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Posts posted by Tornisurma

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)nating51 said:

    Sure, of course, you're absolutely right: it's a good thing to make people able to farm parts and probably I get that statement in a provocative way ;), but to me, on the other hand, market system in wf needs an adjustment to prevent scams, overpricing, speculations, and so on, in order to make trading/selling a better in-game experience...

    Absolutely.  A clanmate has been going on for a long time that the game needs an internal auction house that uses platinum.  Perhaps a new relay where people can set up eBay-style sales and bids for parts, complete items and relics?

  2. 1 minute ago, (PS4)nating51 said:

    The vault systems is pretty disappointing to me: it makes the chat market like hell, where this system of vault/unvault induce people to speculate on set prices really too much. I'd prefer to have a definitive vault where prime sets never reappears (with clear justification of price levitation over the time), other than this system, where yesterday a vaulted frame is sold at 300p and a month later it comes at 80 plat only 'cause has been unvaulted...it's totally nonsense to me.

    My humble opinion, best regards. 

    I agree that it's a system that causes artificial market upsets, but at least it keeps the system from becoming stale and gives an option for cheapska... I mean diligently grinding players a chance of getting the primes they want without using money.

    Would you want to force the players to buy all the things they want?  The system in place is pay-to-be-lazy, not pay-to-win. 

    Example being Vulkar Wraith that the trader was selling the past weekend.  I missed it, because I forgot to check my weapon stats before he left.  It'd cost me 60p currently to get it off the market (210p last week).  I could opt to buy it before the price climbs again (or pay for it later at a higher price) or wait for the trader to have it in stock again.

  3. 8 hours ago, (PS4)VenuxCore5 said:

    They always bring back the stuff that isn't officially vaulted in other relics. Don't worry, m8.

    Would you happen to have any info on upcoming relics or drop shuffles?

    Because quite a few primes are left in a state where some of their components are locked in vaulted relics. 

    Primes that'll be left half-available:
    Akstiletto, Banshee, Bronco, Burston, Cernos, Fragor, Galatine, Helios, Lex, Nekros, Nikana, Oberon, Orthos, Saryn, Silva & Aegis, Spira, Sybaris, Tigris, Valkyr

    Pieces for grind that would need to be in new relics: 25

    They'd need to bring in at least five new relics (6 per relic plus repeats and formas).

  4. 10 hours ago, Thundervision said:

    So, I decided to check how many relics with Trinity, Dual Kamas abd Kavasa we have, this is insane:


    1. Lith C1
    2. Lith K1
    3. Lith N2
    4. Lith S2
    5. Lith S4
    6. Lith S6


    1. Meso D1
    2. Meso F1
    3. Meso N1
    4. Meso S4
    5. Meso V3


    1. Neo B1
    2. Neo D1
    3. Neo N6
    4. Neo N7
    5. Neo S1
    6. Neo S6
    7. Neo T1
    8. Neo V1


    1. Axi A1
    2. Axi C1
    3. Axi C2
    4. Axi G1
    5. Axi H2
    6. Axi K1
    7. Axi S1
    8. Axi V1
    9. Axi V2
    10. Axi V5


    This is simply insane :clem:

    Looked up the list of currently vaulted relics and those that have any of the parts that will be vaulted now, it looks like we'll be left with a lot of prime equipment that needs to either sit in the foundry until the next unvaulting (or lucky vaulted relic pick) or we need to buy the needed components.

    Relics that'll be left unvaulted:
    LITH: A2, N3, V2, V3, V4
    MESO: N4, O1, S2, S5, S6
    NEO: B2, V2, V5
    AXI: B2, E2, O1

    Primes that'll be left half-available:
    Akstiletto, Banshee, Bronco, Burston, Cernos, Fragor, Galatine, Helios, Lex, Nekros, Nikana, Oberon, Orthos, Saryn, Silva & Aegis, Spira, Sybaris, Tigris, Valkyr

    Primes that will be fully available through relic grind:
    (Akbronco,) Braton, Euphona, Fang, Paris, Venka

    And of course there's gonna be plenty of options for Forma.

  5. Ugh, gonna be a tough grind getting Meso D1s for that last blade part.

    Since Trinity Prime gets vaulted, it means Axi C2 gets vaulted as well, right?  Cernos Prime Lower Limb is only available on Axi C1 and C2.  C1 is already vaulted.  So.... it becomes impossible to grind out Cernos Prime when this vaulting happens because ONE part gets excised from the drops.  It's frustrating to miss ONE component from the complete item.  And I have a half-dozen of such builds awaiting construction.

  6. Just recovered from this on a Lith Interception mission on Mars. 

    • The host left
      • host migration
    • three of us remained
    • relic selection screen comes up and glitches out
      • extra affinity task and reward "burns" to the screen
      • one player couldn't pick anything
      • I couldn't change selection
      • GUI didn't respond to keyboard; mouse control only
    • eventually kicked out of the mission
    • reconnection to squad only reformed squad outside of mission

    Did get to keep the relic rewards, though.

  7. Hello, first time posting.

    In the navigation screen while looking at Mars, I noticed that the shadows of the Martian volcanoes were misaligned and instead showing up on Syrtis Major Planum.  I looked at the model further and noticed that the actual texture of Mars was longitudinally misaligned by 180 degrees compared to its normal mapping.  The depth effect of the Martian volcanoes was showing up on the other side of the planet.

    Screen shots included:

    This screenshot shows the normal mapping of Olympos Mons and Tharsis Montes.

    This screenshot shows the actual textured location of Olympos Mons to the right of center of the planet's disk.


    I simply noticed this discrepancy and thought it best to let you know.

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