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Posts posted by -Yuzuki_Kiseki-

  1. Mission - Sentient Anomaly (any Veil node found this on Rya)

    First run of anomaly was normal, getting 1 shard and such but after restarting the mission instead of clearing it, the anomaly did appear but no objective to kill 20 sentients was present and it gave a shard for free and for any subsequent runs right after allowing you to basically keep restarting and getting a free shard every time without needing to complete anomaly objective

  2. This is a personal suggestion from someone who has been using single shot weapons like the sybaris and grinlok.

    my suggestion is as it says on the title a option to change the color of the crosshairs or even choose from different diagrams for the crosshair the main reason is because it gets really hard to aim with the standard crosshairs in high lighting areas with alot of enemies where the crosshair actually blends in with the surroundings this makes it really hard to aim properly.

    i hope that this suggestion will be taking into the game 

  3. 1 minute ago, StolenLife said:

    Then break all creates. It really too much on map and capsules have big drop chance from these crates!

    But there is one drawback - that crates are disposable.


    And also it seems that this survivals designed more for team play, not for solo. Wanna stay longer in solo, take special frames for this gamemode...Or create squad. Nothing else

    yeah i do break them the problem is there is nothing left to break on 1 hour 10m onwards. which is exactly why this post is even here

  4. 1 minute ago, KIREEK said:

    Are you sure you're killing them fast enough? Having to do a solo survival and maintaining a +90% oxigen without using any life capsules (meaning you just need the ones dropped from enemies) does take some effort but it is possible.

    If you can't then you can always use the oxigen capsules that are around the map.

    If both aren't enough then it's obvious that you're not even killing.

    i tested it with multiple warframes excluding nekros along with weapons and i can definitely kill fast enough to make them spawn the problem is the spawn cap that is in the game where sometimes after killing multiple enemies the spawn just died down and im stuck in a game of find the next guy to kill to get life support before i have to waste my capsules 

  5. every-time i run a solo run i will always get into the problem of not having enough life support due to the fact that the enemies spawn very little compared to how they spawn during group runs i really do think they need to either increase the spawn of the enemies or improve the mini life support capsule drop rate because it is actually starting to be annoying on the fact that i would never go above 60% on life support due to the spawns

  6. hey everyone hope u are having a good morning/afternoon recently i completely removed my pc because i am building a custom built new pc and to that i decided to start making videos on my youtube channel AyumiL ]

    so i thought to start a new challenge series for my channel kindly put down at the reply's  what challenges you give me and i would try to do them. other than that i play other games like ghost recon phantoms and i am planning to play battlefield hardline too if you have any questions please either reply here or send me a steam message (--Q--AyumiLove) i am not sure when i can get the pc built finished but once i do i will take the top liked challenges here and do them :) occasionally if i can manage the lag i would stream on twitch my information is at my steam profile page

  7. I've been seeing how people heap on the hate for Nullifier Crewmen,and the recent introduction of Nullifier Prime Crewmen. The thing is? I find them to be laughable. Why do you hate them? They're incredibly squishy under that dome. That dome collapses in short order when you decide to hose it down. All they bring to the fight is a Lanka,a Prova,and the ability to turn off any buffs you might be enjoying should you enter their dome.


    From my observations,Nullifiers are weakest under their dome. Under their dome,they have weak shields,next to no health,and absolutely zero armour. In normal gameplay (As in NOT going for five years in Survival,or a million rounds in Defense),Nullifiers are a complication,surely,but something that can be dealt with as an afterthought. Just blitz their grill inside their precious dome,and kill them dead before they can react.


    Is losing your buffs really that damning? I find that it's not. Inconvenient,sure. But not life or death.

    life or death huh do do realize that some enemies will hug in the bubble and for squishy frames like mirage or loki its a straight death sentence for them and trust me i have been one shotted by those lankas before + with the sizeof those shields mother of god Cerberus is not the best farming map  for rep/xp anymore and now there in the void with those grineer boombas yep reaching 1 hour in t4 is 50times harder than before lol whats next? those grineer dogmasters? 

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