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Posts posted by SimplicityOfReason

  1.  1. What's your name?

    SimplicityOfReason  ingame, but Toni irl.

      2. Why do you want to join?

    I'm looking for an active friendly clan, got a bunch of void relics to share.

      3. What manga/ anime are you currently on right now?

    Well to be honest, I'm not much of an anime/manga fan, I watched Ergo proxy, Dragon ball, Bleach and Pokemon if those count for something.

      4. What color are your panties?

      5. There is no 4.

      6. If you're reading this, gratz you're actually able to read, now copy and paste this: [  ] next to your name.

    Did, up there ^


  2.  Tell us about yourself. Anything, doesn't have to be only game  related, Any question you have.

    I enjoy vidya gaems. And would therefore like to join a clan so I could enjoy this vidya gaem with some people. Furthermore, I'm totally not throwing random words into this reply just to fill this section of introductions. I like cats and I don't know, I'm studying History and Latin for what its worth.

     Tell us Your In-Game Name.

    SimplicityOfReason, I'm EU based.

     Tell us Your favorite movie, food, fandom, other games you play.

    Shawshank redemption would be my favorite movie, favorite food would be sarma and I enjoy a lot of tv shows in general, like Rick n Morty, Breaking bad, Stranger things and so on.

    I play a lot of other games like LoL, Hearthstone, Battlerite, Darkest dungeon, Civilization 5, Heroes of might and magic 3 and so on and so forth.

     Make sure you understand the rule and the agreements above.

    Yeah ok, makes sense.

  3. 8 minutes ago, matto said:

    I don't refine relics. I just pop into a mission with a S#&$ty one and hope people brought good stuff and have a better luck than mine. Problem is, it seems that a lot of us are doing so.


    The relic system is so stupid that I just don't want to bother maxing out any of the relics. 
    I thought this 4 gig update would implement something new and exciting into the game, all they did was rehash the same things (the galaxy/void). The things that worked just fine were made into whatever this relic system is.
    Sure, it's easier to get stuff now, but every single mission looks/feels the same tbh. Not to mention that sabotage is missing, a mission type I really enjoy and not just because of more drops in em.
    A lot of people don't like the new stuff that was added, and are just like me, forcing themselves to log in once a day and running the sorties with a nerfed creds reward as well.

    Thanks DE.

  4. So this is exactly what happened to me. I recently started trading on warframe, and noticed that my 2 Ember prime helmets, 1 Ember prime systems, 2 Ember prime Blueprints and 1 Mag prime systems are now the same items without the prime extension.
    I'm unsure on when it happened, I'm guessing somewhere around the DDoS attacks and all the server problems that DE had, but I'm pretty sure I never bought Ember, let lone 2 of them. As I was hunting for my own Ember prime I got some duplicates, which are now regular Ember parts.
    And I had Mag as my starting frame some time ago, so I wouldn't buy/farm another one that's for sure.
    If there's a possibility of checking my shopping history, you'll find out that what I'm saying is true, and after that I'd like my prime parts back.

    Thanks in advance,

  5. I made a thread about it, how they #*($%%@ up by destroying frost. Nobody listened, they deleted my post and yeah, all in all the nerf was stupid, DE never played Frost.
    Snow globe was fine. You weren't invincible in it. There were enemies that could still shoot into it, not to mention that a lot of them just charge in as it is.

    Frost is now trash tier, gj DE and once again RIP in peace my frost

  6. I know there's been a lot of talk about the Snow globe change, and since I missed the official thread as a Frost user I have to express my anger.

    I've played Frost for ages, after that I got a Frost prime (forma'd it 4 times even), and never did I feel I had an OP frame.

    Along with Rhino, he's the slowest warframe, he's far from being the best tank (trinity, rhino), his ultimate ability scales so badly into the late game, making it worthless 30+, and overall his ability dmg output is bad. The only thing he had was snow globe for defences, because that skill is pretty much useless in capture, deception, exterminate, etc.
    And even on defences there were enemies that could pierce through it, not to mention that there's tons of enemies that charge into it as well, making it NOT OP.

    I'm unsure if any DE dev plays Frost, but judging by this nerf they probably don't. If you ever played a frost on T3 for e.g. or went for any other lategame def you would notice that the globe gets popped in 5 secs, thus making Frost into an even more passive warframe, because you have to sit there spamming your globe. Sometimes you can't even come out to resurrect your teammate because the point would take too much dmg. 

    He'll still be useful...for  lvl 10-15 def.
    Frost is now probably the worst warframe, it used to be a one trick pony, and now you took away his only trick.



    RIP in peace Frost.

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