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Posts posted by Sithlord377

  1. A friend and I also have this problem. We crafted the Chroma chassis ages ago, then stopped playing. We recently restarted and continued the quest. We got to this part and because we crafted the Chroma chassis, we don't have the scorched beacon. For added fun, the codex was updated to show that we have crafted a scorched beacon.

    Considering the only way for us to get Chroma right now is with platinum... we're not happy.

  2. I started actively farming for Split Chamber shortly before Vectis was released.


    I just got it last night from Ruk after I'd finally given up on getting it.


    I transmuted a LOT. Ran Kiliken, Eligor, Narcissus, even Minthe, and a few other levels a lot as well. Ran Ruk enough times to get 60-70 orokin cells.



    All I can say is... I hope to god your luck is better than mine.




    As for Piercing Hit, I have no idea. I just got that mod over the course of playing the game.



    Good luck.

  3. I really hope this doesn't sound like whining but...



    I saw sniper rifle. I kind of cheered when I saw that. I love sniper rifles, and missed out on the Snipetron.


    And then I saw four neurodes AND four orokin cells.


    I just spent DAYS farming orokin cells and neurodes for a few different things. The drop rates are horribly low when you add my incredibly bad luck to the equation.


    There is no way in hell I am going to grind more for this, no matter how much I love sniper rifles.


    I'm not saying "WHY YOU NO GIMME STUFF FOR FREE!?!"


    I guess I'm really saying "Why do you have an obsession with some of the rarest resources in the game, while ignoring the resources I have anywhere from 50-150k of (including rare resources)?"

  4. I understand what you mean, and agree for the most part, but two hours is a bit short.


    I could understand a node being active for 24 hours maximum, unless it is legitimately contested.


    If it's just sitting there because no one is doing anything, or it's changed 0.00001% in the last two hours (after it's been up for 24 hours), then yeah, it just needs to be ended and whoever is winning gets the node.



    I know this'll probably just be met with "Well, the game doesn't revolve around you" or "Sucks for you" or something, but it just seems unfair to have something like this up for a tiny amount of time.



    The idea is to prevent something like the following:


    "Oh, wow. Vauban Systems node! I've been waiting for that for MONTHS! I'll get on after school/work and get it! Finally!" ... 8 hours later.. "What.. I missed it? Kay, screw this."

  5. So basically, Inferniel, you dislike people with different playstyles and consider your's to be best.


    Therefore, you're willing to ruin the game for -everyone- to try to ruin it for certain people?




    You point out that it is based on teamwork, but your solution is "if they don't play the way I want them to play, I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND."

  6. Thanks everyone. Sorry Egan, you're not my type. My type is... uh... something else. Yeah, that. 


    Meh, DarkBlue, I know what ya mean.


    I was one of those insane people that actually stuck with the game for several years. Maxed combat (other than Range). Maxed Attack XP (200mill... killed over 10,000 dark beasts.. I had/have no life).


    The forums kept me occupied. When those got nuked, I finally got the hell away from that. Looking back, I seriously cannot understand how I managed to stay with it as long as I did.


    Warframe's better. I get to blow up several people/things at once. Instantly more satisfying than "*click* .... *waits*...*click*".


    Yeah. I'm a simple guy. Sharp objects, sniper rifles, mass explosions = set for life/a few weeks.

  7. I found out about being able to move the chat window today. I never really used the party list until recently, because I'm using Trinity, and it's a really good idea for the healer to see team health.



    I haven't figured out a way to save the locations (I assume there isn't a way, but don't know for certain).


    I completely agree that there needs to be a way to save locations, and more/all of the UI (is that the right term?) should be movable, in my opinion (or is it and I'm just too stupid to figure out how?). I have my chat near the top-left of my screen, because it fits there well. I can see it and it isn't in my way.

    Having Lotus's message box pop up and hide the chat box and/or the party list every ten seconds is annoying, especially when in the middle of trying to talk to teammates and/or see who is about to die.

  8. I'm kind of just jumping in here. I'm tired and wasn't able to read the entire thread, and for all I know I managed to miss some of the first few posts. This has probably been said before. Sorry if it has.



    For the cells, does it save progress? What I mean is, can players leave and return later, or is it a marathon-run to finish all parts of the cell in one go?



    The cells sound awesome regardless and I'd love to see them in-game.

  9. My name is Sithlord377 (Siff, Sith, that-one-guy-no-the-other-guy-idiot, etc), and I like long drives on the beach and romantic walks on the moo-- wait, wrong forum.


    I'm... really not sure what to say in an Intro post actually.


    I've been playing Warframe for a while now. I actually started playing several months ago with a friend, but we got bored and moved on.


    Recently-ish, another friend convinced me to try the game again. And now I'm hooked. He's a terrible terrible (awesome) friend, clearly.


    My first warframe was Excalibur. I mostly use Nova at the moment. I'm the guy that you might consider the barbarian - I either run into the middle of a horde and kill as much as possible (not so much in Warframe), or I focus on killing everything in as beautiful (read as explosive) way as possible. Hence the Nova. That said, I try to be a team player.



    While I've played for a bit now, there are still several features and mechanics in this game that I am mostly, if not completely, clueless about. So if I say something stupid, let me know (ah, don't you just love openings like that?)



    I used to be a regular in the Runescape forums (game feedback forum specifically) until the community grew sick of the company completely ignoring feedback, rearranging forums in idiotic ways, etc. The community pretty much shriveled up and died. Most of the people I knew from the forums left, and I finally did as well.

    I've never really joined another community after that one died, but I like Warframe and figured I'd give the whole "member of a community" thing a try again, as opposed to the usual "Multiplayer? What's that?" thing I usually do.



    One final thing... I'm sure this will be a complete shock after reading this incredibly short and to-the-point post, but I fail hard at summarizing my thoughts. In the past, most serious posts (discussion, feedback, etc) I've made have usually been long and I try to make my thoughts, ideas, and arguments as clear as possible. I do my best to stay away from walls of text (enter key is my friend), but I understand when people just skim/ignore my posts due to length.




    So basically... I guess what I'm saying is.... Hi. *runs*


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