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Posts posted by Stantious

  1. On 2020-09-06 at 5:29 PM, Hobie-wan said:

    I may be crazy, but I swear when I pull up the mission progress with P to check how my fish collection is going I usually get some fish spawned when I pop back out.

    I believe that this is genuinely the fix. This requires more testing but I can attest that I spent the better part of 30 minutes sitting in empty pools, I was only able to fish what spawned when I zoned in solo. Began googling the issue as I figured it was some over-fishing prevention system at play here, because they're so easy to catch, saw this post and tried it and suddenly I am drowning in fish. They began spawning like normal, the same as other open world zones. I cannot overstate how night and day it was, having already baited multiple hot-spots, moved away from them and returned, I had tried everything and literally no fish were spawning. Thank you for offhandedly posting this.

  2. AlaskaRage made a post over in the normal PC Art & Animation Bug Report forum on November 9th, and this issue still appears in-game so I am making a second report for it. All other Facility and Cave maps work as intended, by swapping over to their interior maps, but the Enrichment Labs is overlaid by a raw Orb Vallis terrain map



    Original Bug Reports:


  3. The Gorgaricus Sacs cannot be scanned by the Synthesis Scanner, regular scanners untested. It can, however, be scanned by a Helios if you position the Helios close enough to it, wall latch near or inside of it, or Ivara Dash Wire close enough.

    With my Helios having a field day in Orb Vallis, I had assumed I had scanned Gorgaricus Sacs to completion. It was while running around with my scanner while hunting that I noticed it was orange, Mytocardia Sacs of course are green, as they can be scanned normally. Repeated attempts on multiple sacs showed the outright inability to scan them. It was only when I was gliding close to one that I heard a scan sound, and discovered they could be scanned, but only by the Helios when close enough. There must be some object surrounding the sac that acts as a wall that prevents scanners from targeting them, and only be pushing the Helios through it, can you get a scan.

    While checking on this, and trying to figure it out, I also found that neither the Gorgaricus nor Mytocardia sacs appear in the Codex. Perhaps the plethora of new objects just hasn't been implemented yet.

  4. My last post on the topic, sorry for the spam, but my last run shows some clearly unintentional bugs happening. I went in a third time to record video of the hostage escaping on their own, and instead was greeted by the hostage not only freeing himself, but doing so before I even unlocked the door to the prison. I was clearing the door to begin recording, when suddenly I got the rescue message and smashed record. You can see that the door was not unlocked by the console, it was just open, and I use the console anyway.

    Sorry for the quality. Side note, the Repala Syandana still disappeared with invisibility :smile:

  5. I decided to run some tests.

    My first run involved me entering the console, taking my time to kill the Nulifier, but my cloak ran out and was gunned down by the turrets that I had forgotten about while I was hacking a console. The hostage spawned and I proceeded to fiddle with the floating extraction marker, which would not lead past the prison.

    My second run, I entered the prison and killed a Heavy Gunner who was chillin', sorry to ruin your day, and I received thanks from the hostage, though I wasn't sure I had as I was listening to music and thought maybe it was from the Lotus. By the time I entered the console room, the hostage asked for a gun and was standing next to me. Then fiddling with the floating extraction marker, I spent some time killing a Bursa on it, and after I was done it did seem to finally work, and led me to extraction.

    These bugs seem minor, and seem to make the mission much easier, but they result in a mission where I don't understand whats going on and a free win. I feel this mission needs some attention to work correctly, giving appropriate time to take down the defenses of the prison and then shuffle through the consoles, requiring some speed and hacking skill, which I feel was the intention of the mission.

  6. I wasn't sure if I should put this in Feedback or Bug Report, there is a minor bugs, so I chose here.

    I feel as though DE employees need to dogfood this specific sortie. I feel as though I cannot do it in a group, and have chosen to go alone as Loki for a long time. A number of things ruin this mission and make it a frustrating mess.The amount of time given to rescue the hostage seems to have been recently increased, and has made messing up slightly more forgiving, but I am always worried that I do not have enough time. I can quickly enter the prison room with the consoles, but most often there is an Eximus Nulifier waiting for me, who proceeds to oneshot me if I lose stealth, and he can sit on the consoles. I don't feel I have enough time to take him down if I wish to ensure I can free the hostage, again, time feels too tight. On top of that, a Bursa can spawn within the console room. Then entering the portals drops stealth, and I have on multiple occasions been instantly killed upon entering a room of four Eximus Ancients. The number of things that can go wrong is staggering, and every experience I have doing this mission in a group has resulted in failure. Things my have changed though, as I noticed the time has increased, so other mechanics have changed.

    I seem to suddenly free the hostage. At least one time that I noticed, I opened the portal to the hostage, entered, was ambushed by those four Eximus Ancients and killed, and upon respawn the hostage thanked me for rescuing them and I was able to proceed to extraction. My last couple runs of this sortie seem to have resulted on the hostage being released on the first attempt, is this the current intentional way this mission works? There are still four possible consoles to use. If this is the case, the console highlights should reflect this change, as currently it is very confusing to know if I need to continually use the consoles and enter to free the hostage.

    The second bug is that the floating extraction marker leads infinitely into the prison room, leaving me to find my way out on my own.

    Sorry if all of these issues have been addressed and are simply a result of changes to the mission that are not reflected in the gameplay, but currently this mission's sortie Condition is Anxiety. Thank you for your time.

  7. Just started playing Ob this patch (22) and I noticed this as well. I have not been able to clearly see if enemies are taking damage within my grass, but what I do know is that to gain the Iron Renewal buff and the Hallowed Ground buff I have to fun past the grass from my casting point and stand outside of it. This has forced me to back away from allies to try and place the very small buff zone upon them so they receive Iron Renewal.

  8. Just finished an Infested Rescue Alert that took place on a Corpus tileset. I've encountered this multiple times, but finally thought of what could be done. I don't know exactly how Alerts are made, but the problem is, whatever process creates these can miss-match a faction and a tileset. The normal Infested Rescue found at Brugia, Eris, involves running through the Infested Corpus Ship tileset, dodging lasers, and destroying tumor nodes to free the prisoner. Unfortunately, Rescue and Spy missions created by Alerts are sometimes put on a random planet with a random tileset, which more often than not, creates a mission where the Tenno is fighting through a sea of Infested, only to find a locked door to their objective, and within is not the Infested, but tileset faction wardens chillin', acting like the Infested haven't swarmed their base. While functionally, the mission is fine, immersion wise it's incredibly broken.

    How can this be fixed? Add some dialog from Lotus and make it a crossfire mission. The Tenno is informed as they enter a mission like this that the Corpus/Grineer base is being overrun, and valuable data/a prisoner will be lost if not extracted. Then, you enter a mission that has the tileset's faction fighting off infested, but also the Tenno, who is trying to steal/extract their objective before it's lost to the Infested.

    Just a small tweak, couple lines of dialog, nothing major. I just get a little frustrated when I enter an Infested mission to find a different faction unfazed by what's going on around them.

  9. Oh boy, the issues persist. I had hoped that most of these issues were resolved back when some fiddling was done a couple patches ago to this specific tileset, but there are still two spots that cause problems. Today's Sortie 2 is classic defense on the Corpus Ice Planet tile, and 10/10 rounds an infected runner/leaper was caught on a small hooked beam of geometry that prevented him from pathing to the defense target. I took a screenshot to show exactly where and how it happened, as well as a screenshot of the map to show another problem spot.


    Green - Default spawning tile that is always attached to this defense map

    Blue - Evidenced geometric issue preventing clean defense pathing

    Red - Classic trouble spot which I have witnessed a squad member going to to clear the wave within the last 3 days, no screenshot for proof that this is still an issue

    Yellow - Classic trouble spot that seems to be completely fixed, enemies come from the lower section but always path correctly up the hill, I have not see any mobs stuck in the closet at the very bottom of the map in months


    As you can see, the mob has been caught on a bar. Simple fix to remove collision from the beam and allow proper pathing. I actually really enjoy this map for defense and interception, but it's unfortunate that it is plagued with poor pathing that requires you to run away from objectives to finish a round. Would really love to see this fixed.

    On a side note, about pathing, within the past week, a game crash occurred, I was able to reconnect, but for the rest of the mission (Grineer Galleon defense) virtually all pathing was broken. 90% of the grineer forces stood in their closets until line of sight was made to a player. As well, during a sortie defense yesterday against the Corpus, I switch teleported the defense target into a position the enemies could not path to, so they remained in their closets until I freed him from his safe isolation. This fixed the issue, for the most part, but for the rest of the mission the defense target seemed to teleport around the bottom of the map randomly, moving into positions as if he was trying to path somewhere were he couldn't. Most all of the enemies managed to path correctly, but something about it felt off. Hoping there aren't any long term issues from the recent patch, and that these pathing issues can all be smoothed out easily.

    Thank you for your time.

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