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Posts posted by AesirLK

  1. Greetings Tennos,


    I would like to introduce a Warframe.


    His name is Hoplite, Derivated from the ancient Greek Warriors, He may be humble about his origins but fight like a god. His main colors are Black, golden and Orange.


    I'm not into the numbers,


    Role: Advanced Tank


    He doesn't have a lot of health points, his strenght is based at Shield and armor.


    His main Skills are:


    Wall of Death - He casts a Large frontal shield, covering from frontal assault. he's able to move but no able to attack

    only move. His movements are very slow while in this mode (preventing abuses) but he can provide a lot of cover.

    Like Frost's skill "Snow Globe" The shield is impenetrabale from outside, but it has a limit of how much damage it can absorb.


    Leap - With a sudden jump he aims for a target, landing with his blade at the enemy, this devastating attack does a great amount of damage and a discreete push in a small radius.


    Luminous Spear - Casts a spear made of pure light, Dealing a lot of damage at one single target, Targets in line may get hit but every hit after the first does half damage, limited to Main target and one aditional target (dealing half damage), aditional targets only get a a little push.


    Optional/alternate skills


    Bash (?) - Runs straight foward grappling one enemy and pushing him, when the moves end Hoplite Throws the enemy away.



    Well this is a WIP, and I'm open to ideias and suggestions. Also I'm painting him at Ps.


    Click to show Concept




  2. The REAL "Breakfast of Champions" 

    They're Stealthily Delicious!


    my new favorite Warframe in his least favorite color: Green-eer

    This made my day

  3. Hello,

    Between Terminus and mercurio theres a buged mission where we need to defend a slumper pod, which take no damage no matter how many attacks it takes, only when it sustain massive damage (like in the last waves where it's surrounded by 10~15 mobs).

    please let me know if it's in the right section

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