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Posts posted by MrHostile

  1. hace 1 hora, (XB1)TheFearsomeRat dijo:

    actually 2 would benefit from pressure since it's a jump and considering it's conclusion pressure could be used to A: increase the distance of the jump or B: increase the range of the blast (or spread of lava) at the end, put one of those things (mentos I think they were called) into a new pop bottle of Pepsi, Coka Cola, etc. and let it burst while the lid is on the ground and you will see what I mean (and hopefully not become a Bee/Wasp/Hornet magnet from the splash radius).

    For damaging with an expulsion of all pressure take my idea put it on a timer then once it hits zero, boom since either way it's still interactive put both together then it's like a ticking timer you can only delay in missions, it's inevitability in the mission is the only thing up to question,
    will it damage you? probably, will it down you? possibly, will it kill your frame while solo? if you don't watch your stacks it will 😛 it's a sudden but inevitable betrayal in wait.

    but the idea I have for stacks would work like this *press 2 ability activates - energy is used, *hold 2 for about 2-4 seconds lvl 2-3 leap uses a bit more energy for a bit more damage, *hold 2 longer it uses stacks up to 15 and provides the appropriate Stack buff on the same charge time as the non-stack buffed version. doing that would mean each ability has 6 lvls of charge that only gets better and the lvl4-6 charge is determined by the frame's state, Damage/Efficiency for Heat Up since pressure would be able to "escape" due to the softer surface and quicker thus providing more force, while Harden Range/Duration since the pressure would have difficulty "escaping" since it would have very limited areas to get out which would slow down it's "escape".

    and for that play the Zero section in Mega Man X3's intro level or any other level once X is fully upgraded, he has a mega buster that charges up twice and can fire lvl3 (then lvl2 if your playing as Zero) and then further charging adds the use of a more powerful sword attack of which Zero can get 2 swings (lvl5 charge) of and X gets one (lvl4 charge), and you would have the (very) rough idea of what I was thinking with that.

    The base of my idea was taking the bit I know about pressure IRL and trying to apply that to a video game with Magic Space Ninjas that can create Lightsabres out of thin air and without a Khyber Crystal and don't even need to use a handle.

    Yes, I think of that, but when i think the pace of the game, it becomes hard to just "press this button enough for do something", i think devs would like to avoid that.

    It not a bad idea though, i was thinking the same, buuut later you realize that you don't want to press a button and check how longer you press it, you are in the middle of a battle you want the stuff now, but again, is not a bad idea need more though.

    And btw: About the second ability using pressure, i was stupid enough to not see it, lol, Nice one! Thanks!

  2. hace 1 hora, (XB1)TheFearsomeRat dijo:

    The idea of the stack system would be to keep Karatoa players doing constantly using abilities at a managable rate, since frames like Hydroid, Saryn, Trinity, Equinox, Frost, Nidus, Nezha and Ember have essentially "Fire and Forget" abilities where you only really need to cast the Fire-Forget ability once or twice in a mission especially on high efficiency builds.

    I wanted to do something more interactive, so players have something to do always. As i love those warframes, i become boring fast.

    The idea of pressure was something like this:
    When in Heat Up mode, all damage you do builds pressure on your body, if not handled on some way, your body expell all the pressure at one damaging you.

    On Harden mode, all damage you receive builds pressure with the sames problems above.

    Every abilitie should need the pressure to come up, except for the 2.


    hace 1 hora, InDueTime-EN- dijo:

    Let me help you out a bit with magma and lava. Magma is what you can it when it is underground, lava is when it's on the surface. 

    Oh i know that, but i called that way because magma comes from him, or "inside" him. But if we look at both Magma and Lava, they pretty much do the same thing.

    And about the no way to regenerate health, maybe 'Heat up' can do that when its on

    hace 1 hora, InDueTime-EN- dijo:

    I like the idea of building pressure, which you gave up in. Is this a mode switching ability (like equinox) which means your either damaging nearby enemies or your incredibly tanky? If that is the case, It's not that good. I would suggest that you make these his passives.

    Oh no, they suppose to work like the vauban or Ivara gadgets, Heat up cools down over time, and "Harden" until is broken or you renew it. Both abilities are supposed to be renew even if not finish. You can stay in normal mode but your abilities loses the cool stuff.

    Check out what i said to the Rat above
    The passive was supposed to be: On Heat up, when you receive, a chance to make splash your.. "lava" and on Harden, a chance to blast off enemies.

    hace 1 hora, InDueTime-EN- dijo:

    This is kinda boring, but the other nature of his skills gives a different twist to it, so it's fine.

    That's the idea, i wanna to give him something to speed up or 'Enter the fray' sort of.

    hace 1 hora, InDueTime-EN- dijo:

    Like hydroid, with less afk. You could add a Harden bonus. When you cast harden, you turn the enemies in the are to stone while dealing heat proc to the area outside of the pool. When used while hardened, you launch chunks of rocks that turn to small lava pools instead of one big lava pool.

    This was the trickiest, Because, if i added the pressure system, you cast the pool only when you are in heat up mode.
    In Harden mode i come up with a few  things: 
    A) You splash everything with rocks (picture a volcano launching rocks)
    B) You splash everything with lava.
    C) Instead of releasing the pool, while you are on Harden the lava is stuck with you, giving you an strong Aura of heat.
    D) Remember the Mod for the Elytron 'Afterburner'?, But adding red lightning zaps and tone more like ash.


    hace 1 hora, InDueTime-EN- dijo:

    An expanding thing that deals damage to your enemies. Sounds too similar to his third ability. combine it with the third ability and retain as his fourth ability and make a different third skill. 

    Of all abilities i think, this was the most non-op.

    Othe ideas i have when writing this and scrap:
    Tectonic punch: Punch the floor so hard that a crack appears, spilling flaming rocks and lava
    An actual mini volcano.


    Thanks Both for posting! First time i have actual feedback!

  3. Third time is the charm i guess.

    Hello again! And welcome to a new iteration of and old idea that won't go away from my head, this time with stuff that make more sense?

    The warframe would be a Tank/Juggernaut based on damage against armor and flesh together, on one point i even try to think a system for building pressure and releasing but.. i just give up on that. Now i will explain basic of basic.

    The pressure system is to make you build it, to release using abilities, the more pressure you have, the stronger and wider the abilities are.


    Krakatoa - The Magmaframe
    Doesn't have shields

    Passive: Still Working

    1. Heat up/Harden: 
      Heat up: Krakatoa covers itself with magma irradiating close enemies with heat and giving weapons damage against armor and flesh.
      For the Armor side: Corrosive damage debuffing armored enemies, and for Flesh side: Flat heat damage.

      Pressure Pasive: The more damage you do, the more pressure you build.

      Harden: Krakatoa cools down the magma, creating an armor around itself out of minerals. Getting armor plus damage reduction and "Pressure" counter: The more damage he receives, the more pressure he builds up.
      Pressure Pasive: The more damage you receive, the more pressure you build.

    2. Leap: Krakatoa jumps to an enemie, or direction making a small blast.
      If Heat Up: Spawn a small pool of Magma/Lava at the end of the leap.

      if Harden: The blast gets wider and stronger.

    3. Magmapool: Release a pool of magma which start to expand, enemies that die inside  expand its duration and size. Armored enemies who stand inside the pool for a time, have they armor melt away over time, rendering them null from damage reduction.

    4. Pyroclastic flow: 
      Heat up: Release an expanding shockwave that travels across the field causing high blast damage to enemies on the way.

      Harden: With the building pressure, Krakatoa release an expanding wall of hot gas and volcanic matter, damaging enemies with high heat damage and for those who survive the blast, the volcanic matter traps them in place for 10 seconds.


    And of course suggestion are welcome, and corrections for the grammar too.



  4. So.. tomorrow i start the 'possible' last part of my treatment against a Lymphoma (Hodgkins) and i will be in the hospital all the week. also my birthday in the same week.


    And i want to say, thanks for be a carnage simulator and help me to discharge some of the estress this cause. 

    Thanks devs.

    Keep on the same way. Except for the grind, ᴾᶫᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᶦᵗ ˢᵗᵒᵖ


    See you next week.

  5. Well Hello everyone, Here a fan concept that come to me this day and i wanna share with you.

    First, he is a Support aiming to be in the middle of the battle aiding with the presence and abilities.

    PassiveTime advance: Accelerates all time based interactions and time related mods on the WF. (Reload speed, Regen time, Revive time)

    First ability  - Momentum: Teleport to the direction which the user choose. (WSAD) has cooldown. (Basically you touch any WASD and jump to there)

    Second ability  - Advance: A lesser version of his pasive as aura, giving allies the same bonus.

    Third ability  - Age blast: A blast type wave which cause on the enemies a DOT making them to 'get older' and die.

    Ultimate ability - Time dilatation: Make a time dilatation zone that gives every allie in the zone the full passive bonus of 'Clockwork' (the WF) and making enemies get older as they enter the zone, damage them over time, Clockwork lost his passive while this abilitie is active but is affected for his own zone while he is in. 


    So.. what's your opinion?.

    Thanks in advance.


  6. 38 minutes ago, Karav said:

    That explains a lot, actually. Sorry if the discussion got a little heated (pun intended).

    Welp, building around the idea, others thing in my mind where this:

    The ult is suppose to do the unairu effect like a cloud.

  7. Well, people commented.. that's awesome.

    First, this idea is pretty old: Before atlas and nezha.. so.. are similarities thats coincidence.

    Orogenesis/ Armor: The armor was originally to be a two way power: You use it, you wait, heat damage when close, then its cooled to solid rock. But i left that way.

    BTW: Correct me if you can about my grammar.

    Crematory: The ult is a instant cast like saryn misma or volt ult, expandind and ending somewhere.

    Melt: Also i forgot to put that, Enemies that fall on the pool of magma extend the pool and duration.


  8. Hi everyone and welcome to my post.. (Idea from 2014)


    An idea come to my head and i want to share here...

    Basic Concept: Using the theme of "Magma" some of the abilities have a second use based on solidification and "expansion", is supposed to be tanky or tank. 




    1º Skill: Melt

    Need to use on target:


    Description: Punch an enemie with magma inside to make him Melt to the death. 


    Damaging the enemie on time, If the enemy die with this, is created a pool of magma which damages overtime the enemy who touch this. And if others enemies die in this pool, adds time to the magma pool and grow up a bit.



    2º Skill: Eruption/Orogenesis [Magma Armor]



    Description:  Magmaframe cover his body of magma, keep in hot with energy. 


    Eruption cover the body of the magmaframe with lava, and enemies close to him are damage. 


    If you can hold the  "Eruption"  more than 10 seconds and you use the skill again, you get the Orogenesis, Is suppose to complete the "design" of Magmaframe. 

    Eruption is affected for continuity so more longer is the magma damage, less time you get from the magma armor.



    3º Skill: Volcano smoke


    Description: You release a trail of smoke and enemies who are inside are shock with a red lightning


    4º Skill: Crematory


    Description: Magmaframe liberate a cloud of hot gas and rock in all directions, making the enemys in the area die of suffocation and heat.


    In others words: Create a wave of ashes and the enemy on the reach stay like the people on Pompeii and get damage overtime when the stay in mode crematory.





    If you read all of this, and you get the point... Do you want to help me with a more clear description?

  9. Sounds like Ember.


    but not supposed to be

    magma is different to fire

    the only similarity with fire & magma is that they're both heat

    but magma would also have a chance to not only deal heat damage but corrosive maybe as well (melting).


    This makes me want to do some concept art for it. Lol


    Thanks for read and reply!

  10. Hi everyone and welcome to my post..


    An idea come to my head and i want to share here... [sorry if my grammar or spelling is bad]


    Basic Concept: Using the theme of "Magma" some of the abilities have a second use based on solidification and "expansion", is supposed to be tanky or tank. 




    1º Skill: Melt

    Need to use on target:


    Description: Magmaframe hit a enemy with magma inside, make him Melt to the death. 


    Damaged the enemy on time, If the enemy die with this, is created a pool of magma which damages overtime the enemy who touch this. And if others enemy's die in this pool, adds time to the magma pool and grow up a bit.



    2º Skill: Eruption/Orogenesis [Magma Armor]



    Description:  Magmaframe cover his body of magma, keep in hot with energy. 


    Eruption cover the body of magmaframe with magma, and enemys close to him are damage. Another effects to add like rocks launched from Magmaframe body.


    If you can hold the  "Eruption"  more than 10 seconds and you use the skill again, you get the Orogenesis, Is suppose to complete the "design" of Magmaframe. 

    Eruption is affected for continuity so more longer is the magma damage, more time you can't get the magma armor.



    3º Skill: Magma Aura


    Description: You and your squad receive heat aura.


    Like the aura of the special units in the game, just for us.


    4º Skill: Crematory


    Description: Magmaframe liberate a cloud of hot gas and rock in all directions, making the enemys in the area die of suffocation and heat.


    In others words: Create a wave of ashes and the enemy on the reach stay like the people on Pompeii and get damage overtime when the stay in mode crematory.





    If you read all of this, and you get the point... Do you help me with a more clean description?

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