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Posts posted by (PSN)bddacres

  1. Hello Tenno,

    So I've been thinking of returning to warframe. I took a break from the game due  developing unhealthy relationship with the game. I would constantly play aimlessly trying to find a reason to play. I would horde platinum like a corpus in efforts to prepare for some obscene cosmetic that would change the state of fashion frame as I knew it. After deep thought I realized that what keep me playing and enjoying the game was the clan life and as a result I expanded my clan into something greater. I seek to unite not only the warframe community but, the world through various forms of artistic expressions. I am currently operating a collaborative youtube and well as a Discord and for those of you who seek to create something greater with the lessons you learn from warframe I welcome you to join our cause. I will be using this thread to give an update on our progress.


  2. 18 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    Bogo and conquer looks really good, like, if i have the money to spare i'd buy them now (tho, curently my income is being used to pay living expenses so i'll just bookmark it~)

    do you do over sea shipping?

    We ship everywhere, but stay tuned I want to partner with a shelter and charity to donate so funds to homeless families and abandoned animals. I just feel like it would serve a greater purpose than just selling clothing for profit,

  3. 44 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    Ooh can we have a look at the goods you're selling? I'm always in for designs :clem:


    On the topic, it may not be as cool as yours or magprime's story, but warframe thought me how to innitiate chat (at least in text, still have trouble with verbal chat irl). It's the only game i'm actively talking in clan and forums



    But, just be confident because at the end of the day there is always going to be someone who disagrees with you.

  4. Just now, MagPrime said:

    Warframe helped me improve my written communication skills as well as improve my ability to provide feedback and improvement suggestions, and this resulted in landing a job with a IT company.

    WOW.... congrats man #onceatennoalwaysatenno

  5. Hello Tenno,

    So it's been awhile since I've posted on forums. I miss the good ole days and meaningless arguments over virtual ideals that have no impact on the real world but, enough about that. I kind of just wanted to express my gratitude for warframe for helping me establish my brand. I used to spend hours in the arsenal just customizing my warframes. Sometimes I made themes ( i had a star wars sith fetish at one point) and other times i just did what seems to fit the mood. This process inspired me to actually design garments in real life. I named my brand after my clan name and ever since I have been happier than ever. Sales are horrible but, it's something i can be proud of. 

    With all that said, what did warframe help you accomplish. Comment down below.

  6. 8 hours ago, (PS4)BabyBoi6769 said:

    Three founders including myself really didn't get into the naming of the clan that much.  We knew that Malbec was a type of wine, however we figured it would unique enough to diversity ourselves from all the "dragons, reapers, knights, etc". The mature nature of the clan is also something we did not consider because it wasn't something we didn't feel was necessary.  Malbec is simply a clan that welcomes all.  We are not a video game opera.

    pm me the details

  7. 1 minute ago, Zoroarkmaster65 said:

    I'm interested. Mind indulging on how the data would reflect a more impactful outcome if it was clan-based?

    essentially it will be easier to perform multiplayer missions when it is clan center due to it being the same experience for all players within that clan. I also thought the sergeant boss fight when he said he would end your clan was quiet glorious and shouldve been expanded upon. Essentially these nemesis' will be attempting to destory your clan rather then a indivual group of random tenno that will constantly change.

  8. 13 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    And what would having a Samari frame bring to the game? We have Excalibur who is a master of blades, just toss the Edo armor on and you have essentially a samurai.


    As for the ninja part, well you all are hilarious.

    Ninjas were little more than farmers turned assassins, thus why all their true tools of trade were farm implements. Most "ninja" weapons we know from movies and cartoons are just that... Movie and cartoon made.

    all ninja were not farmers that's a common misconception. Yes, some were recruited from the lower class, but some of the bushin class became ninjas as well.

  9. Just now, DatDarkOne said:

    Sorry Tenno.  It was the different entity part that I had taken as not able to be the same person that got me.  I was just hoping to clarify it before someone else took it to run wild with it.  All good I hope and no offense intended.  :D

    i know lol  i always put mate so no one thinks im the hostile forum guy.....

  10. Just now, DatDarkOne said:

    Of all the Warframes Excalibur is the closest in skillset to a samurai.  Not in looks though. 

    This is only slightly true.  There were some in actually history that were both.  Hattori Hanzo being the most famous.  You could say that he was a ninja who became a samurai at the beginning of the Tokugawa Shogunate.  I don't know how true the whole child being the first ninja (spy) is, but I can see how that could have been the case.  :D

    In truth the Tenno are more super soldiers with a strong Japanese influence than anything else.  There are only a few of all the frames that can be considered ninja-like:  Ash, Loki, Excalibur, Ivara, and maybe Banshee.  All the others are just super soldiers.  :D

    Oh yeah.  Ailissa was correct in saying "Nowhere, except in DE's PR, are Warframes talked about as 'ninja's'."  Only the tagline "Ninja's play free" even references this.  Happy Hunting Tenno.

    i said that mate

  11. There was a time in warframe where i felt proud to be a warlord. I felt like i would have an opportunity to lead my mates to the dark sector promise land. However slowly but surely i've been losing interest in severity of leading a successful clan See clan bragging about there leaderboard status in the recruiting chat or, how their the best "dueling clan" .and i just dont see the point to it all. I came into warframe expect this vast feudalistic based system for clan but, it was revealed to be just a way to get free bps. NOw that im done ranting my question to you tenno is how do you maintain your interest in clans or, have you abandoned that route all together.

  12. 1 minute ago, Ailissa said:

    Nowhere, except in DE's PR, are Warframes talked about as "ninja's".


    If anything they are super soldiers.

    it appears that the warframe universe is based upon feudal Japanese society. The practice of ninjustu was more of a specialist aspect and therefore the bushin did most of the large scale battles. This is paralleled in warframe with Dax doing all of the major fighting. Another parallel is the ironic fact that the first ninja was actually a child and was later recruited by a daimyo to spy for him. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    sigh.... the warframes are ninja's. but stereotype ninja's. you cant make a game with so many caracters if they are all historically accurate.... i mean... we would have the warframe that sneaks, and the warframe that sabotages, and the warframe that asassinates.... and thats it. 3 frames. game would be dead 3 years ago.

    Well alot of samurai were ninja because ninjustu was an art not a class like the bushin.  So i theory ninja were not limited to just those 3 things

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