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Posts posted by Borg1611

  1. If you make one AI change in the near future, it should be to make crew members capable of targeting radiators or other similar objectives (and it should be a top priority for them). 

    Even if you park your Railjack right in front of a radiator and have gunners assigned and go into a base and expose the radiator, the gunners will NOT shoot the radiator that is right in front of them. If you assign a pilot, they'll just fly around aimlessly rather than go to a base with an exposed radiator and destroy it.

    This means that soloing missions with these types of objectives take just as long as if the crew intrinsic still didn't exist. I have to exit the ship, expose a radiator, go back to the ship, manually shoot it myself, then go back to the base and do it again. In some missions there are two bases with these objectives, which takes a lot of time going back and forth pointlessly because your crew is too dumb to shoot at an exposed radiator. 

    I also think there's a bug where a crew member can get stuck in a gunner seat. I tried to assign a gunner to pilot once, came back to the ship, nobody was in pilot seat, so I check to see where he is. He's assigned to pilot but he's stuck in a gunner seat. If you re-assign him to gunner, he says he can not comply (I guess because the seat is already taken by him?). You can assign him to any other role, he won't get out of the gunner seat but if you re-assign to gunner from any other role, he says he can't comply. 

    • Like 1
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: I was playing Zephyr in a Sanctuary Onslaught game and dive bombed into the portal. I was then stuck in a divebomb animation, unable to move, cast any ability or swap to operator. I was completely stuck, unable to take any action of any kind. /unstuck command moved me, but still in the perma divebomb. It wasn't until I finally died (which took most of that round) and was revived that I was released from this endless divebomb hell. When I came out of the portal in the divebomb animation I sort of floated over into a wall, but was then stuck, completely stationary floating in the air against a wall in a divebomb animation. 



    This only happened to me once, so I don't know if you can re-create it consistently with the portal or if there are other factors involved. It also happened to a friend when he was leveling Zephyr in SO. 

  2. On 2021-03-19 at 9:18 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    We removed the Pilot Drift Maneuver Charge/Launch because it could often lead to unintended collisions. Pilots can now impeccably maneuver their craft at high speeds once they learn the new system without risk of accidents!

    I kind of miss this, especially with ramsled vs. lower level fighters. Maybe bring it back, but with more control. If you have boost and maneuver on separate hotkeys it's less clunky to control. You could also do something like hitting maneuver again while already drifting will do the charge/lunch functionality and require you have maneuver bound to a specific key while leaving the boost/maneuver combo key without the charge/launch functionality. Maybe it would feel too redundant with the new blink feature, I don't have that unlocked to see if it's a good replacement. 

    I would really like to see command expanded. Maybe let us assign 5 crew instead of 3 and when in a multi-player game you get to have the first two at all times, but replace the other 3 with other players as it currently works. When solo this would let you leave 2 crew in gunner seats while having the ability to move 3 around to other roles. Having one sit on defender would also feel less like a waste most of the time. 

    Engineer crew should also automatically use the forge to replenish things if they don't have something to repair. 

    As others have mentioned, it'd be nice if you could stick a crew in forward artillery. When solo, using forward artillery to take out crewships is a lot less time consuming than having to manually take them out. It is still annoying to have to get out of the pilots seat and do it yourself though. A crewmember if assigned to that seat should just automatically take the shot at a crewship if it would destroy it and stop the channel if you turn away. If you're piloting you can see the gun charging up I believe, so you'd know they were about to take the shot. If you had both a crew member piloting and a crew member in artillery, the AI should have the pilot face vulnerable crew ships and have the other crew member take the shot. That along with engineers replenishing munitions would be a great combo, especially if you want them to handle the ship while you leave to do something else. 

    Those changes would also be nice if we got more "pure" Railjack nodes instead of just the new combo nodes that are a mini-RJ mission followed by essentially a separate standard mission. I think the combo missions are fine to have, but there should also be more gamemodes for pure-RJ missions. The existing combo missions I wouldn't consider pure RJ missions because once you enter the other part of the mission, you can't even teleport back to your RJ, it just becomes invulnerable and you're really not playing RJ anymore. You're not coming and going, you're now in a new separate mission that happens to be in the same session. While you do board other ships and stations in pure RJ missions, you're never locked into that location in the way you are in these new combo nodes. 

    Another interesting thing would be if you added piloting modes for crew members so you could tell the pilot to attack or evade for example. If you want your pilot to just keep the ship alive while you're off doing something off the ship, the evasive mode could be one that has the pilot run and evade combat, perhaps even automatically use certain ship abilities like cloak. This would also pair well with being able to keep some crew members even in multiplayer games. If you all want to get off the ship to do something, you could leave an evasive pilot outside that just runs and evades enemies while you're busy elsewhere. The attack mode would obviously be for if you want it to be taking out fighters and crewships still while you're off the ship. 

    I'd also say that looting range of the ship still isn't ideal. I see mods and things floating around in space still, even with the boosting increases loot radius intrinsic. If you don't want to just give universal loot radius for ships, maybe add an additional mechanic like if gunners shoot loot it auto loots/teleports it to you and crew gunners will shoot loot intentionally if they don't have another target? 


    • Like 9
  3. The increasing/decaying RJ ability cost effectively just adds a cooldown to certain abilities to prevent you from spamming them, even as Hildryn. If you want the ability to only be cast at a certain interval, just add a cooldown and be done with it. Using a convoluted resource system to effectively just have a cooldown is weird and it makes it harder to tell at a glance when you'll be able to cast the ability again. 

    • Like 8
  4. Going through some RJ nodes, I didn't get credit for a defense node until I manually flew away to a new node, which seems unintended or confusing.

    I didn't play in the Orphix event so that mode was new to me. I failed it twice having no idea what I was supposed to do. It does not give you any clear indication of when you're supposed to move to another area. I had to look it up in the Wiki to even know wtf was happening.

    I also think Kuva Liches are a shame when playing solo. Just having them sit around waiting to "defend" feels like they are a waste of a crew slot half the time. 

    • Like 5
  5. Since I don't think they're likely to do significant mechanical changes to her, I think they just need to remove the cycling aspect entirely and combine all tribute effects into one and instead have a stack system. IE: provide all 4 buffs in one, but at 25% strength and require 4 stacks to get to max strength. That essentially requires as many tributes to get to full strength as it does now, but removes the clunky cycling system entirely. 

    • Like 1
  6. It's kind of redundant for both of her weapons to be single target (or small area) focused. Maybe re-design her melee to be AoE focused. Maybe something like a whirlwind like animation where you have some ethereal looking extension going out a decent distance from her as she twirls about with her sword. No lock on since you'd want to position yourself in the middle of enemies. 

    Or to combine your idea with it, do the pistol melee counter thing and make her heavy attack a decent ranged AoE twirl with the sword maybe with the range scaling with the combo counter as well so you're encouraged to build up an area attack and then strategically unleash it in a good spot or something. 

  7. 1) This thread should be stickied, there's a lot of feedback on the event and I keep looking for this thread rather than posting new ones. 

    2) Just wanted to comment again on the 100/100 Murex being bad. When you have an hour or less, sometimes you join a flotilla that potentially could finish, but then it doesn't because there's not enough space squads or the ones that are up are dealing with bugs like no codes. This causes you to end up with 1/3 the credits you should have gotten. It also discourages people from attempting iffy Flotillas that may or may not finish, which results in more not finishing in time. 

    2a) As an alternative, I think either a region wide goal where all Flotillas count towards (with tiers and a higher overall cap), or, if that's not possible, add a per Flotilla tier system. IE: if you get to at least 25/100 everyone gets a 1x bonus in the mail when the time is up, at 50x you get 2x, at 75 you get 2.5x and at 100 you get 3x (or do 3x at 75 and make 100/100 a 4x bonus which would cap you at the current cap in a single full run if the flotilla gets to 100/100). edit2: when I wrote this I think I was thinking in terms of the current 3x total you get when you add up your score + bonus where the bonus is actually 2x, but the concept I think is good even though the example numbers may be too high.  

    3) I think the bonus cap should be higher regardless if you make any changes to the Murex goals or not. You can already get around it by jumping from Flotilla to Flotilla potentially, but that's then a risk in them not being finished in time. The current cap encourages you to try to spread out between multiple instances rather than stay on the same one to help it finish after you hit 5k. 


    4) Switch rewards to Axi relics exclusively when you get to 4/5 on the Murex and ???+ on ground. Shouldn't be getting Lith and Meso relics from rounds where we're fighting level 100+ enemies. Also I need more Titania Axi relics. 

    • Like 3
    • TYPE: In-game
    • DESCRIPTION: At the end of a space mission where we went 5/5 murexs it only displayed 24 credits at the end of the game on the pop-up. When I went to the flotilla I had 5,640 as a score. I can not remember if that was only my 2nd run or third, if it was my 2nd run than the actual score may have been correct and only been a display bug in the mission. 
    • REPRODUCTION: I don't know, it only happened once so far. 
    • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have gotten 2,820 credits I believe
    • OBSERVED RESULT: It displayed 24 credits on the pop up at the end of the mission. 
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: It's only happened once. 
  8. I'm using him for the event, he's powerful at what he does, but I find his overall design clunky and will probably go back to not using him after the event. 

    It's also awkward that he can block people from exiting the railjack, using the pilot's seat etc. That seems more like an oversight than an intended mechanic though. You should be able to CC invaders on the ship without worrying about whether you're blocking the exits. The only situation where being in the rift and being able to do any of those would be an issue is if Limbo himself gets into the pilot set while in the rift via his dash and is essentially a permanently invincible pilot, but even that isn't really a big deal. It doesn't make your ship invincible. 

    • Like 2
  9. While it isn't the most disappointing passive in the entire game, I do think it was lackluster. When I heard she was getting a healing passive I knew it wasn't going to be some massive healing amount that turns her into a big healer, but 4 hps seems too low. 5% health per second would actually be on par or better than a baseline Wisp Vitality mote (just looking at the healing value) for a 700HP+ character, so I don't really see them going that high for a passive (it would be fine at 300 hp probably), but it could use a bump. There's room between 4hps and 30+.

    I'm sure they're also considering that you're potentially reducing the amount of damage taken when utilizing Tribute to make a small healing value have time to do something, but Tribute is obnoxious to use still. Maybe they'll also consider taking one of the many suggestions on making it better that was much better than tossing in the clunky ability cycling system. IE: remove cycling entirely and make tribute give you stacks such as all the current tributes at 25% their current value stacking up to 4 times. You'd still have to get 4 to get full strength, you'd just be getting them with a dramatically less obnoxious control scheme. But anyway...

    Maybe change Upsurge to do a small amount of healing and energy regen (maybe even have it work during RW). I've always wanted her to have at least a minor energy regen mechanic of some kind and the name upsurge kind of fits that already. If they only want it to heal I'd say something like 10-15HPS would feel noticeable, 15 would be half of an unbuffed vitality mote (and the passive doesn't scale with strength). Having it proc in AW and work on additional targets it doesn't currently work on would be nice also. 

  10. A few times when hosting I've noticed that just completely due to RNG sometimes a crewship ends up being right next to your next satellite and it just seemingly blows it up instantly when you pick it up before you can do anything. I've also seen it happen to other hosts when I was in their squad.

    Also, on an unrelated note, I feel like you originally intended the space mission to be harder, which is why you can cap faster in that mode than ground. In reality, space is faceroll easy and takes a lot less effort to fully cap than ground missions. It is even substantially easier to fully solo a space mission than fully solo a ground mission. I think you should adjust the amount of points you're getting to reflect that. Ground missions that go all the way to the end should be getting more per mission than space missions just based on difficulty. Space missions only fail due to the RNG issue with crewships I mentioned above. 

  11. 1:

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Sometimes as a client when going to operator you get stuck in operator and it tells you ability use is prevented when you attempt to go back to your warframe. This happened to me twice so far during the Space mission, though I don't know if it's confined to space missions. If you exit the railjack in operator is puts you back into your warframe, however, if you go back into operator later, you are again stuck in operator and unable to switch back unless you're on the ship and use an exit. 
    • REPRODUCTION: I don't know, I go in and out of operator numerous times per mission and 90% of the time this doesn't happen. I'd guess it's some kind of client/host latency related issue, though the games it happened in weren't particularly laggy. 
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Not being stuck in operator. 
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Being stuck in operator. 
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: It's happened twice to me with two different hosts on different days out of ?? number of missions, only as a client never as host. 

    2: In my last game where I also happened to get the above operator bug, I got stuck on a RJ in the process of flying back to the relay when the host was flying back. It was just in an infinite loading/warp screen and never actually loaded the relay. When you pressed escape it had a menu to exit the relay even though I appeared to still be on the ship, so I left. The host happened to choose to fly back while their was a fatal breach between the 4th and 5th murex rather than complete the 5th for whatever reason, not sure if it's related. 

    • Like 2
  12. /sigh

    So I had done 2 runs already (edit: technically I had done 2 and part of one since I had done a partial one with me as host at the start then joined a random group with someone else hosting) and needed one more to cap. Started another game with the random squad I was already in, I wasn't host. My UI was bugged the entire time to never show objectives. I thought it was just a visual bug so I did the entire mission 5/5 with them anyway. I could drop my link and participate, but I never saw any code progress or anything like where objectives are usually shown on the UI. Mission ends, I get out, my score on the scoreboard was not changed at all. I did not get any additional points. I basically wasted my time in the last 5/5 mission as it did not count towards my score at all. I was ahead of the other people in my squad before the mission and behind them in score after it was over. That Flotilla was also at 100/100 after we got out and it mailed me my bonus which was only 6970. 

    These were all in space missions, have no idea what caused it or how you could reproduce it. 

  13. Just posting this here quickly in case it either thing hasn't been reported before:

    1) Got into a game where I wasn't the host where the host claimed the ship we were in was not his and it appeared to be a very basic ship without upgrades. 

    2) because of how weak the ship was it kept getting breaches as we were flying between murex. At the end, it got a fatal breach and sentient invasion at the same time. Both things were in the same spot. The sentient invasion thing blocked the breach, making it impossible to seal, which caused the mission to fail. 

  14. My primary wishes right now are:

    1) either an increase in point gains or decrease in some prices since even with the bonuses I don't think they're in an ideal spot and I don't think the rarer arcanes should be priced much higher than the current most expensive arcanes (but we don't have them yet so it's concerning how much they may end up being)

    2) fixes to code uploading since it sometimes gets stuck even when there's more ground squads than space and I believe it does get stuck when it's not supposed to as I was in a game with a DE employee once who was hosting and said he was talking to a programmer when we got stuck and said that we had gotten stuck and left the game. When it's instant every time it's actually a fast reasonably timed mission. 

    2a) as some suggested, changing codes to be a bonus rather than something you wait on could be nice: IE: you wait a maximum of 10-15 seconds for someones code and if not it just does it anyway, if you get a code from another player you both get bonus points or something

    edit 3) Make your scores combined instead of picking the highest. There's no reason to separate them between modes anymore. 

    If it were possible I think just having a region wide Murex goal to hit in order for everyone to get bonuses would be best as you could then also merge matchmaking from all Flotillas. Currently having such a limited player pool per flotilla makes matchmaking kind of bad currently (may not be enough people queuing for something in that specific flotilla). On top of bad matchmaking, a region wide goal would let everyone get their bonuses particularly if the wave didn't end when you hit the goal, but allowed people to keep farming points to cap their bonuses. Because of the bonus system cap you've already limited how many points you can get per wave anyway, so you might as well not have TWO different mechanics to hold points back. Once you cap you're earning 3x fewer points until the next wave as it is. 

    An expansion on that idea could be Murex goal breakpoints regionwide. IE: if you get to 1000x that wave, everyone gets 2x bonus points, 2k = 3x 3k = 4x 4k =5x (just making up numbers since I have no idea how many total we're getting right now each wave across all flotillas). That way you have no hard cap on Murex per wave, but you're chasing different breakpoints each wave to get a higher bonus multiplier for everyone. You could then increase the point cap to 20-30k or something, maybe even 50k depending on how much you plan on charging for the better arcanes. 


  15. The current system is exceptionally bad for matchmaking also. You split the entire playerbase into dozens of mini instances and matchmaking only works within each little instance. You can have dozens of people looking for groups for the same thing, but be spread out into so many little instances that you end up in small groups or solo half the time, even when a new wave starts. 

    I just soloed 5 in space because nobody joined my squad in a new wave in a relay that supposedly was "busy," no counts were shown yet so I didn't know until I got out that my solo run of 5 was the top space score and there's only 3 space squads in this relay, so it's going to be a pain trying to get it to 100 this wave also. 

    Just have them all linked matchmaking wise and have a global or region goal. Once the goal is met, everyone who participated is eligible for bonuses, the event continues so people can still keep playing to get more points and try to cap if they haven't. There's no reason to stop the event each wave when you reach the goal in that way when you also have a point cap to keep point gain under control. The murex goal can just be a minimum value to hit to be eligible for bonuses, it doesn't need to also stop the wave entirely. 

    edit: and probably also increase the bonus cap

    • Like 2
    • TYPE: In-game
    • DESCRIPTION: I get some amount of points in the event, log out before it ends, come back later and get mail with emblems but no credits. In one I got 3 different emblems and no credits. Just now I logged in and should have had a 2k+ bonus, but just had an emblem and no credits. 
    • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have gotten bonus credits in the mail along with the emblems. 
    • OBSERVED RESULT: I got emblems and no credits. 
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: it's happened twice so far, I'm pretty sure at least one of them had gotten to 100/100, not sure about the other since I had logged out of it early on in the wave. 
    • Like 2
  16. Just to add a bit of different feedback outside of all the existing things like rewards and what not... I'm a bit confused about the squad reinforcement thing that just heals the squad's links. It seems like it would have been more useful and fit the name better to let people reinforce public squads that are in-progress that are missing players. Actually send them reinforcements. Currently if you complete one round, that's it, nobody else can join after that point (at least that I've seen) and many squads especially in the middle of the event seem to start without 4 and kill the first node without 4. Or maybe someone wants to leave before everyone else and someone could come in and replace them instead of having to make the other people continue without a full squad or leave earlier than they wanted. Make the reinforcement consoles actually let you reinforce a squad that needs more players. This could also be a solution for filling in RJ missions. 

    • Like 1
  17. 28 minutes ago, VanguardT-EN- said:

    On ground assault you spend most of your time shooting the bulls#%t bullet sponge condrix

    Just to mention, you can use big buffs to damage in order to take it out a lot faster IE: big damage buffs like Chroma and Volt stacking multiple shields. 

    Not sure if any builds can one shot it into later waves, but early on you can one shot it (edit: one shot it on each stage, not the entire thing all at once) just with a no-riven Lanka and volt shields. That stops being a one shot before wave 10 though. 

    edit: and right after I posted this there is another hotfix lowering their health in 2-4 player groups I guess! not sure by how much. 

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