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Posts posted by JabberwockFish

  1. I just bought the Drahk kubrow gene masking kit, and it doesn't appear in the cosmetics menu. I've tried hatching a new kubrow, and even then it doesn't work. In fact, the only gene masking kits that appear are Mottled and Spotted. Is there any fix for this?

  2. I honestly hope that when Inaros Prime releases, he has a large amount of gold accents, seeing as Egypt is a country rich in gold. What are your hopes for Inaros Prime, or future Primes for that matter?

  3. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)iDEATH said:

    I would like to know if the ayatan credit cost for endo conversion will be removed in this patch? Pretty sure PC has that done already, right?

    Also, goddamit, this is going to be an expensive one for me! Buff Frost and TWO sexy Hitsusan skins for two of my most played frames! Damn, got me right in the wallet! Maybe it's a good thing none of Faven_PS's graxx stuff has made it yet (especially Valkyr), or the Rhino Vojnik skin...so many on my wishlist. I don't think my gaming budget could handle it! Next month...? XD

    wait, how do you know what tennogen items are coming out? Can you link me to a list of them?

  4. (This is copy-pasted from my reddit post here.)

    I'm going to the hospital this coming monday. Last time I was there (Thursday) the doctors said I might not make it. My flu is taking a turn for the worst, they say, (edit: It's likely due to the fact that I am struggling with Pnuemonia as well). I'm going to see if I can bring my Xbox to the hospital so I can spend my time playing my favorite game with my best friends.What I'm trying to say is that since I might not make it out to post again, I'd like to thank the community for being so welcoming to new players before I go.

    Going in as a console player (Xbox One), I expected the player-base to be rather childish and insulting, but I was proven wrong right after signing up. After hesitantly asking for help on leveling up, a player agreed to do so almost immediately. To my surprise, he was very friendly. He talked to me about how he liked my username (The Jabberwok), and he even gave me a prime weapon once we were able to trade. We became fast friends. Unfortunately, he left the game quite a while ago.

    But since then, I have made many new friends. These people have helped me through my struggle with depression. Every time I get on and play, everyone I meet seems to be nice, silly, or both. I want to stress the point that being a part of this community has been one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had, and finally I want to thank each and every one of you for being so great. It's been good, guys.


    EDIT: I can't respond to any replies until later, as I have to get my rest and I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. 


    Update 10/27/16: Bad news. Early this morning, at around 7:00 AM, I started violently coughing up fluids. The doctors say I shouldn't worry, but I'm very scared...

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