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Posts posted by Cadezeus

  1. 2 minutes ago, Gweredith said:

    I've heard that some scam exists where one could buy plat, buy something from trade chat and then refund the plat purchase, ending up in deducting the plat that was traded to the other guy; and if the guy ends up with negative plat, it happens what did to you.  

    im literlally on edge of crying as i saw that my gold hunter rank is gone


  2. 8 minutes ago, HisHolinessAardvarkPrime said:

    Did you buy platinum recently? I know someone else ran into this issue before. Turns out the guy had bough platinum from a third party (i.e. Not Digital Extremes) which is a big EULA no-no. They took away the plat he bought and his account was locked out when the valence ended up negative.

    and what my little brother said he thinks i was autobanned for my game glitching and making it look that i hav -5plat

  3. have

    3 minutes ago, HisHolinessAardvarkPrime said:

    Did you buy platinum recently? I know someone else ran into this issue before. Turns out the guy had bough platinum from a third party (i.e. Not Digital Extremes) which is a big EULA no-no. They took away the plat he bought and his account was locked out when the valence ended up negative.

    havent bought plat from anyone else but warframe and only ones hav bought plat itself otherwise only by trading prime items to plat but i hav been gone couple maybe even 4months so i hav no clue what to do


  4. today after couple months of not playing i opened my game and tried to log in but as i typed my password it said something like this "your account access has been restricted due to a negative platinum balance. please contact support for further detail." which i hav done and even send requists to support to help me also checked my pc specs and launcher log and there no problem so what should i do? should i just give up on my 15 rank account with real money put into it and all?

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