge problem to me. Yes I know the nightwave’s not done yet. Yes I know DE claimed the rates would increase overtime, to the point of being annoying to paraphrase. But the boss’s spawn rates are still randomized. Statistically, some people just won’t see the wolf ever spawn. So let’s theorycraft:


    Let’s assume I play 2-3 hours daily, never touching the plains, and waiting at least 5 minutes per mission. I.e. maximizing wolf spawn chances.


    If I still don’t get the wolf to spawn, should there be some sort of recourse for me, or unlucky people like me? What are your thoughts? I’d like for there to be at least the option to buy the sledge after the nightwave is done. Because being punished with buying an MR-fodder weapon from scalpers is garbage. That’s punishing me for literally just being unlucky. And the prices are only going to go up after the event, unless DE addresses this. I don’t care if others have the weapon. I care that I may very well never have the chance to get it.

     - Umbra forma: Yes there’s only 1 per person at this point. But looking to the future... will they actually add more umbra mods? If they do, umbra mods will drastically outshine primed mods due to the “full set” scaling, which has never been DE’s intention as far as I am aware, as they were intended as a side grade option at best. So. If more umbra mods are not released, umbra forma become much less important, especially for weapons, since primed mods will just be cheaper capacity-wise and better stat-wise. No idea on this point, cuz I can’t predict the future. Thoughts?

     - The Saturn 6 Syandana and armor: while I would argue this should be kept exclusive, I can’t due to personal bias. One of my irl friends simply can’t play warframe because he’s on a business trip abroad for the next 2 months. He will never have a chance to get it. Exclusives hurt people for whom ‘life happens.’ But are they fair? Are they wanted? Is it even a big enough point to talk about, when so many other cosmetic options exist in the game? 




  6. If given a choice, I would never use K-drives at all.


    as was said by another poster, they’re mastery fodder first, a failed experiment second. DE should scrap the syndicate, then move on. 


    What i want? Fast travel. Make it so that those camps you clear STAY CLEARED. So that I can just fast travel 1k meters instead of NEEDING to use my archwing at all.


    Regarding how “hyped” people were at tennocon: this is a very small subset of warframe players. They’d be hyped at anything new, let’s be honest. K-drives are garbage. They’re not fun to the majority of the playerbase. I don’t want to play a Tony Hawk game. I want to play Warframe.

    • Like 1
  7. So I just unlocked the Saturn 6 Syandana, and my initial thoughts.... It feels too tiny?


    I’ve never seen the Wolf of Saturn yet, so I don’t know how it looks on him, but I dunno how I feel about this adorable backpack being worn by the Champion of the Saturn 6 Max-Pen.


    What are y’all’s thoughts? Too small? Goldilocks?


    wait. Nope. Nevermind. Just got a wonderful idea. Brb gonna go make a Dora the explorer x warframe meme. I’ll post pics tonight after work.

    Edit: Let's Go, Diego!

    Got a fresh set of clothes! Good to go, Diego!


    Can't forget Backpack!


    Stopped and asked a man for directions, but I don't think he speaks English, or Spanish! Oh No!


    Tried to ask another person, but I forgot to turn off my flashlight. Oops! I think it's too bright for him...


    Wow! Look at all this machinery! I wonder what it does?!


    Apparently, it's all part of something called the Water Cycle, providing people with clean water to drink. That's amazing!


    The cycle involves plants...




    And even waterfalls! Wow! I learned so much today! Glad I brought Backpack along!

    All jokes aside. This thing's friggin tiny. Please DE. P L E A S E. Make it bigger. Or color the Wolf of Saturn 6's backpack appropriately. (Though I prefer the former, as I've never seen the Wolf, and never will at this rate)

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

    Yup, what I expected. Thanks for showing everyone I was right to call you out initially.

    Indeed! You are a beacon of light to our community. With your positivity, we’re sure you will help us achieve our goal of making someone at DE smile today! 


    Keep up the good work!

  9. 52 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

    If you have problem with my comment you could actually quote me and say straight up what you think I said is wrong or "salty". Just like I did in response to your original post.

    I'm not afraid of someone telling me they disliked a forum post of mine, are you?

    If you want to try and talk for "us", you shouldn't be scared of criticisms.

    Pretty sure we never said what you quoted, we didn’t know the forums allowed for such misdirection, so that’s neat! We learn something new every day.


    We didn’t quote you initially, because we didn’t want to ping people with the alert message thing. It bugs some people. But if you want to turn this into a personal thing and assume we’re just afraid, you do you friendo! We completely welcome your opinion. 🙂


    The message was never meant for criticism of any kind. Heck, we didn’t even intend for it to get any responses at all lol! It was supposed to be a nice gesture to the people who work hard at DE, amid a lot of forum negativity. If you didn’t like our message, we apologize, and send our thoughts and prayers instead. 


    But you never had to respond to a forum post that clearly was not meant for you. Just saying. 

  10. I’m the only active player in a clan of 3 people, myself included. The Hema *STILL* requires 5000 mutagen samples to research. 


    I’ve never farmed for mutagen samples, so I don’t know how easy they are to get. 


    However, I’ve played the game for over 1000 hours, and I only had just over 1k samples to contribute. 


    In 2019, are these clan requirements still too high? Or are they easy to farm, and I’m just dumb?

    • Like 1
  11. ... just wanted to let everyone know at Digital Extremes that we appreciate everything you do!


    Was looking around the forums lately, and I’ve just been shocked at the sheer levels of negativity around. Yes, I’ve contributed to some of it. Yes, some of this negativity/opinions are valid. I’m human, and passionately care about this game I’ve supported for years.


    All things considered though, just wanted to let anyone who reads this at DE know that your work is awesome, and everything you do to give us players an enjoyable experience is incredible! 


    Remember where you came from, you all are incredible. 

  12. A simple post with a sad purpose: post how long you go without seeing The Wolf of Saturn, then edit when you see him.


    Week 3 of the nightwave, I’ve spent roughly 20 hours each past week, no dice so far. Let’s see how many others can stay in the No Wolf Club for the next 7 weeks!


    edit: I guess this is week 4? Alrighty then, make that 4 weeks of depression not 3.


    edit 2: Alright folks! Week 5 or 6, I don’t know what timeline we’re on. Regardless, still haven’t seen Wolfie. Wonder if I’ll see him soon...


    edit 3: hey all! It’s April fools day! It’s also week (7? 6? There needs to be an in-game tracker...) whatever in the Nightwave, and the biggest trick of all? Thinking the Wolf actually exists. Still haven’t seen hide nor hair of him. 1st thing I’m gonna do when I get the wolf’s armor set from the nightwave? Dress up rhino and pretend.


    but seriously. @DE any plans to help people like me who just straight up have never seen the wolf? You say his appearance rates are going to increase, but I want some percentages now. Cuz this is more ridiculous than any April fools joke.


    Edit 4, probably my last edit.

    Well Folks, I did it. I finished the nightwave, got all the things... and still haven't seen the Wolf. So here's my obligatory picture of trying to make rhino look like what I can see of the Wolf from the little lore clips. Enjoy, and I hope you all are luckier than I am. New boss, never got to fight. Now it's just kindof depressing. I probably won't play until the last nightwave "act" 'cuz maybe I'll see him when he's supposed to show up so often it'll be annoying. Paraphrasing DE Steve, or someone in some devstream. I really don't care anymore, but seriously DE? I would've liked to see him at least once. I'm MR 23.5, and I'd like to be able to enjoy new content, you know? Sighhhhhhh


  13. Tagged for spoilers just in case.

    So, this request is probably going to be lost in the Aether. Regardless, I might as well try, because I absolutely love this game.

    I am a HUGE fan of the art design of the Sentient faction. I like their colors, their animations, their overall... alien-ness is incredibly well-conveyed. When a couple skins, armor sets, and syandanas were released with the whole "sentient" design in mind, I was extremely happy! 

    But, for all of my frames that don't natively have a sentient-themed add-on, I find myself forced to try really hard to scrap together an odd cobblepot of the Classic, Storm, Fire, Kiteer, and other color packs to try matching the native colors on the sentient-themed accessories (such as the Limbo Deluxe skin, the Pakal armor set, etc.). However, I can never get it to look quite right. Given the direction the story is going, and how sentient-focused the current arc is, would it be a little much for me to please, humbly request a Sentient Color Schema with the coming updates? I really think it'd be awesome, super-convenient, and hopefully not too hard to code into the game, though I know you guys at DE are always hard at work. But it's been a while since we've seen any new color schemas...

    Additionally, a more generic request: when the simple "Default" color schemas are applied, can you please make it visible somehow WHERE these defaults are being drawn from? It's really hard to constantly guess-and-check when you're trying to make Thing A's colors look like Thing B's defaults. I know the "Tenno" and "Tenno II" color palettes show many frames' defaults in alphabetical order, but it's kindof a pain to have to guess which ones correlate to which frames. Additionally, these don't cover the colors used in special armor sets, such as any of the Deluxe skins.

    I know these aren't super huge topics, but they matter to me, and I would absolutely love it if anything like these two requests were to be implemented. 

    Community, what are your thoughts on this? What other color schemes would you like to see? What small changes in artistic aid would you like?

    Talga Vassternich, Tenno!

  14. I’m sort of let down this round. Lot of good stuff to be sure, but...

    This now marks two rounds of metric tons of operator accessories. Nobody cares about these. You never see your operator, never use your operator except to zenurik dash or hunt eidolons, and even that’s all forced. Looking at the view to favorite ratios, there are so many amazing warframe/weapon skins and syandanas and I feel that they were just... passed over just to fill an operator quota or something.


    This is largely my opinion, so I know it means little. But what justification is there in operator fashion at this point? 

  15. So, I've been testing our lovely little quad-barreled rifle, and I noticed what may be a glitch. To accommodate for the Quartakk's slow fire rate, I tossed stabilizer and speed trigger on the weapon WITHOUT REMOVING any other mods. And yet, I noticed my damage actually DECREASING. When I put any amount of +fire rate on the gun, it appears to lose ALL multishot on subsequent shots. This problem goes away when I remove all fire rate modifiers. Can others please check to see if this is happening with them?


    The above picture was from my subsequent 90% multishot + Maxed out Speed Trigger mod. The first shot in each test (marked 1 above) clearly has multishot occurring. The second groupings, from the second shot after each initial firing (marked 2 above) only show the base 4 bullets.

    I'm not sure if this is how the gun was intended to function. If it is, this is literally just punishing players for modding as they want, which I understand is, has never been, and never will be DE's intention.

    Could someone please verify?

    Edit: More testing, this time with 100% ms and speed trigger:

  16. So, I've been logging in recently and every time since the newest update (uhhhpdate 18.9.0 I think?) I've seen this weird mod in my inventory. It's title is /Lotus/Language/Items/KubrowDisarmPreceptName. Apparently, its a mod for chesa kubrow. I have no idea what to report it as, and don't know if its an unreleased mod or just a bug. I haven't tried equipping it yet, as it kinda scares me and I don't understand computers all that well.

    Anyone else with this weird mod? Or a solution? Restarting hasn't helped so far.

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