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Posts posted by Overlord_Hades

  1. Err... Its kinda different, from surrender to kick button... So, you should realize I was talking about when you do the team, to the battle, and you can kick them out of your room, when you are the captain... sigh... :3 ... And there are a lot of them.. about cs, and battle, cod, etc etc about these you didn't talk right ?  sure... oh.. they are unknown games...


    Did I said I "always" play alone? Preferentially I like to play alone, but did I said always? So how can I see the ****  afk's ? (smart uh o.O )


    When the arguments are failing..  generally the ppl, care more about irrelevant things.. like you do.


    Just focus on the thread, and think twice before write something... and try to write something with value.


    Anyway, read again the points I wrote, like 4,6,7 (7 and you're not the majority like you can see in this thread, and you can't talk by them all, all of us are different, there are a lot of different opinions) and your function is to argue with valid arguments, and try to not make this thread you personal war. So pls focus in the topic.

    - Thats team builder, you decide the team befor going in just like when you invite people to your match. You dont kick them during the match do you ? So no team builder isnt a vote to kick option, it asks you if you want this person on your team and based off what they choose you can say yes or no. And once again you bring up PvP game, not PvE games like warframe, it doesnt need a vote to kick option.


    - you even said "some guys like to play alone, like me" That implies your a solo player. If you prefer to do something it means you do it most of the time, there for you basically said your a solo player. Be more specific if you dont want people to mis-understand you.


    - The only failing argument here is your because you cant even justify your defense. Not to mention your the minority in your own thread, look around, your wrong and you cant accept it. You give half baked reasons and contradict yourself.


    - I am thinking about the thread and focusing on it, you obviously cant write anything of value to defend your point so your starting to insult my, typical of someone failing on words to speak. look in the mirror buddy.


    - LOL you cant even see people disagree with the idea in your own thread ? Thats honestly pathetic. Im done arguing with someone who cant even bring up their own valid points. Dont worry im sure this thread will die soon.

  2. That's kind of what I'm implying, a syndicate that we become the leader of ourselves.

    Just be stunningly amazing and people will follow you, great men get followers, weak men ask for support. Your above the rest you dont ask, its handed to you on a golden platter, thats is what it is to be ubermensch, a superman above all others. become the host of all your matches and reach for the stars like a madman who believes he can fly.

  3. Point 2, you don't know for sure... at least there are for sure (I pretty believe), people with some maturity, seems you don't believe that, or maybe you don't have that.


    Point 3 ? Wtf? You must be joking... Battlefield, League of legends, Counter strike,  etc etc  after these, do I need to mention more? If you don't know them.. pff..


    Point 4 That's why they say before a game starts the loadout requirement, and of course the smart guys change it in the last second.. another reason to make the vote kick system a reliable option to prevent the smart ones. Thanks for the idea.


    Point 6 - Did I said I don't have friends or I refuse to play with them ? I just prefer in some situations to play alone, but that is not related to the thread. that's why.. this point isn't valid.


    Point 7 - Ok .. its not an individual feeling I see.... Its a .... feeling, equal to the sheep when they are in bunch.... pfff...

    point 2) When on the internet to assume maturity is unwise and the community has shown in the past that they will take full advantage of trolling. That's why they don't let you pull teammates with pull anymore, vauban vortex doesn't pull player in anymore, and limbo's banish can be rolled out of. Those were all changed because of people getting trolled and the community complaining. I believe in maturity and I can be mature but these are facts, get used to them, that's how you present an argument. Why do you believe the kick button wont be any different ? We still also have switch telepot lokis, bounce pad vaubans and riplining valkyrs to annoy us. Dont make it easier.


    Point 3) Leage has a surrender button, not a kick. The other 2 are PvP games so trolling, team killing, and annoying people with mics are good reasons for them to need a kick option. Why does warframe when the chance of running into AFK people is so low and mic's are rare ? Have anymore ? cause three isn't a ton and 1 of them is completely invalid.


    point 4) If you join a pug game and people dont like your load out with this option then boom, kicked because they dont like what you have on and you random que joined. This is even more realistic with the up and coming raids.


    point 6) You implied you were a solo player, said you liked to solo but say you have an issue with AFK's despite having people to play with or playing alone. Either RNG hates you or one of these is false bro.


    point 7) You can call sheepal all you want but this is a free to play game, majority is kind of important when the whole please people stay is because your pleasing them. hint hint.

  4. They could do a beta test, it would be interesting.

    Guys its just an idea, its not about some want or not, of course we have different opinions, and that's why the threads are made for.... to discuss.


    In point 1, some ppl is afk, but they are doing other things in the pc, less playing.. that happen a lot, that happens ! I mean afk in game.

    Point 2, sorry I cant understand, its just your feeling.

    Point 3, major games have it, because they need to. Imagine a world without rules, we have luck because warframe isn't yet really known, lets see in the future.

    Point 4, wtf ?

    Point 5 I agree

    Point 6 its not so easy...  Some guys prefer to play alone, like me.

    Point 7... everything has a start point, its just your feeling

    @point 2) people have openly said they would troll vote kick, look at frames like mag (old pull) , vauban, loki and limbo. tell me people wont troll ...


    @point 3) Name some of these major games with kick options, I almost never see vote to kick.


    @point 4) If peope dont like you loadout now they can kick you, aka enforce the "meta" or the super competitive stuff I.E loki, nova, sayrn, frost, OP weapons ect.


    @point 6) If your a solo player who refuses to find friend thats your problem but if your a solo player why are you worried about non-solo and afkers ?


    @point 7) Its not just a feeling, the overwhelming reaction of this thread and many theres has been NO and im pretty sure DE said they dont want to put one in, hence the afk timer we have now.

  5. I think a vote kick would be good, because the players would be more responsible, any game nowadays, has a vote kick options! At least, they should introduce the system to kick the afk players, specially in syndicate missions, and in ODD, and some others.

    I don't understand why the community is so scared about the vote kick system... To kick someone, its needed 4 votes.. do you think the ppl will vote just because they want to troll? Come on.... 4 votes still needed !!!!

    Perhaps the ppl who did not like the system, was the pionner to troll..

    1) Would require 3 votes, why would the afk person vote if hes afk and threatened with a kick ?


    2) People will abuse and troll with it.


    3) Not every game has it and for good reason.


    4) Would enforce "meta" frames and weapons to elitist player ( Im mr 19 so I can talk about elitism as someone not afraid of it but not condoning it)


    5) Would only be a good idea if they took out afk timer and put in place and afk player alert on screen that the party could then vote yes or no on. Not pure vote to kick option, needs to have some ground rules.


    6) If your problem is pugs get some friends to play with, find static groups or a clan thats active.


    7) Most players and DE do not want this (myself included) so good luck with that.

  6. Ah, fantastic.  Returning to the game after a several month break...looked into syndicates and for the most part I understand it, but when I asked my buddy this question (hes been playing) he wasnt too sure.




    Oh.. last question..


    Thinking of going for Sequence, Loka, and Red Veil.  This is possible, yes?  I don't see that any of them are hostile to eachother.  But for some reason, some youtube video was saying that he got negative rep with Red Veil because he is allied with sequence and loka.  I thought to myself... "That has to be incorrect".

    Most people typically got for either the left 3 or right 3 factions so yes. You can also rig steel and veil to your respective side to be liked by 4 factions but that can get a bit messy and requires work.

  7. If the game had more open ended areas then this would be awesome. Im 100% down but we need bigger places to mount up and run around. Also when did some many people become A******s on the forums ? if your gonna post why post mocking thinks like **LOLing right now arent I funny guys notice me, tee hee hee** instead of something actually useful or nothing at all.

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