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Posts posted by Kiwi-of-Doom-73

  1. 3 hours ago, Mokotowskie said:

    There are a ton of options, you can,

    1. Join a warframe partner's clan. Some are very welcoming of active/new players. But they usually kick fast if you go inactive for too long

    2. Look yourself for people recruiting their clans. 

    3. Join a warframe community discord and ask there


    or make your own, me and my friends have a 4 person guild, took us a bit but we have everything researched atm

  2. I was held hostage for 5 waves due to falling off the map, it kept me in a loop of falling the entire time where i could not /unstuck use abilities jump bullet jump roll or even open the menu up, i lost my relic got my time wasted and wasted an affinity booster, not to mention got no Xp or relic reward as it said i was inactive. couldn't force quit either because it was wave 10 and i'd lose my rewards.0F6DF9A70905CCBE2DD1CAF9EC425EA3A2414B3DF86450467949B7337FE66B7D7392E05D8D38A3A1D28657C294CC647964E37A01F12C74559CF5F94241F0F3A0DE6E15E30F0B0BCA88F0AF6DE3A37593651C6FCEAF6060A17B6242F96B157E41886B7B811977E1077FB8C3D7FD36CABF4C1CE3AB555E305B65009D226132D278C630B7335062B75CE8697449FF7A99DAE2BE4543BE20A5ED2762C45A6C42ADBF

  3. 28118BB0911C89F3D8153DBC911B68D1D78704ADThe requirement is that i have to kill 5 dargyns with a bow while aim gliding, it does not count no matter what i do i have tried it with ivara and zephyr successfully killing them and it doesn't matter weather they are manned or unmanned it doesn't count. I have also tried switching bows and that doesn't work either i have used cernos prime and paris prime. This is already a pain in the ass condition and i have tried everything please fix it i am at the end of my patience with this game today.

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