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Posts posted by RielZero

  1. So after 2 Forma and endless trying to get his kit to work I'll write my feedback to Grendel.

    The struggle is real manageing enemies in the belly, keep buffs alive (and get the right buffs), get energie for abilitys and survive. You often can't keep all this up and find yourself with no health (so no Hunter Adrenalin energie) no energie in a corner.

    To sum it up short Grendel has massive energy problems, abilitys aren't worth using and I find myself constantly ending up in dead ends with his abilitys.

    First the Problems:

    1. Feast: Costs to much energie. Even after I got the energie drain down to 0.58 energie/s, I find myself out of energie after a few seconds after eating a few enemies and even worse if a Leech or Energy Drain eximus lurks somewhere (results in instant no energie).

    2. Nourish: Costs to much energie, the RNG is bad, the buffs are too weak and the health gain does absolutley nothing. Because you cant keep enemies in your belly you always have to use Feast first which needs extra energie, then you never get the buff you need, I always find myself in situations where i am low on health and desparatly need the armor buff to get the energie buff 5 times in row chiping away at my energy (the energie buff doens't help because its to weak) and the health gain is also too weak, you run out of energie before you can effectivly heal yourself.

    3. Regurgitate: Almost never see a use for it, because its damage is too weak and I don't really want to loose enemies in my belly (for armor and buff purposes).

    4. Pulverice: is to weak, its cool to be a ball and roll around but the damage radius is too small and the damage is to low. Also you can't really use it for long because either you run out of energie or you use up all the enemies in your belly and its really difficult to build momentum, most of the time i try to get rolling and then it ends.


    1. Feast: Let us keep some enemies in our belly without energie cost. For example let us keep 5 enemies without drain and after 5 let the drain beginn. with that we would have reserves to use the other Abilities and keep a little armor for defense.

    2. Nourish: Let us choose which buff we want, by holding the key down change the active buff or if we already have a buff let us only get the other till we have all three and then refresh the one with the least amount of time left.

    3. Regurgitate: Honestly you could cobine it with feast where he shoots all of the enemies in his belly on holding the abilitie button and give him a more interessting ability here.

    4. Pulverice: needs a hefty damage buff, also i would like a kind of boots so you could keep rolling, for example Hamilton from overwatch has a similar ability but he can build momentum with his grappling hook.

    In addition Grendels Passive should heal him every time he consumes an enemy in his belly.

    I want to like to play Grendel but its very difficult, managing all the differnt factors and min maxing it all so its somewhat viable.


  2. vor 23 Minuten schrieb S.Faiz:
    vor 53 Minuten schrieb b4timert:

    Just wished they split this in 4 different updates


    2)new frame



    this way they could have worked on bug as they come and on bugs in all 4 at the same time and we would have had something to test/ play/get while we wait for the net one.

    as its now there is so much to do you won't have time to do all 4 in depth.

    If they would have done like this, then It would not hype the game as much as it was hyped during Fortuna and POE. At the end of the day, warframe is a bussiness, they need hype to get more player base which such big update brings.

    Only problem with your hypothesis is that half the update is only relevant for the existing playerbase. Not to even speak of that they did not advertise this update like plains, fortuna and empyrian. Its in my opinion, just plain mismanagement of updates.

  3. The todays disscussed changes to nightwave are the exact opposit what nightwaves need... there should be more to do not less. Yes its good too have less pressure to get stuff but not this way, there should be more to do more to grind better rewards and less pressure to do everything to get it all.

    Easy fix put some worthwhile rewards in the cred pool, at the moment there is nothing useable to veteran players in there and you also get a F ton of creds at the end of nightwave...

    Very dissapointing.

    • Like 5
  4. Hi, I can't seem to get Decorations to snap to surfaces in our Dojo anymore since the last hotfixes. Maybe there is a correlation with wall latching not working anymore?

    Tested wall latch bug with removeal of archwing gun, wall latch worked again, surface swapping did not.

    Does anybody else have that problem?

  5. 25 minutes ago, MaidGalaxy said:

    With the new Oberon PA items released on the servers, we could get back to the grind for the new shiny goods.
    A few who already got a couple of the new items, may have noticed something unpleasant to the eye, which is, that the Silva and Aegis Prime's Silva mace is miss aligning with the Aegis shield on every single frame and skin that isn't Oberon Prime's model.

    For example here:

    Here is Oberon Prime with the Silva and Aegis as it should look (using the Mesa noble animation set).

    Here is Loki Prime with the Silva mace miss aligning with the Aegis shield after my best of efforts to make it look like Oberon P's default holstering via the holstering options (using vanilla Loki model and Mesa nobel animation set).

    The right example happens, as previously mentioned, on every frame and every skin that is not Oberon P (or Oberon P with immortal skin).

    Please DE, fix this issue, as you and everybody else knows: *Fashion frame is the true endgame*.

    And a little plea: please don't fix it by removing the Silva mace in the holstered position all together, we have seen you can do it, please just do it right everywhere else as well.


    Did you also notice that the sword of the Danaus Skin sticks out of the shield when equiped on Silva&Aegis Prime?

  6. So after testing the new changes to Oberon I still found a few problems, mainly with energy, scaling and synergy.

    Energy: simply said he just burns throught it. Even with primed flow and rage he emptys his energy pool in seconds healing himself alone.

    Scaling: his damage abilities still after hotfix 20.3.1 don't do much damage to enemies and I know he is not supposed to be a damage frame but I'll come to the cc part. On the other side I am practically a invicible, untouchable, healing god of destruction untill lvl 60, then I become an instant kill Target (and yes I played with phoenix renewal and Quick thinking). After lvl 60 renewal just can't keep up anymore even if you have enought energy.

    Synergy: I think the synergy between Hallow Ground and Renewal is a step in the right direktion, a very small step but a step, now we just have to make a bigger step. I find me casting hallowground only to get the armour buff for renewal and then forget about it till the buff bugs out when phoenix renewal kicks in. I want more reason to cast hallow ground more often, like maybe a energy regeneration if you stand in it? Or something like that. Then there is the synergy between hallowed Ground and Reckoning which you don't really notice except if you read the patchnotes, that needs to be buffed, haaaaard, to be viable.

    My recomended changes to Oberons abilities woudl be:


    • Bonus Damage to Radiated targets, would give synergy with hallowed Ground and Reckoning.
    • Longer down time of target, just knock down priority targets, maybe longer downtime for radiated targets?

    Hallowed Ground: 

    • Armor buff should always be active when you stand in Hallowed Ground and renewal makes it permament. So hallowed Ground becomes more of a safe zone for allies kinda liker Nidus 4th abilitie.
    • Energy regeneration, would help oberon maintain renewal and or his abilitie to keep casting
    • Allies whit renewal should get the armor buff when entering hakkow ground, it doesn't make much sense that the armor buff only applies when renewal is cast.


    • No energy cost for only been active, kinda like nekros desecrate. Why should my healing aura burn energy when my looting auro doesn't?
    • When phoenix renewal kicks in it is stupid to lose the armor buff.
    • A suggestion from me, let oberon do more damage without renewal active and less with renewal active that would bring out his duality a liitle bit more.


    • Needs a stat buff, as I said earlier you don't notice the armor stripping.
    • Better cc, longer knockdown or a toggle: in which the first cast put them in the air and the second cast slams them into the ground. That would give you time to heal, revive allies or kill priority targets, it then should consume energy when active.

    Changes to Oberon:

    His new passive is by worlds more usefull than his old passive, but its still beyond me why he gets pets pssives... which do not have any synergie with his other abielities or roles. Please stop try to make him the pet frame and give him something usefull for his skills (maybe the dmg on dmg of thing i mentioned earlier)

    At lasst a bigger energy pool would help whit his new energy Problems.

    I hope my feedback will be finally, at least acknowlegded and we can make Oberon a great viable frame.

    Best Regards a tenno who stood by Oberons side since his release and a proud founder of warframe.

  7. On 24.6.2016 at 6:09 PM, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Hm I'm not sure if I should agree or disagree.


    I mean yeah, he most definitly needs some love. Have been experimenting a bit with him recently. Put a energy Tank build together...though that hallowed ground could Bypass QT's Stun (How wrong i was) but I just dropped duration, been adding Casting Speed, combined the Well balanced energy Management and CC with some melee coverage and guess what, he works and splendid at that.


    He isn't just any Supporter or Jack of all, he can be a pretty potent CC Frame that has means to instantly distract incomming units (smite a single target in a Wave, the whole movement will stop to kill that guy), Heal (all kinds of usefull for gunplay, melee and energy builds) or to just knock down a pretty good Radius to leave them to themselves (on par with nyx, only overall more usefull Kit) and building him in different ways makes him Cover different purposes. He isn't only balanced but able to be built for specific functions, what's a important difference.


    He doesn't have a nieche or much Meta potential but lets be honest there, He is pretty darn strong in the right hands.


    His passive IS or can be pretty useless but so are 3/4 of his Effects (low percentuall armor and damage on hallowed ground while he has no armor himself , static range on hallowed Reckoning, Blinds that only extend over Reckoning range with a pretty useless Base-range (wtf DE?! 200%range translate to ~9-10m blind range from affected units. Would more range hurt under this condition?!) And is there any use for the status cure at the end of his Heal? Or rather exclusive to the end of his Heal! ) So where is the suprise? He is still Solid and very flexible. He still has much that works for him whatever you wanna do with him. Anything more then that? Why the hell not. It doesn't harm anyone does it?

    I really liked your comment, it really shows you know Oberon and you did more research than I did on Oberon. :D


    PS: bumping this thread again, i really would like a useful passive on Obern.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Tatersail said:

    +1 just for that picture.


    Oberon seems to be stuck with poor ability's because he has a really terrible heal skill, so he is classed as a "hybrid" and none of his skills are permitted to be effective.


    I personally think Renewal is so pointless that it should be made his passive.  Have it cast on the team whenever he uses any warframe power, and active for anyone standing on consecration.   Then give him a new skill!


    I sort of understand that everyone playing warframe gets given Oberon for free, I think I have had over 1000 blueprints.  So its sort of a joke free frame that is gifted to us to help new players gain mastery.  So its not that much of an issue.

    For a new player on earth with no mods, I imagine that Oberon Renewal could be used, and consecration may actually damage enemies more than an un-modded braton 

    Thanks for the +1 :D but i disagree with you about his heal abilities. Its true they could use a buff like oberon in general but if you build oberon right he can heal you nonstop and dispell debuffs extend the bleedout and cc but he needs to have a little more survivability to be good for people who dosen't want to use a few forma on him.

  9. 24 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    Firstly, right with you on the usefulness of Bro's passive. It's kind of cool when you get the opportunity to use it, but those opportunities are just so incredibly rare that I forget it's even a thing he can do.

    Secondly, I don't know why so many people are so up on horses about the paladin/druid concept debate. This is a game about robot ninjas in space and the conceptualization themes are mostly just for the creation process of a frame. I'm sure the medieval RPG class Oberon would fit into isn't that important. Not to mention that he's named after the King of the Faeries in the first place and his powers share a lot with fairy mythology, so purely on concept he's really more of a fairy frame. (Saying nothing of Titania, the soon-to-be true fairy frame.)

    Finally and most importantly, while I'd appreciate our dear deer Warframe receiving just a touch more love, his gameplay is absolutely fine. The issue is the scope of situations in which he's really awesome, and this is often up to the players more than the game. See, Oberon is built to save your &#!: Radiation procs, armor buffs, continuous healing, bleedout timer extension, a little damage and a few kinds of CC, Oberon will carry a team through a difficult situation. The trouble is though, your average mission isn't that challenging and the squad's asses usually don't need much saving, so Oberon is stuck playing redundant support and second-class damage frame. (Or he can brawl it out as a melee tank-mage doin' his own thing, like a Pala-- huh, that Paladin/Druid argument is starting to make more sense now....) Point is, Oberon's fine. He just finds his sweet spot in missions where there's a risk of the team losing, which aren't that common given the overpowered nature of the Tenno. Oberon is still my #1 pick for Nightmare missions.

    I never say anything about changing his gameplay? I like how he plays ( even thought a little buff would be nice) and i think i can say i am fairly good at it and i have a build which is fairly durable and kicks &#! at healing and supporting at high level missions.

    Yes you are right he is a nuclear space ninja robot healer but his passive feels so out of place... aside the unusefullness.

    And I use him for most difficult missions (nightmare, sorties, t4 ect.) in a group and solo.

    PS for my testing his passive doesn't even work when it should.

  10. Yes i agree druids are usually one with nature but there are generally 2 kinds of nature characters first beastmasters which don't necessary use magic to control beasts and then nature magic user who controll plants, are healers and speak with nature and stuff. Druids are for me the second type and oberon is cleary a healer and is even depicted as a tree.

    I think it would better fit a frame which actually has something to do with animals, like turning into different animal forms.

    Maybe its a personal thing but i want oberon to be a paladin or maybe natures champion.

    Anyway I just want to push this topic.


  11. I write this so that DE maybe sees this and does something.

    I played Oberon alot and i like him but after he got his new passive I am a little upset.

    His passive just doesn't fit the character very well on top of that its useless 95% of the time.

    When he first came out he was advertised as a paladin and I think his abilities reflect that so it was baffling to me when it was announced that he gets a beastmaster passive, even when you think of Oberon as a druid this passive doesn't fit. What was DE thinking? Even Rebecca said it isn't a good passive for Oberon.

    Okay i´ll stop ranting about his passive now.

    I have the feeling DE lost track where they want to go with Oberon, making a mess out of him, DE should choose a direction and stick with it.

    Make him a paladin again, or make him a druid (even thought i think his abilities are more that of a paladin), or make him a nature paladin but don't make him into a beast master, that should be a completly new frame and not a passive superglued to oberon.

    And he would also desperately need a stat buff or a gimick to survive on higher level missions.

    As I said i played Oberon a lot but now with his unfitting useless passive i don't really like to play him anymore. I don't really want to play Warframe in general anymore because i feel like DE isn't listening anymore.

    I would like to see him as the paladin that he should have been and maybe be on paar with most other frames.

    Please DE show him some love.

  12. Oberon is not a beastmaster this passive makes barely sense and is practically always useless because of the time limit and that it doesn't effect enemy animals.

    Even if you think of Oberon as a Druid it doesn't make sense because druids don't use animals to attack they protect them.

  13. For all the people who say its not fun to repeatedly press 4 to win, you're right it isn't fun but the current gameplay and scaling of enemys forces you into this kind of play.

    You know what else isn't fun? Enemies forcing me to make a tonkor and forma it and grind it, so i can kill high level enemies. I hate it that i can't play this game like I want to because most weapons and frames are defensless/useless against high level enemies.

    I main oberon and most people just make spam 4 oberon builts which i refuse, but they are forced to because they don't spent time and forma to make oberon any good.

    And his new passive isn't helping. At all.

    Lets stop fighting and use this thread for constructive ideas and maybe DE will show even oberon finally some love.

  14. 48 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    You do realize they want to release u19 within the next month or so, right? You say they should raise the middle ground frames, but that just reinforces the power creep, which is supposed to be countered by the scaling changes coming in u19. Why change values to match a system they wish not only not to keep, but go in the opposite direction of? You say that Excalibur is no longer valid, but how many people run him with a nikana or single handed sword? If you can run Excalibro perfectly fine with a 1h sword, you can do the same with a more powerful version, which is what EB is. People whined and moaned when Sayrn got reworked, but look at how good she is now? The formulas in game at the moment are from closed beta, when endgame content was level 20-30. These values are pushed to an extreme above level 100, to a degree that is broken in DE's eyes, and that is some thing they are going to change. Instead of creating more work afterward, they are looking to balance things to a degree before u19. If scaling wasn't changing, I might agree with you, but instead, you'really whining that an originally close range intended power got merged at long range. His base power didn't even get nerfed, his waves simply have fall off like shotguns. 


    As for conclave, have you actually played it lately? It's fairly balanced, only seeming op when someone is simply used to using theit kit better than you. Getting 1hko'd with a bow seems op, until you grab one yourself and miss every shot. It takes skill to crush at conclave, and that is more along the lines of what DE wants across the board, to a degree. They want frames to be near a rough base line out of the gate, and truly come to life and be op in the hands of someone who truly knows how to maximize their load out. 

    As for the grind, bringing things in line with one another is also a solution to this. With everything closer together, you don't need to 'rush' to certain items, and you can still do content of a higher tier if you have the skill to make up for the much smaller, after the updates, difficulty difference in gear. Warframe is moving closer to a game where meta has less of an impact, and becomes more reliant on player skill, instead how well you minmax.


    As for loot tables, what's wrong with things being hard to obtain? It makes things special and unique. I'd everyone could get prime gear, or highly coveted mods, there would be no meaning behind them being behind more difficult missions, and there would be no reason to increase in rank/level. Many of the systems you revile are the reason why warframe is successful to this day. Because items are elusive, warframe has a very alive and profitable trade system, allowing free 2 play players to obtain items that take larges amounts of time to obtain, and allow wallet warriors to cut out a little of the middle man to make up for the time they can't devote as hard core because they have jobs and other responsibilities. 


    While we should remain objective and scrutinize something because we love it, don't whine about changes to come when they may very well be the changes needed to keep warframe Alice and kicking, and further expand in the future. Honestly, I kolind of wish energy waves only lashed out on EB when you channel, so be thankful that you still have regular ranged attack potential on EB lool.

    Honestly its a very poor choice to release these nerfs now if they are meant to play into the balancing changes in u19 besause they make little sense in the current gameplay and just feel unjustified.

    And about lootables, there is a difference between hard to get and frustrating... I am a little pissed too when i waste a t4 key and a hour upwards on forma, cores and trash prime parts.

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