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Posts posted by Nohra

  1. Nekros's only use is spamming desecrate. Terrify is a bad radial blind (and it can't be recast while active), Shadows of the Dead is a bad Chaos, Soul Punch is a bad Slash Dash that you can at least use at range, but that benefit is offset by the fact it likes to send bodies flying in seemingly random directions instead of a straight line. Pretty much every other frame has more useful powers in any given situation, except for Desecrate for farming. And his HP and shield aren't anything special either.

  2. Let me ask you a common sense question. It is your teams turn at bat in baseball. Do you send every player on your roster up or do you keep sending your best batter but change his name and disguise him to look different to pad your score?

    No amount of complaining about what was allowed before will change the fact it is unethical to cheat others that play by the rules. Since you were so fond of trying to find loopholes in those rules DE has closed them for you. Maybe next time you can win by playing fairly.

    Except with this event we are sending our best volleyball players up to the net again and again and again, they're just good enough to carry two people who don't even know what a volleyball looks like.


    Read the EULA.... 


    Also, that event had exclusive mods, I am sure DE noticed something funny about the sellers with different account names. Probably noticed they shared the same IP address, and logged in and out CONSTANTLY. So with the new event with new exclusive mod's (that will be worth a hefty amount of plat later on) they cracked down on the multiple account holders who were EXPLOITING the event. Suck it up.

    Nobody cares about the mods. The accounts can't even trade them without doing a considerable amount of work because they're all mastery zero. If someone wants to get to mastery 3 just so they can trade event mods, hey, they've put in more than enough work.

  3. I find it amusing that people cheated to pad their scores and now they are calling the actions taken to prevent it "unsportsmanlike".  Suck it up.  Ya got got caught... take yer lumps.

    If it was cheating, why was no action taken during the Cicero event when the same thing happened? If it was cheating, why didn't DE say up front that it would be disallowed, again, after Cicero? If it was cheating, why have they sat on their hands for over TWO MONTHS without saying anything, and gotten down to the very last day of this event to finally change the rules?


    There are no answers to any of these questions that bode well for the players of Warframe or the game's future.

  4. FTP games where alt accounts can allow main accounts to bypass certain paid aspects are the ones that hit it hardest.


    Most other MMOs only dislike dual-boxing.

    Most MMOs only care when it comes to botting or automation. Multiboxers just mean more paid subscriptions. They may be frowned upon by the community in some regards (five shaman with chain lightning in battlegrounds one shotting people in WoW for instance), but most companies won't even lift a finger unless there's some kind of automation going on.

  5. DE_Megan posted the day the event started on Mar 5th that alternate accounts would be excluded from Clan scoring, this is not something new.



    Except for the fact it says "edited today" with the note "leaderboard clarity." This was something DE came up with but a few hours ago, after allowing alts for the Cicero Crisis -- you know, that other event with the same scoring system.

  6. It doesn't matter how easy it could have been to avoid. DE really wants Warbros to lose this event. If they have to make the scoring as messed up as possible in order for this happen, then they will.

    When a company is petty enough to actively work against a subset of their player base like that, you really have to question if they're worth supporting, or going to stay around very long.


    How will Moon Clan clan scores be calculated then?

    All other tiers are relatively small. 1 to 10, 11 to 30, 31 to 100, 101 to 300. Moon clans have a window of 700. A clan of 301 can never compete with a clan of 999. I really don't know what you guys are doing but some clarification would be appreciated, please.

    This is the same S#&$ we went through when Broframe was 7000 people. DE clearly no longer cares about offering a level playing field to their community--otherwise we'd still have the score averaged by player count--and they're actively meddling with their own scoring system and the scores. After doing nothing in the Cicero crisis, you effectively signed off on people using alts if they felt so inclined and dedicated, and now you're going back on that. Just give everyone a gold statue if you're that rectal ravaged by Warbros taking the gold every time.

  7. So basically you know you're being obnoxious pricks and you're going to keep it up despite that knowledge. gg

    Pride doesn't have to make you a jack---. So let's scratch the "stems from pride" charade. All you obnoxious types are just so. Continue to be or not, but as high as there are highs, there are lows. You'll leave behind nothing but a distained name for yourselves if you keep it up. By all means, keep it up if you wish.

    Let them continue to be pricks... All it does is show them in a bad light. I would be ashamed to be a part of their clan.

    Quit getting mad at videogames.

  8. People also forget that when enemies are taking forever to go down, energy and ammo management (and oxygen management in survival) is completely different. 


    If you honestly think what works at wave 10 will work on wave 100, just wow...




    About the "boredom", that is just ridiculous. How come we got several videos of wave 100 or near for Infested and somewhat Corpus, and none for Grineer ?


    Grineer players tend to get bored easily ?

    Grineer are either incredibly annoying/dull because of hitscan nonsense that forces you to sit in a globe all the time because enemies that can one shot you at any range are excellent high level content, or turn into a solid wall of heavy units, which becomes pretty much impossible when it's Napalms.


    That would make it interesting at least, kind of like gears of war 3 horde mode. Every 10th wave is a boss wave with random huge enemy spawning with normal enemies. You could even work in the Hyena pack for corpus in that.

    Horde still got really, really bullet spongey though. It was absolutely horrible getting a Berserker or Lambent Berserker on wave 40 because you just knew you were in for a 30 minute fight, and you couldn't even use a Silverback on them without getting hardcore ravaged. Also a huge pain in the arse when Boomshot headshots become your only hope of dealing with Grinders and Boomers.

  9. You picked the single Unreal Tournament that DE had nothing to do with.

    They didn't work on Unreal 2 or Unreal Championship 2 either. However, UT3 didn't introduce any new weapons to the series.


    Nugget's PvP thread outlines some possibilities for additional PvP gametypes, but I don't think Warframe could be a UT sequel since I don't think DE really holds all the IP rights for the UT franchise.

    DE doesn't hold any rights to the Unreal IP.

  10. I don't mind a negative review on a game I personally like.


    What I mind is a review made after the reviewer barely played the game itself. It's like watching the first 20 minutes of a movie and making a review on it.

    Warframe does not drastically change in gameplay after the first twenty minutes. It starts as a loot grind, it ends as a loot grind. There is no substance to Warframe, you just go from being able to barely chip away at a single enemy's health to being able to wipe out roomfuls of Grineer by pressing 4 or clicking once.


    I thought it was a mostly fair review. A little harsh on combat. How many MP, F2P games are out there with parkour? Very few, if none.


    This line I do agree with though: "This is a game about levelling up characters and equipment, but the ways in which this power can be demonstrated are disappointingly one-note."


    Unfortunatelly, it's true. The payoff for months of grinding and leveling is watching lower level enemies die by the horde. There's no cohesive sense of the later game, where all that you've done before comes in to play to face new challenges. If anything, the whole game has been prep for learning how to last 40+ minutes in Survival.

    Watching everything die by the horde. Damage ramps up so exponentially that it's hard to find enemies you can't one shot at times.


    I think it would be prudent for reviewers to re-review Warframe once it leaves Beta.

    I think it would be prudent for people to accept criticism of a game that pretends to have launched, with no "in development" warning on Steam or anywhere but the launcher. With the heavy emphasis on selling platinum, DE could be a little less intellectually dishonest when it comes to that particular duality.


    People actually read reviews by Edge? I find them about as reliable as IGN, as for what they said some points they brought up are true but the rest just point out they didn't actually put much time into the game before doing this review.

    Again, with the new player experience what it is, where you can spend half a clip downing a single random Grineer, and then someone with a rank 30 tatered and forma'd anything can romp stomp their way through the game, it's pretty easy to see Warframe's problems.


    As a mainly PC gamer (and ex-hardcore, former Arcade-Runner, NintendoHard crackjack, NeoGeoist...list goes on), I never could understand this sort of claim.

    Certainly, target lock makes life easier, but to struggle to adjust the camera?

    In my eyes, this is a miserable complaint, excusing feeble player ability.

    This is what modern consoles have wrought. Incompetent players who feel entitled to do better due to "carry me on your back" mechanisms in all their games for the last couple decades.

    Next they'll be wanting the crosshair to snap onto the target for them, too...oh, wait.

    Have you tried playing Warframe with a controller? Parkour is all but unusable (the PS4 players are going to have so much fun with that mastery test, since it's buggy and nigh unplayable on the PC), and it can be extremely interesting trying to melee anything depending on your settings.


    Then again...why would you write a review on a beta game?

    Why would you market a beta game as a launched game?


    LOL... I love how they make getting warframes sound very hard... obviously they haven't played enough to get around to the point everything dies quite easily, and boss runs become a cake walk.

    Obviously you haven't paid attention to how incredibly difficult it is now to get certain core damage mods or a multishot mod, the two things you really need to make everything die easily. "Oh but you can trade for them with other players!" I hear you saying. How many people that just dropped into the game are even going to know that? Warframe does such a poor job of explaining itself, new players don't even generally know about wallrunning until it's explained to them by someone who has been playing the game for a while. We got a revamped tutorial that didn't even touch on what is now a core mechanic, as evidenced by the number of tiles that REQUIRE wallrunning to get around.

  11. That's the point, I think. The new system discourages you to level weapons in areas of the solar system that its not fit for yet. Those powerlevel hotspots are mostly in high level areas because the xp gain per enemy is greater. That's why everyone always went there. The system seems to want to discourage that and encourage playing on nodes that are more appropriate for the gear you're leveling. The weapon usage/shared xp funneling mechanic not taking into account, does it make things level slower than before? No doubt. Is it a justified change to curb power leveling? Yeah.


    Now the game is ready for that affinity amp aura.

    I look forward to leeching in your games. Hope you like Bastille.


    The thing you are either not understanding or refusing to believe is that regardless of what DE does, people are still going to choose the path of least resistance and do what's easiest for them. You WILL see a lot more people running around getting single kills and doing nothing else to contribute.

  12. How's that any different than it is now? You can contribute nothing and get XP either way.

    I can shoot things with my Strun Wraith while my squadmates level my Sicarus for me.


    Your proposed change means I'd have to plink at things uselessly with my Sicarus, or just faff about while waiting for everyone else to complete the mission for me.

  13. Wall of Text crits Master Zalm for 9999. Master Zalm has fainted.

    emm you forgot that its super effective.. :(

    These are not productive to the discussion at hand. This is about as useful as those jackholes who put "FIRST!" on every patch note thread. If you have actual constructive criticism or a point to make beyond "I can't take a few minutes to read a long post," feel free, otherwise stop inflating your post count.







    That would be why this is the perfect time to discuss the failings of the game and how to make it better. Additionally, this is past the time where DE should have a very clear vision for their game and what direction they plan to take it. Something that has not been shown at all, with the complete lack of lore beyond a handful of paragraphs here and there.


    The only "vision" I can see behind Warframe is constantly releasing new weapons and warframes that are either irrelevant or completely overpowered, continually making crafting more and more of a chore to deplete the resource stores of everyone who has been playing long enough to have considerable reserves, and making the game more difficult for the upper echelon of players, while continually screwing over the new player experience.


    There are serious problems with Warframe that most people with a near maxed damage and multishot mods might not notice very readily.


    God, this community is full of cry babies. I'd like to see you do a better job.

    We'd like to see DE do a better job. It's why we care enough to share our thoughts on the game.

  14. please stop saying about me spending cash in online games. I CANT i said it before I CANT there is a reason that i dont want to discuss so i am not going to say it.  dont keep telling me 

    if you wont buy just leave or

    if you dont want to spend money dont play online games

    if i can buy platinum , spend money in online games i would but i cant there is a reason that i cant buy any thing online ! any thing!

    They don't seem to understand that any good F2P game needs a large number of free players to keep the community healthy and growing. People who join the game and see it isn't terribly fun without dropping money are not going to hang around in a lot of cases.


    You have to convince people that the game is worth their money, not frustrate them into paying you.

  15. macros are never allowed in any game unless your doing single player games then feel free to use it , but a macro is a hack cause macros are used to make tasks using the application less repetitive. In the latter case, they are a tool that allows a programmer to enable Code Reuse , Macros are used to make a sequence of computing instructions available to the Programmer as a single program statement, making the programming task less tedious and less error-prone

    This is the single stupidest argument I have read on these forums today.


    Also, there's macro support in a ton of games. FFXI, World of Warcraft, and hell, any given Source engine game you can execute macros with either an extended key bind or by typing up a simple text file, putting it in the right place, and binding a key to call it. Having a macro doesn't instantly make someone amazing like a wall/headshot/speed hack, all it does is make someone faster.

  16. 今回のパッチであったスタミナ、ダッシュ関連の調整ですが






    My Japanese is terrible, but it's something along the lines of "Patching stamina ruins the main draw of the game, the fluidity and freedom of movement. There's no point in playing the game unless the changes are reversed"

    Mine is worse than yours, but from what I'm looking at on Google Translate, I figure his entire message deserves to be shared. With a little editing for ease of reading.


    "Stamina was this patch, but is adjustable dash of related.

    It was adjusted so severely you've eliminated any reason to bother with the game, in all honesty.

    (The fact that?) You've taken away the exhilaration (of being in?) first place even though it was a major selling point of the stylish ninja action is absolutely funny.

    Your timing is wrong, completely. I don't think that there is any need for an adjustment to the stamina system in U10 in the first place.

    I hope that you get back to the previous system as soon as possible because this is my favorite game(?)."


    Roughly, anyways. Someone with a better understanding of Japanese syntax/grammar than I could probably do a better job. I honestly have no idea what to do with that first line, I apologize.

  17. Guess the nightmare mode could work the same if you got no shields.

    Ah, yes, the nightmare mode that makes no sense from a player perspective and quite honestly probably only still exists because DE doesn't seem to play their own game.


    As evidenced by sentinels shooting their owners on the PvP maps.


    You do NOT miss something like that with even the tiniest amount of testing.

  18. (Fun fact: Borderlands has infinite sprint! Somehow there's no 'rusher phenomenon'! How could this be?!)

    To be fair, in BL2, everything in TVHM+ kills you in two shots.


    So basically, it's like T3 defense, except all the time.

  19. Not, it isnt the game's proposition. Proposition for warframe is "4-player CO-OP". I used caps there so you wouldn't miss it.

    That said, all that you said can be applied to YOU. If YOU want to rush, switch to private, solo or invite only, and play with ppl that know that you do what you do. Online is for jolly cooperation as that is the whole foundation of the game.

    I actually do. However, your "enjoyment of the game" has now ruined my enjoyment of my solo playstyle.


    When you play with other people you have to accept the fact that they will want to play the game differently from you. I accepted that people would want to go slow, so I went and played solo, or only with friends who would go fast -- note, again, that I was already doing that. However, you and your ilk have decided that, instead of coping with people with differing playstyles from yours, the gameplay's very mechanics should reinforce your playstyle while hampering mine. Instead, I'm still going fairly fast, it's just a complete pain in the &#! to manage now, and sapping my enjoyment of the game. For others, it's forced them to change their mod loadout, which in turn means those 50,000 or so new Warframe mods we got just recently are even less likely to ever be used by anyone in great number.


    There is no advantage to this change. It makes life more miserable for people on the low end of the skill and gear spectrums, and makes life tedious and annoying for players on the high end of the skill and gear spectrums. Nobody is even thinking of the new player impression. Warframes that get winded faster than a geriatric climbing three steps with a walker? So exciting! So ninja!


    This game now plays like a slower, less balanced Mass Effect 3 with even more RNG and much less fun. If I wanted PvP, I'd play any number of well balanced arena shooters. If I wanted mission based co-op and playing the same levels over and over again, I'd go dust off Alien Swarm again. Now it's looking like, for a decent co-op fix, I'll have to go back to L4D2 or any of another number of games that don't have problems like enemies that become invincible to 80% of the weapons weapons past a certain point.

  20. You know what I enjoyed about this game over ME3? The faster gameplay, the movement options, and being able to buy and build the weapons I want.


    Now the fast is gone, the movement options are crippled, and I have to RNG + RNG to get new weapons, or RNG + RNG + RNG to get the new frame.


    I'd rather spend $60 a year on XBL so I can play Mass Effect 3's multiplayer than spend another cent on Warframe, or keep devoting my time to it.

  21. Actually, it is very good, although it does slow down the play.

    It pretty much killed all of the rushers though, wich is a 5-star decision in my books.

    Edit: how about trying to use those stamina mods now? They just might've gotten themselves a place in the game after all.

    You know how you could "stop the rushers"? Up at the top of the solar system screen, where it says "Online." You can change that to "Private" or "Invite Only" or even "Solo."


    Instead, a completely valid playstyle has been killed because "t-too f-f-fast."


    People like you make me want to go back to Online just so I can beat everyone to extraction. I won't even hold the really long elevator on the Corpus ships anymore. You've decided that other people aren't allowed to have fun in their own way if it doesn't conform to your idea of fun.



    Apparently rushers dont like this new system...all the better. Leave now, and go back to D3.

    Why don't you go back to Borderlands 2? There's a nice slow game for you.

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