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Posts posted by Astamurti

  1. Since the new update, when I use bladestorm, there is a long delay where ash draws a skana from nowhere for some reason, then when he finishes he switches back to my main weapon even if that wasn't the one I had equipped.


    Worse, sometimes afterwards he can't fire his weapon, switch weapons or jump, and if I walk off a ledge or down stairs or something, he doesn't descend, he just floats in the air and can walk around.



  2. Buy scanners always was boring. You must bought them in stacks of 25. Everytime you clicked on the purchase button, you have an alert to warn you that you are gonna pay 500 credits. Then you click ok, and another alert to tell you that you have bought 25 scanners (thanks for the info >_<).


    Now the problem is the same. You will need thousand of thems, but you still buy stacks of 25. And have every single alert one and another.

    But now is worse than before. 

    EVERY time you accept the alert, you must click down the window on the button at the bottom. Then return to the middle to click "ok" 2 times, and return to bottom to buy another 25.


    This is not so much friendly user...


    I think the problem with so many alerts is in all the game. I dont need so many alerts to tell me "you have invited #{nickname}". I already did that, I know. Those are boring...  but the buy scanners issue is... horrible.

    I believe by pressing spacebar you can avoid having to move the mouse around to click, so I just hit spacebar a bunch of times and it buys me a lot. Might be enter though?

  3. Read the title. Must I hold your hand? I thought you read the title before clicking on it, or do you just click on threads to disagree with the OP?


    Lol @ blaming it all on bladestorm and not the broken mod giveaway system.

    Insulting people for not understanding you when you are being unnecessarily obtuse is not generally an effective method for getting people to agree with you.

  4. Okay, so it's been a long recurring issue that sometimes you fall out of the map and keep falling until you die. Now, while fixing the clipping issue in the first place is a preferable solution, I don't understand why what currently happens does, especially when it seems easily fixed.


    It seems like it should be simple to teleport the player to the nearest "teleport back to stage" location they had been by, but I'm not entirely sure how that mechanism works, so maybe not. I really don't understand though, why you die after a bit. It's not like reviving helps; every time I revive from a fall-out-of-map death, I respawn outside the map again so it just wastes the revive.


    This is a long-running issue that hasn't really seen much attention, and it happened to me two games in a row while teleporting around with bladestorm. I hope DE can do something about it.

  5. The laser bolts from corrupted lancers distinctly are emitted from above their heads.


    On the lancet, the central point of Rhino's head turning range is in front of him, but his shoulders are turned to the right. As such, his head will turn too far to the left, and barely to neutral to the right.

  6. After finishing the egg acquisition mission, Lotus said that now I just needed an egg? Then immediately said, "good, you have an egg" and was just starting to say Ordis would help me when I got kicked to the log in screen and couldn't log back in. After 10-15 minutes, I tried again and successfully logged in, where I got the rest of the statement for the egg, but they said to "drop it into the system" and there were no indicators where that was, and the incubator just had the same breeding guide thing without any interactivity. I thought perhaps I just hadn't gotten the egg somehow, and it let me do the mission again, where it did the same thing as the first time and I can't log in.

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