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Posts posted by MailliWaH

  1. As much as I hate to report this glitch as it was quite effin' fun to screw around with, it's too situational to use and requires Grineer only maps.


    Apparently, the Grineer dog trainer (the one who steals your weapon with a Glaive) takes your weapon and you only have one weapon on you, you're forced to be unarmed, but if you cast and uncast Peacemaker, you're given permanent Regulator pistols that let you fire them on the move.


    Although I really wished that was the case for the skill in general, that'd be too broken.


    It was a hell of a blast to use the Regulators on the move so go try it before it gets fixed.

  2. The range can also not be increased , not only reduced , so thats ok , dmg affected by your secondary weapon ? Finally a reward for using good weapons , OP ? no , constant energy drain while youre vulnerable .


    Thanks for the tip. Just tested out myself with +135% range vs -48% range and there really is no difference in range. Still 35km in the end.

  3. So what you're saying is you want rare items to be even MORE easier to find?

    Cause that's what it sounds like you're saying if not please let me know.


    I'd like to add in the fact that the drop rates were not intended to be this low, so this was their solution to this problem.


    So the context of them fixing the drop rates is that they are not considered to be rare in the first place.


    EDIT: But what I'm really trying to say is that their method of pissing off more customers to try and rake in more money is very disheartening.

  4. I really appreciate them for trying to fix this problem, I really do. And I'd like to thank the guys at DE for putting the effort in trying to fix this problem.


    But, I have to say, this is brilliant. Just simply brilliant by the guys at marketing at DE. A round of applause for these guys. Just a big round of applause for them. A big round of applause for DE for "fixing" the drop rate also. They even managed to receive positive feedback from the community except those who were able to decipher their little scheme.


    - Increased drop rate of Reaper Blade and Latron Prime Receiver to "Common" for Void Level "III" Missions

    - Void Key packs are now guaranteed to include one rare key


    Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but those 2 lines right there, they got me hard, real @(*()$ hard.


    Let me cut to the chase and present my hypothesis: People found out about the insanely broken drop rates of the Latron Prime Receiver and Reaper Blade Receiver, so no one is buying keys anymore. So what can they do to persuade people to buy more keys? Guaranteed 1 rare III key for every purchase of a Void Key pack you buy. To increase the incentive of buying it, let's throw in that Void level III missions now commonly drop a receiver and a blade. Result? I'll throw out a wild speculation and say a lot more people bought more void key packs. Show of hands in this thread, before you comment, tell me if you bought a pack of keys after this hotfix. Please do it for the sake of statistics.


    Now maybe they posted information about a hotfix that it's easier to find those 2 pieces with just Void level I or II keys now while I'm typing this up, but from what I'm seeing, they're not. If it did, please point it out.


    So maybe I'm crazy, or is this just another crazy last minute cash grab yet again?


    I'll let you guys decide, but before you ravage me with insults, can you say what I'm saying is false?


    Thank you for taking the time reading an old man's crazy conspiracy theory.


    EDIT: BTW, I bought 3 key packs, found 2 Frost Prime Chassis and 1 Reaper Prime Blade in Void III's. Back to finding a receiver.

  5. Really? Out of all of the whining threads I've seen the General Discussions forum area degrade into, this topic is easily the most pathetic. You are the one who decided to enter your payment information for Warframe so you could buy platinum so you could then buy whatever it is you wanted to buy with said platinum. You are the sole person responsible for making the choice to buy platinum, so don't go making bullcrap threads such as this one just because you are fed up over not having something right away. Warframe is the product of people's careers; people who have to make money off of what we call enjoyment. Learn about the real world and then come back and say something meaningful instead of making yourself look like a complete fool.



    Heh heh. Sorry, I had a real kick at this post so I had to chuckle a little.


    You see, there's this thing called the English language. I'm well aware that you're quite familiar with this language, but the problem is, you didn't understand the main points of this thread before you attacked me.


    Before I get through the points that you missed throughout this thread, I suggest you watch your tone with me. Before you insult me, you best read whatever the F*** I write before you degrade yourself to a child and throw insults at me. Understood?


    Let's go through this together, shall we, sir?


    When I use the word "they took", it's a very appropriate phrase as to what happened with my money. I would say that I gladly spent money on the keys knowing that I would have a fair chance at getting what I wanted. If you paid attention to the current events in Warframe, you should know by now the Latron Prime Receiver and the Reaper Prime Blade are very hard to come by and that's just me being modest. That is perceived as a "glitch" or a "coding error" that their drop rate is so low so it might be understandable. Here's the main point about this, they didn't mention that fact.


    That being said, many people bought the keys not knowing that the drop rate would be "glitched" and it would be insanely low. They know what they were getting into when they bought it, except for that one MINOR detail they did not realize when they released the update. So it's fair to say, THEY TOOK our money without telling us about this "error" we did not know about until trial-and-error + $$$$$ wasted.


    So when you say it was ME, who is the one who bought the platinum and it was ME who is responsible for what I purchase, it should be THEIR responsibility to compensate us or at least warn us for making US waste money on something that is quite possibly an "error".


    I'd appreciate if you read the general message I tried to get across to the general populace in this single post. I apologize if I sound aggravated to you, but next time, don't be such a child to throw insults without reading what I write. 


    EDIT: So even after all that, do I, my fellow denizens of Warframe, not have the right to ask for answers for our problem at hand?

  6. How dare they have a weekend? I demand they work 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, without pay.


    There are several threads with responses in them just remain calm. DE has proven to listen to their community. There is no need to go ape-S#&$ every time they release a patch that includes things that aren't working 100%. We're BETA-TESTERS after all. It appears like the void drops are going to be looked at at the very least.


    I think we all forgot what DE did to us this weekend and used this weekend as a possible excuse for their major cash grab.


    I think we all remember how many people wasted hundreds of dollars on void keys this weekend without informing us that a piece of the Latron Prime and Reaper Prime is going to be as rare as Multi-shots. I really like the fact that they wanted us to discover this on our own after draining our wallets.


    But we can't blame them for implementing this cash grab, It's the weekends. They would of never known that the drop rates were going to be this low after THEY set the drop rates themselves and ran off to their vacation. But hey, they raked in their money from us poor saps, now they can POSSIBLY and I mean if we're really lucky, they can fix the drop rates. I'm out with this post. Good day, sirs.


    EDIT: Sorry, I read a post at the top by 



    It's a pretty damn big coincidence that Reaper blade AND Latron Receiver both have the same values. It's a damn coincidence.

  7. What is that kind of a question? I mean. It seems you dont understand that giving answers about all this isnt a simple task.

    They have to come together and work it out. You cant expect an answer at monday morning just because its monday.....

    People these days are so impatient....


    I've waited 3 days for a simple "fix the drop rates". Reprogram the drop rates and change receivers from 0.5% drop to 20%.


    I go to work in the morning and if there's a problem with the system, I'm expected to fix it the morning I get back otherwise I get mouthed off by my boss. I think 3 days is patient enough so don't undermine my patience.


    EDIT: When you go to work and you get back from the weekends, what do you do for the first 3 hours? Sit back and continue your weekend?

  8. I think you intended to say "I gave DE a lot of my money this week." When you go to McDonald's you don't get to tell the staff when they take breaks just because you bought a hamburger. DE is working on it, they have said so already.


    There's a hidden, yet obvious context in that statement. I gave them a lot of money for a defective product and I've been patient this weekend to take a break from this game so they can fix it.


    I'll use your own analogy and change it a bit. When I go to McDonalds and i find mold on my hamburger, I expect them to fix that. Got it?

  9. The DE staff is back from their weekend vacation.


    I'm sure they have heard all the complaints about the Void drop rates.


    My question is, where's the response?


    Maybe I'm too impatient here, but they took a lot of my money this week ($80) to be exact, and I want answers.

  10. Ask yourself: if you were in their shoes, and incredibly bad drop rates would have gotten people willing to get this stuff to spend 600+ plat on keys alone, would you change it?


    If their business model is to torture their customers and make them question ever spending another center on platinum, then that's something that needs to be changed. But that's just me.

  11. I gave up 600+ platinum on keys already, DE.


    You made quite a profit off me already, so I'm not going to say something as selfish as to give me one just because of that, which is impossible as it is already. But, could you please just increase the rate of drop of the receiver and blade and decrease the drop rate of the other materials?


    If you're not as twisted as I think you guys are right now for putting us through this, then I'd hope you change this so the community would not follow suit to my foolish mistake and the mistake of others from farming void missions.


    I'm tired, and disappointed, so off to bed for me. Good night everybody.

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