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Posts posted by Chaosms

  1. This may not become a problem to many but it would drive me up a wall. And its simple, really. Valkyrie Prime; tail or no tail? Okay here me out before you throw your tomatoes. Valkyr was a warframe that had her skin stripped off by Alad V and used to make Zanuka. And when her skin was stripped she lost her tail, obviously. How do we know she has a tail in the first place?  The Gersemi Valkyr skin which shows what Valkyr looked like before she was taken by Alad V. Emphasis on BEFORE. So logically, the primed version of Valkyr not only should have her skin intact, but the tail as well. And if she doesn't have her tail? Well, this would, in my eyes, cause problems for the game's lore!

    .....Okay maybe not to that extent but still it would be a major pet peeve and continuity errors and all that good nonsense, blah blah blah.

    TL;DR: DE give Valkyr Prime a tail pls.

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