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Posts posted by (PSN)TheErotic-Taco

  1. On 07/06/2016 at 11:12 PM, (PS4)RecklessN7 said:

    I've been a player since year one and have seen the game change a lot since then. Mostly play alone or with my wife and a couple friends. Lately though I'be been thinking it High time to branch out and find a crew to roll with like I used. 


    Specifically I'd like to try the LoR raid. I don't generally play with enough people to complete it myself and finding a team willing to teach someone who's never done it is difficult.


    I don't know the meta or what exactly people feel they 'need' in their team. Generally I believe any frame can be great in the hands of someone who knows and understands them so I've never required a set team for anything. That said I've got most of the frames although I admit some still need work. 


    If you are laid back, easy going, and willing to talk me through the raid mechanics then please add me on psn. Name here is the same as pan. 


    Thank you for your time. 

    You sound pretty awesome, I'd love to play warframe with you sometime. :)

    Psn is TheErotic-taco xD

  2. On 11/06/2016 at 6:30 AM, (PS4)EviL_JoE_DirT said:

    Does it drop at all by Kela during the Rathuum event on PS4? I've done a dozen play throughs and she didn't drop it. I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time. Don't really care for the new mods. Fun boss though, at least. 

    I must have been really lucky yesterday as I played it 3 times and got it when it the game bugged out. 

  3. On 14/05/2016 at 7:35 AM, Troll_Logic said:

    Ember Prime is not worth 1,000 plat or more.  Don't waste that much plat.  Ember is just as good and infinitely cheaper.  Use that plat on mods, weapons, and other things that are actually useful.

    Use your platinum on things that can help you.

    Take Ember, add a few formas, and you've basically got an Ember Prime with all of your platinum.

    Someone tried to sell her to me for 1100plat, safe to say I said no. Eventually bought her for around 450, which considering I main her quite often I think is a good deal.

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