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Posts posted by Saya

  1. Same. Even when we do manage to find each other in the same instance, trading is bugged and it forces me to alt+f4 to get out of the menu.

    Edit: thank you Soulxx3, we both went to a flotilla then exited to orbiter then back to dojo and that worked for us.

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Was trying to join a squad that had 0 to do with the event, just a normal group invite from orbiter to orbiter.
    • VISUAL



    • REPRODUCTION: Not having played the event at all for the whole day, try inviting someone to a private squad.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: I should be able to join a squad from orbiter to orbiter.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Was met with error message "You may only join squads connected to your flotilla." If I am not connected with a flotilla at all and the other party is not connected to a flotilla at all, that is impossible.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% even after completely exiting warframe (both parties) and starting, logging back in. Unable to join any squads.

    Not getting the rewards is frustrating, but this is actually making it impossible for me to play the game with my friends.

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Did Ground Assault and received a Rank "III" SCARLET SPEAR CONDRIX EMBLEM with over 6K points/credits.
    • VISUAL

      xEbN5aE.jpg TqZyktR.jpg


    • REPRODUCTION: It took a few hours so I will probably wait to recreate it until this issue is fixed.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Get 10k Creds as a victory bonus
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Got 2k Creds as a victory Bonus
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Will edit later if I spend that amount of time doing this again before the (hoped for) fix.
  2. Used to it by now. Along with being given instructions comparable to 'did you plug it in'? There are a few ways you can get them to notice you sooner if you need to but I think most of us just roll over. I've had ducats disappear, this, that, the other thing - whenever I have spoken up about this issue, DE employees suggested that I utilize the forums as much as possible. :< 

  3. 31 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    Theyll do a rollback, not ban people.

    Has this been confirmed by DE? Because when they introduced kuva and people were able to sell Orvius parts for ducats a significant portion of the player base was banned for 20+ years lol

  4. Ill-gotten gains? So, when I log in and at the login screen I get a prompt that I must dissolve my rivens before playing, that shows that I am mal-intentioned? I've seen enough people punished over DE's mistakes so I didn't dissolve any, but it's mind-boggling that you think users following a prompt that the game is giving them, "Dissolve your mods otherwise you can't play sorties" warrants any kind of punishment. @hybrid_demon

  5. Just now, HazyYume said:

    you mean by giving us literally a ton of endo and a ton of plat if we would trade those?^^

    If you touched them and gained anything they would likely suspend your account even though it was their error. Probably not a good idea to touch them.

  6. I'm having the same problem. I sincerely hope that my account doesn't get suspended for something that was completely on DE's end. Now I am prevented from playing missions unless I purchase riven slots for rivens that do not exist. It would be extremely disheartening if we saw another mass ban for the orvius/ducat mistake.

  7. 6 minutes ago, --Q--NinjaMann said:

    Reading the patch notes and finding out about this fix slightly triggered me. Instead of looking into and fixing problems to do with enemy spawning (like none spawning in the 2nd and 3rd stage) the combo we used to overcome it has been fixed. *insert facepalm emoji* I highly doubt that these changes will be reverted looking back at past updates since crashing is still around and getting up to 3 different arcanes in your squad is still a thing. There are some people out there (about 20 maybe) who actually want to go for the records and this has been ruined (more salt incoming). An then you have the odd 1% of the community who actually does JV raids. Now even more of these runs will be failed due to a lack of enemy spawns and this raid already has the lowest completion rate (~60%). Maybe it isn't apparent but the Jordas Verdict is the most confusing part of warframe to learn, You see on a regular basis that there are runs that take well over and hour to complete and now they can be taking even longer. (Ill be back later with more salt, it seems like mine will just drowned in everyone else's at the moment)

    Indeed. I believe only 2 of my JV failures were due to someone like the keyholder disconnecting. The rest of my failures have been because the game does not work. *pours some salt on the fire*

  8. 5 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    If the previous records were achieved by what was essentially an exploit, which has now been fixed, then all leaderboards should be wiped at this point.

    Of course issues with spawns should also be fixed.

    We've been asking for spawn fixes for...how long has JV existed? DE will not even comment. Instead of fixing spawns they took away the only way we had to combat their failure. Sure the raid is playable, but it takes longer and makes absolutely no sense that we have to run <100m away to pick up 1 charge just to run back and then repeat that cycle. We aren't talking about subpar spawns, we're talking about legitimately screwed spawn rates.

  9. Has DE ever, ever commented that they give any sort of a care for JV or even LoR for that matter? I gave up hope when my bug reports were responded to with: "Please stop writing so many bug reports," despite sending in different ee.logs for completely different raids. Every hotfix is a new game mode in itself! See if we are going to fail or not because of game-breaking bugs. GG WP.

    Also, cheers for the constant new conclave content and the plethora of loading screen tips about Conclave while the rest of us are being either ignored or scolded for "clogging up the system" with reports about raid bugs.

    Thanks for the post, Amducias. Congrats on your perma record ;) 

  10. Just hosted the raid that Khonsu-II and Myon- mentioned above. Bugs 3 and 5 were present (again). Everyone spawned in "Walkwing" save for the host.

    Submitting fifth ticket of the day for JV. Again, thanks for hearing our voices. Each raid I host (or am a part of) has 8 people in it, so just personally that's 40 users who have encountered gameplay that directly conflicts with the patch notes' claims of "bug fixes". 

  11. I just hosted a regular Law of Retribution Trial. When in Operator mode, -clm-joker was teleported and fell through the map.

    Also as Davjo mentioned, there is no sky boundary in phase 2 and phase 3. I have experienced this several times. I'll head over to upload my log file.

    Thank you for taking the time to address our concerns! It is nice to feel valued as a member of the Warframe Community for those of us who like to run Trials. Cheers!

  12. I just hosted another Jordas Verdict Trial, and for the second time today I am submitting a bug report. I experienced again:

    Bug 3 and Bug 4. The host had to be inside for Nerve Two (stage three) in order for the nerve to be destroyed. My squad members spawned in Stage Three in "Walkwing."

    A *new* bug I would like to bring attention to, but one that has happened to me many times as host, is that one of my squad members (Dreaded_Cthulhu) was stuck "DEAD" with a bugged HUD and no option to revive when he died in archwing in Stage Three. I, the host, died in Stage Three in archwing and was given no option to spectate, but could just see my weapons in a "T" position floating in space. I didn't see my dead warframe. I had the option to revive. I clicked once, three revives left. Twice, two revives left. Couldn't spectate or revive. While this may not be such a detrimental bug for my squadmates, as host, if this would have occurred prior to Nerve Two I would have needed to abort the entire mission (because out of the ~50 raids I have hosted within the past 30 days - my presence as host was necessary for the second nerve to be killed).

    Off to write a new support ticket. Cheers!

    Attached: Screenshot of my last 5-10 minutes of the "game": http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/144508080737687699/D47C8B6041B678CBAD481DAE53431DF6514FDFC7/

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