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Posts posted by Mathyatos

  1. On 14/04/2018 at 5:47 PM, DarkRuler2500 said:

    As far as I know they do have an entry with Loot Radar.

    However only the normal chest icon... so if you want to suggest an unique icon, I am absolutely up for it!

    Exactly DarkRuler2500. We only see it like normal chests. If we can see like an ayatan icon would help more and reduce how many times when lose some sculptures on radar map.

  2. These days to hunt ayatan sculptures on normal mission are making a lot of friends to get frustaded hopes. I´m having some difficulties to find some ayatans too. We´re doing a lot of missions and some peoples don´t want to wait us to find this sculptures on the map, mostly want to finish mission quick to do another when we try to play on public.

    It´s force me to play solo to hunt ayatans and in the end i can´t help my party to complete mission if i do because some people don´t want to wait to much in a mission to look all spots.

    something would help us will be mark this sculptures on the drones radar when us using a mod to help to find it, like we can see somachord and cephalon fragments, this improvements can reduce ours chance to lose some sculptures when i do quick missions and the party can´t wait to much.

    If someone would like to see this on game please help here doing a feedback, help to get this features in the game.



  3. On 04/04/2018 at 1:19 AM, MaestroLima said:

    Olá Mathyatos

    Eu lamento muitíssimo que você esteja esperando tanto, mas por favor, entenda que o jogo tem crescido muito (o que é ótimo), mas isso também traz uma quantidade enorme de tickets abertos, e isso tem causando uma sobrecarga no suporte BR.
    Não é comum que o suporte demore tanto a responder, eu garanto, mas se isso tem acontecido não é por negligência, mas pela inundação de tickets abertos.
    Por favor, sei que você já esperou bastante, mas peço que tenha um pouco mais de paciência. Eu lhe garanto que a equipe DE faz de tudo para dar o melhor suporte ao usuários, mas de vez em quando, atrasos podem acontecer mas tenho certeza de que logo seu ticket será respondido.

    Agora vem a minha observação pessoal como um  jogador, assim como você...
    eu jogos com muitos amigos a muitos anos, e conto nos dedos de uma unica mão as vezes que o suporte atrasou. Isso prova que atrasos não são constantes.

    Em fim, peço por gentileza que você tenha um pouco mais de paciência e lembre-se que a equipe DE não é um grupo de maquinas, são pessoas comuns, como você e eu. Então seja mais educado, não há necessidade de comentários que beiram a ofensa, tenho certeza que a equipe está dando o seu melhor.

    E se eu puder lhe ajudar em algo, sinta-se à vontade para me procurar, aqui mesmo pelo fórum, ou mensagem pessoal, ou pelo jogo, etc... eu terei imenso prazer em lhe ajudar.

    Lembre-se: jogando e falando com respeito é a maneira Tenno de ser.

    Eu compreendo sim, tanto que já trabalhei com suporte e sei como. Ocorre que a minha última resposta foi enviada automaticamente pelo próprio sistema pedindo para aguardar, e isso acaba deixando as pessoas meio que frustradas realmente.

    Talvez o tom que utilizei tenha sido um pouco mais àspero, mas foi devido a outras situações que ocorreram com membros do clã que administro e nem tanto pessoal, onde até mesmo por parte do Tiago, chego a nós mensagem em tom de ameaça, dizendo até mesmo que seríamos banidos por tentar ajudar um dos nossos a resolver o problema dele.

    Bom, entendo que o suporte tem de resolver os problemas específicos de cada conta em particular, porém ele tem que entender que se há manifestação de outras para auxiliar e criar prova da existência de um proprietário que pode ter sido lesado de qualquer, não seria motivo suficiente para ameaçar os amigos que tentam ajudar a resolver o problema de outro, realmente não é assim que funciona.

    Não me entenda mal, não é nada pessoal, é bom saber que o jogo está crescendo e acho isso excelente, amo este jogo tanto que estou nele a 2 anos direto e minhas expectativas são as melhores possíveis, tanto que elevei o patamar do meu clã para o máximo e estamos trabalhando isso em nossa aliança, para que mais jogadores possam se divertir e que possamos ajudá-los a avançar no jogo e também se apaixonarem como nós. Gostaria muito de ser mais participativo na comunidade também, porém meu tempo fica dividido entre 2 faculdades e jogo o máximo que consigo sempre que posso.

    Espero que não me entenda mal e que isso não venha a criar qualquer tipo de situação que descaracterize a responsabilidade da DE, do Tiago ou qualquer membro envolvido e que a gente sempre na medida do possível posso sim é se ajudar e agir seguindo o principal conceito de tudo que a gente aprendeu com o warframe, ou seja, sempre estar unidos, nos ajudando, sendo respeitados e sendo ouvidos quando necessário e apesar do tempo que levou o suporte foi atendido. Felizmente!

    Fico muito grato pelo seu retorno, MaestroLima, fico muito grato mesmo e estou a disposição também se precisarem.


  4. I was playing on Plague Star and hunted a Teralyst, after i finished to hunt and proceeded to plague mission and finished was normal.
    We got our sentient core(Bright), arcane (Not identified) like normal drops after the eidolon hunt.

    When we finished we returned to Cetus and the arcane disapear in our list.
    Why this happened, we wouldn´t lose arcanes like this.

    There´re a bug when we do a hunt while do the plague star, we used lures and got any of 2 items.





    A got prints before left Cetus onyl to prove, i didn´t get any teralyst drops twice. :sadcry:
    Tried another times to see and always we lose bright cores and arcanes, we can´t hunt eildolon doing the event.



  5. Bom dia.

    Eu gostaria de saber se há alguém atendendo o suporte do warframe para os BR´s, abri um ticket simplesmente para efetuar a avaliação do emblema do clã e aliança e passei 1 mês esperando resposta e nada. Acontece que todo os tickets que são abertos não só por mim, mas como de amigos que jogam quando caem na mão do [DE] Tiago, demoram, ou são mal respondidos e assim vai. Demonstrando pouco ou nenhum interesse em resolver o problema.

    Gostaria de saber o que pode ser feito para que a gente posso ao menos receber uma resposta, nem que seja um retorno simples, mas que dê prazo e não nos deixe como patetas esperando, sem saber o que fazer e sequer ter a consideração de responder.

    Tá certo o jogo é grátis, mas muita gente compra pacote, platina e outras coisas, eu mesmo sou um deles, então não quer dizer que foi totalmente de graça. Tenho amigos que compraram pacotes do jogos e estão aguardando resposta a há um mês também.

    Então era bom que alguém desse um toque no Tiago para ele acordar ou que alguém ajude ele a pelo menos dar uma resposta para a gente !


  6. 7 hours ago, hellodownthere said:

    if you want to know what imprint you're getting when trading then just ask them to make it so that you can link your pets. As for the other stuff you've typed here i guess it doesn't really apply to me cause once i got all of the breeds i just stopped breeding them.

    but these are nice ideas i can see how they'd help a lot with people that like to do this kind of thing

    It would a good way to newbies to know when they and we get a common or a good or rare kubrow breed. Like another improvements that the offer, i think DE would look for news things to the beloved pets. Actually i saw players using drones and few times pets. A little more will be really interesting to all players.

    Some highlights and icons to show difference between, size, color, lotus mark or news things too.

    Our companions need some attention too ! :inlove: :heart: :inlove:

    Image result for beloved kubrow


  7. Hello, Community.

    I opened this topic exclusively for an interesting suggestion that took a while for development and ended up disseminating with some members of my clan that eventually aroused the same interest, this may be something that other players also already think and would love to see There is no game.

    It is the procreation of kubrows, more specifically on an identification of their characteristics and genetics.

    I have been creating kubrow for some time and realize an existence of 3 sets of collisions, which are small, medium and large (can come with a lotus mark or not).

    By doing this I ended up sticking to a procreation of kubrows that I love so much, eventually I came across a problem, which was an absence of an indication of a genetics, a brand and a brand of software, and then realize that players have I am afraid to buy prints for not being convinced that you are really buying a lotus or omega print. I have the player who confers a word from the creator as well as is not a case but it is not a problem.

    We have been talking without a clan and we have developed something that has gone into this identification and help spread with a community of creation of our pets, not only the kubrows, but also the kavats.

    Our suggestion would be to add the overlapping or not silhouettes of the 3 existing sizes, highlighting the one corresponding to the kubrow created, as well as demonstrate with the symbol of the warframe or lotus when it has the lotus mark on its coat, the same could be done In the kavats.

    We also wondered if it would be possible to increase the imprint limit from 2 to 3 or 4 to maximize the number of cloning we can do with our beloved pets.

    This would help propagate the creation of kubrows and kavat in the warframe community as well as increase confidence in us breeders because the buyer would be sure which breed they are buying and I am sure all players would love much more detailing in their pets , As well as new information and information highlights in the game.

    We of the clan and all the players would be very happy if they could analyze with affection our suggestion and if possible implement them in the game.

    I wait this in the game would great too !!!

  8. I was playing on index in a group when they decided go out and i play a next round in High Risk. 

    The migration got some time to back again and when i thought that i would continue, the displayed to me only the cam, no one function was enable. I need to use Alt+F4 to exit finish because it stop totally.

    I happened 3 times with me and all times i needed abort the game using Alt+F4. 

  9. 11 hours ago, Grimm said:

    some kind of streamer glyph high rank thing idk. like if you do a special donation or something you get a better glyph then the normal glyph for that streamer

    Nice. Strange, we don´t have any information about it anywhere.

  10. Hi, everyone.

    i saw after this update something a little weird. I was looking some items when i discoreved 2 legendary glyphs.

    I really found nothing it. does have someone that know about this glyphs ?




  11. Only confirming it. I tested public, solo, only friends or invite. The 4 pads stay actives in all modes. After step the activador in the wall continue emiting sounds, but stopped and don´t take hit to complete and enter the combat phase. :sadcry:

  12. Hello everyone.

    I was opening some modifiers from my collection and looking for weapons with greater willingness to use, I realized that one of my shotguns did not show how many points it has from 1 to 5 as in other weapons.

    However, there is no condition, but it is not welcome. I wish people would check and return, so a correction could be made, it could be just a publication or removed, I really can not say.

    Thanks to all who can contribute.

  13. This new features in the game will increase more and a lot of player will come too.  This update will change all that we know about the game.  I think PoE is only fraction for a bigger change after all.


    Until now the game already make play for long hours and a lot of things to explore too, PoE will turn on a new vision how to play with warframes and team players in a open world.

    i have great hopes for this update.

  14. Hello, everyone.

    I opened this topic exclusively for an interesting suggestion that took a while for development and ended up disseminating with some members of my clan that eventually aroused the same interest, this may be something that other players also already think and would love to see There is no game.

    It is the procreation of kubrows, more specifically on an identification of their characteristics and genetics.

    I have been creating kubrow for some time and realize an existence of 3 sets of collisions, which are small, medium and large (can come with a lotus mark or not).

    By doing this I ended up sticking to a procreation of kubrows that I love so much, eventually I came across a problem, which was an absence of an indication of a genetics, a brand and a brand of software, and then realize that players have I am afraid to buy prints for not being convinced that you are really buying a lotus or omega print. I have the player who confers a word from the creator as well as is not a case but it is not a problem.

    We have been talking without a clan and we have developed something that has gone into this identification and help spread with a community of creation of our pets, not only the kubrows, but also the kavats.

    Our suggestion would be to add the overlapping or not silhouettes of the 3 existing sizes, highlighting the one corresponding to the kubrow created, as well as demonstrate with the symbol of the warframe or lotus when it has the lotus mark on its coat, the same could be done In the kavats.

    We also wondered if it would be possible to increase the imprint limit from 2 to 3 or 4 to maximize the number of cloning we can do with our beloved pets.

    This would help propagate the creation of kubrows and kavat in the warframe community as well as increase confidence in us breeders because the buyer would be sure which breed they are buying and I am sure all players would love much more detailing in their pets , As well as new information and information highlights in the game.

    We of the clan and all the players would be very happy if they could analyze with affection our suggestion and if possible implement them in the game.

    Waiting for a feedback about this issue !!!

  15. Hello, everyone.

    I opened this topic exclusively for an interesting suggestion that took a while for development and ended up disseminating with some members of my clan that eventually aroused the same interest, this may be something that other players also already think and would love to see There is no game.

    It is the procreation of kubrows, more specifically on an identification of their characteristics and genetics.

    I have been creating kubrow for some time and realize an existence of 3 sets of collisions, which are small, medium and large (can come with a lotus mark or not).

    By doing this I ended up sticking to a procreation of kubrows that I love so much, eventually I came across a problem, which was an absence of an indication of a genetics, a brand and a brand of software, and then realize that players have I am afraid to buy prints for not being convinced that you are really buying a lotus or omega print. I have the player who confers a word from the creator as well as is not a case but it is not a problem.

    We have been talking without a clan and we have developed something that has gone into this identification and help spread with a community of creation of our pets, not only the kubrows, but also the kavats.

    Our suggestion would be to add the overlapping or not silhouettes of the 3 existing sizes, highlighting the one corresponding to the kubrow created, as well as demonstrate with the symbol of the warframe or lotus when it has the lotus mark on its coat, the same could be done In the kavats.

    We also wondered if it would be possible to increase the imprint limit from 2 to 3 or 4 to maximize the number of cloning we can do with our beloved pets.

    This would help propagate the creation of kubrows and kavat in the warframe community as well as increase confidence in us breeders because the buyer would be sure which breed they are buying and I am sure all players would love much more detailing in their pets , As well as new information and information highlights in the game.

    We of the clan and all the players would be very happy if they could analyze with affection our suggestion and if possible implement them in the game.

    Waiting for a feedback about this issue !!!

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