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Posts posted by angramainyu1

  1. Old player returning after many years.  Wow, there's been a lot of changes.  Ran a bunch of low-level missions to remind myself how things kind of work. Kind of on the fence after realizing there are so many new systems to learn, it's pretty overwhelming, but want to give it a go. Started in on the first new quest available to me, Duviri.

    Get the hand, get the horse, get to Bombaste and he tells me to follow the guiding light.  What guiding light?  He seemed to indicate somewhere to go, but everything looks the same with the monochrome filter and there's no way to talk to him again to re-trigger what he says. The 2 power guide just goes to Bombaste.  Run around for ages, but no idea where to go.  Exit and load mission again, but it starts back at the beginning.

    At this point I rage-uninstalled.  Not a great experience when trying to return to the game.  :(

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