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Posts posted by WASPelite

  1. Thank you all for your thoughts and opinions on this Event. All of your statements are well noted and something I wanted to see listed on the forums as I do find that most of the times if someone finds an event bad, or stated by some, last minute, the only thing listed would be complaints with no positives in the mix.


    I'd just like to thank Pendragon1951 for mentioning something that should have been stated in my original post that this event was indeed solo friendly, as I myself enjoyed this event much more when playing it on my own.


    I do still stand by my statements listed above, both the positive and negative mentions. None of the comments on this page do I wish to be bashing the game, but more a critique on the event and what it brought to the game as a whole. I hope to hear more of your comments to see what you think of the event, it's outcome, and most of all how you think it contributes to the game as a whole for the upcoming update 17.

  2. For the passed week, after update 16.5 there has been an event going called Tubemen of Regor 25. It introduced amazing tilesets to tease for the upcoming update 17, and it gave an introduction and some form of an idea to a great rework of Tyl Regor. The voices were great, the interaction between characters was enjoyable, and that really helps developing the game in the since of giving it more plot which it's, in my personal opinion, lacked.


    In doing events, it draws players to invest their time in enjoying new content from DE which is awesome that they do, creating more and more content for players to take in. Also it's great to have a game developer that takes so much time to really listen to players and try to provide what they want.


    All this being said, I do have a complaint about the event. The tileset was perfect, so no issues with this. The inovation of what was involved with the event wasn't new and rather repeated to missions we have before, but I don't find it to be exaclty a bad thing. The negative I've found, is what players had to go through to get rewards that compared to passed events could be considered mediocer, with said passed events taking much less time to complete.


    Ignoring the reasoning behind it, lets say the player gets onto warframe for the last two days of the event. I personally believe if there is 48 hours left in an event to participate, that the individual should be able to complete that event in said time. Lets extend to 72 hours. Again the event in a game should be able to be completed. After going through region chat, I've found that many in that amount of time, spent hours playing the event, without being able to finish based on the active conflicts not finishing in time for them to get their reward for time spent playing.


    I find this to be a step back in the way events should be run rewards wise, along with a step back for a game that is trying to find solutions to remove the sense of grinding. When you have to do the same mission over and over, wait hours on end for the next active mission, do it again, wait, and do it again, that in itself masks over the good parts of the event and really highlights the bad.


    These are my thoughts and opinions of the event. I ask everyone to post their thoughts, and opinions and tell us what you liked and disliked from the latest event.

  3. You might want check up on a show I often watch on some brainstorming ideas and ways to create some of the shaping. There's a show that's called face-off, and this season one girl used something to make one of their characters look like they had broken glass all over them. If you watch I believe they make mention of what product they use, and you might be able to color it. I hope that helps :D

  4.    I originally started the game because I thought the concept art was top notch, and DE has really made a game that brings justice to those concepts. The first frame I started with was Loki, and has been my favorite after trying 14 other frames. When Loki Prime arrived, I couldn't help but be inspired to do my own illustration. I hope it lives up to the warframe name!






  5. To DE who's made my favorite game of all time, here is my question!


    Parkour: I know it's been mentioned that others have wanted some form of improvements to parkour and or levels to implement it more. The one thing thing I want to ask is where did the parkour go in the void missions that we had last year? I felt that the original void vaults were an amazing way to utilize and learn the parkour aspects in the game that really made you feel like a ninja.


    Is there anyway we may be able to experience the joy that was the parkour vault tile sets or something similar once more in the near future?

  6. I'm sure it's been said a few times in this HUGE topic, but I'm not to worried about their abilities or usability as that really is something that could be fixed with mods or a "Kubrow Command" system.


    My main worry is the look and feel of having a Kubrow off ship and in game play. The walk and run animations are extremely choppy to the point they seem to have no weight or gravitational pull on them. They're very stiff to the point they're like blinking statues beside you when playing. Also the fact they don't wall run or skate down zip lines like shown before the update itself and pretty much... kinda hop half hazzardly onto things to follow you or much more often just kinda poof beside you show's that this game still really isn't ready for the Kubrow.


    It's kind of like having a beautiful old school animated movie with everything colored and ready while one character is still the animated line drawing against white in the movie and expecting no one to notice it. I hope the next update really puts a finished look to the Kubrow rather than the half hazard "make them look cool in the ship and it'll be ok" that update 14 gave the game player. Now by no means am I saying Kubrows suck. It's a great concept. I just hope they don't leave it half finished like they have.

  7. This issue has been going on for a while, Near the beginning when I started it wasn't so bad, but about a month or so after it just fails half the time, and a year later it still fails half the time. I can invite half the time, but that welcomes everyone into the lag zone.

    I'm guessing DE is trying their best to go over as many issues as possible, though I'd think this would be one of the number one issues to fix due to this game being meant to be played by the masses with other players and I don't remember it being brought up in the dev stream #27. DE please respond if you get this!

  8. Having been playing since the amazing new update, I've noticed something very peculiar, and in my opinion somewhat awesome thing about loki's ultimate.


    As I've been going through defense missions and other different missions, I've found that his ultimate either 1: disarms the units I intended to disarm, or 2: destroys the unit all together.


    Though noticing the destroyed enemies, the ones I find left behind are of higher class, so I'm finding the base level grineer & corpus units have been destroyed by this most of the time.


    If any of you Loki players have noticed this same change please let me know I'm not the only one.

  9. I'm happy I'm not the only one that's taken notice to this. I'm hoping that with the upcoming updates that it may be something that they're going to take care of automatically, or that they at least put it on the agenda to look over.


    To me I feel like it's having a little gun over my shoulder that sticks out like a glowing sign when trying to do any form of stealth. I know I could always remove him from my arsenal for a mission or so... but it's shade. It should be stealthy! But honestly ANY sentinel I think should sink with the warframe.

  10. I'm just wondering if others have been having the same issue that I'm having with the Loki & Shade or any other sentinel combination. When you get close to an enemy with shade, your warframe goes invisible along with the shade sentinel. When Loki goes invisible, you're now an invisible warframe with a very visible sentinel floating above your warframe, making enemies constantly aware and making stealth with Loki married with a sentinel somewhat close to impossible.


    Other than this I find sentinels to be some of the greatest help a warframe could have in a mission and an amazing idea. Is there any way though for this to be changed and help link the sentinels more to the warframe of choice so warframe powers and sentinels are more in sink?


    Thank you for reading!


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