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(XBOX)Ivar Azrael

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ivar Azrael

  1. 2 hours ago, Tuoweit said:


    Why do you feel compelled to undertake something that's a chore, in a game?  Is the Hema or some Arcane that important to you that it must be obtained, no matter how boring the process?

    That behaviour is counterproductive.  DE can't tell from their statistics whether all those people farming Teras or Mutagen are having fun or afk farming, so they don't see anything wrong on their end.  You know what they would notice in a hurry, though?  If people weren't doing it *at all*.  If something's not fun, DON'T DO IT.  DE will address it a heck of a lot faster.


    Yeah. I'm not going to ignore the only thing my dojo didn't have finished.lol

  2. On 2/15/2018 at 7:50 AM, Jaffawer said:

    Do you know what I don't understand? WoF has been like this pretty much since 2013... so... what changed now?

    People who didn't have her prime frame pissing and moaning to knock it down a peg because they're like that.

    Basically DE now panders to n00bs.

  3. 23 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Okay, and I'll agree with that statement.

    However Chroma's status as a symptom should not exempt him from rational changes. Should DE have made these changes years ago when they first became aware of them? Yes, absolutely. Should DE take the time to ensure everything is consistent across the board? Yes, absolutely.

    But I don't think you can make a reasonable argument that DE should leave Vex Armor completely alone instead of changing it to scale like every other damage-buff power in the game (and that goes for any powers they missed that I don't know about, too).

    I don't really agree with this, actually. The Teralyst is one of the most entertaining fights in the game IMO, and really only suffers for a few (unfortunate) reasons:

    • Forced Operator integration leaves a sour taste for players less-enthusiastic about their implementation.
    • Lures are rather contrived and uninteresting.
    • It has to be repeated ad nauseum to get gear upgrades used primarily for taking it down again.

    If DE had given the Teralyst damage resistance (not immunity) on its shields and simply not penalized Amps, players would have naturally started using Operators dynamically much more willingly simply because Void Mode is so darned convenient for avoiding its attacks. The lures strike me as unnecessary and the entire encounter would be less annoying were they to be removed completely. If it were up to me, the Teralyst would have been the end-goal of Quills progression. Players would work up to slaying it, not work up by slaying it.

    I disagree, to an extent. Ember's nerf is kinda bad and ineffective, but nerfs are not fundamentally evil or inadvisable. At the same time I agree that DE should absolutely be trying to resolve players' tendency to flock to cheese. Unfortunately, that is an issue more deeply rooted in the game's gameplay rather than something limited only to the Teralyst. The community at large seems to be playing this game for the loot and only the loot, seeing the game itself as a chore to complete to acquire said loot.

    DE needs to develop a more engaging and intuitive base combat experience that is sustainably fun to play on its own, with or without loot.

    To me, that means we need more interesting enemies. To get more interesting enemies, players have to be less overpowered. That means (among other things) nerfing 'Frames. Interesting how these issues seem to tie together, eh?

    Agreed; see above.

    Nothing to disagree with here.

    Spot on.

    I think we definitely agree on the core issue that needs to be resolved, and I certainly hope we can reach an agreement regarding what needs to be done in order to resolve it.

    Truth be told, we can discuss this all day form a better solution, and it won't matter because the devs don't listen at all ever. 

    Though after seeing how much any criticism to this game is flame baited and trolled, it's no wonder no positive changes happen as a result of these forums

  4. 8 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    No, I don't.

    Chroma is by far the biggest outlier, so it makes sense to reign him in rather than buff the Eidolon.

    Okay, so there are other Warframes that can be effective for different reasons (e.g., Oberon), but the huge damage buff from Chroma is the biggest problem because a straight damage buff will benefit targeting any weakness the Eidolon ends up with.

    Chroma is a problem. Perhaps not the ONLY problem, but he needs to be changed. It's not like Vex Armor is getting made useless, either.

    Yep, we agree the current fix is awful. At least conceptually; it may be less terrible than feared in practice.

    Without giving it away, we figured out a way to stack abilities to get the one shot kill and actually do more damage. Still using chroma to fire the shot. So what im saying is they are fixing the symptom, not the disease.


    The disease being that the encounter is too tedious and lacking to engage players to have fun. They just want to farm the crap out of it, get it done, and forget the eidolons exist.

    That's the problem that DE should be focusing on. Not Nerfing frames. They should be looking at it as " why are players flocking to a cheese method, instead of wanting to enjoy the encounter multiple ways?"

    The answer is easy. It's not fun. It's a chore. They're evoking the same response from tenno that bungie gets from their entire destiny franchise; "i want to get this done as quick as possible, get it out of the way so i can go back to having fun".

    The same problem occurs with the ember situation. Lack of player engagement because they're tired of farming. My dojo is a level 10. Everything complete but the hema. Why? Because farming mutagen samples is so long, boring and tedious that literally no one wants to do it. So a "fire and forget" frame lets them farm while browsing Facebook or something more interesting.

    The grind is boring the players. 

    Engage the players and they won't spend their time finding cheese, they'll spend it having fun.

  5. 3 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    If you say that the Eidolon should be buffed (made more challenging) to compensate for Chroma's broken Vex Armor scaling, then you are suggesting balancing around a single 'Frame. Stahp. I don't want to fight an enemy who requires Vex Armor to go down in a reasonable amount of time. Just make Vex Armor more reasonable, as they have done.


    You're missing the point again. Nerfing chroma only fixes him one shotting it right now. When people come up with a replacement (my clan has) the same thing will happen. It's not the frame it's the eidolon encounter that needs work.

    You see what I'm saying?

    4 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:


    And I think your solution is unsatisfactory. Running in circles is not that much different than standing in place, and forcing a certain distance in one direction cripples Ember for defense-oriented objectives.

    I would much rather see an Ember with better damage scaling, improved Fireball/Fire Blast, and reasonable energy economy preventing long-term use of WoF without interruption. Re-working the energy system to prevent power spam would have the added benefit of preventing other wide-AOE killing casters from becoming the next problem in line after Ember.


    That's fine you can disagree with the semantics of it but we seem to agree the current fix is awful, so I'll take it.

  6. 1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    I read what you wrote, and I really don't think it addresses the concerns I raised.

    • Passive play should not be encouraged, and should be squashed where applicable. However, it is unfortunate that DE is playing whack-a-mole with symptoms instead of addressing the root cause of the problem.
    • You shouldn't balance enemies around a singular Frame's ability to deal damage because then it limits character choice and devalues character diversity. The idea of an enemy cycling randomly through different weaknesses sounds terribly annoying to fight, and I for one despise the notion of "puzzle solving" enemies with specific team compositions.
    • If you over-invest into Forma you have to understand the risk of needing to re-Forma when something changes. Sorry, but that's how it is.

    ·Formas should be refunded in a redesign. That's just a courtesy they should extend to people. I'd rather not have a frame with 10 Formas as i won't remember how many it took to make the current build.

    · I'm not saying balance it around a frame, as this nerf won't fix the problem at all. My alliance already has a work around that will be even worse.lol. I'm saying they need to fix the problem not put a band aid on it.

    · I already offrered a solution to the passive play issue.

  7. 1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    No, because the problem is passive play. The solution would have been reworking energy economy to no longer support perma-casting ults and CC.

    No, because then you need Chroma to deal with Eidolons. The fight is already a bit of a slog without him.

    More like they should have known by now not to use extended periods of invulnerability given what they had to go through to address Snow Globe and Iron Skin back in the day.

    Not too far off though.

    Nerfs are not punishment. They are tweaks.

    If a nerf is so heavy-handed that a Frame is crippled, then there needs to be a buff. These would happen faster if people aware of the problem generated constructive and demonstrable criticism.

    With regards to "undoing" builds:

    If you invest so many Forma in something that a single change requires reworking your polarities, that's on you. It's the sole (inadequate IMO) balancing factor to Forma. Going too far limits your options.

    The fact of the matter is that you don't need so many Forma that you are locked into a specific build to be effective. If you want that extra power you have to accept the risks.


    It would be nice to see DE churn out nerfs that actually address and resolve the problem instead of band-aids that don't really fix anything.

    It would also be nice to see neglected items and powers get buffs sooner rather than later.

    As someone else said, my main complaint is that these changes are so sporadic on top of being hit-and-miss. They need to be more regular and attentive.

    I addressed the finer points of the frames in a post toward the end of page1

  8. 8 hours ago, Buddhakingpen said:

    An easy way to "fix" the teralyst fight is to give it invincibility cycles? Ok, the community hasnt complained about that like ever... No not ever.  On top of that, making them random? lol Jesus He's never played a public match. Before ppl figured the fight out, ppl were running aorund like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out how to deal with the thing. He wants to add the element of not only randomness... but invincibility... no. 

    Then he says to make world on fire build damage based on ember moving, when DE pretty much explicitly stated they want to knock down her aoe clear on missions you just run through... ok, i guess we're just ignoring the whole reason they're "nerfing" her. 

    It feels like he neither payed attention to what DE said in the workshop, payed attention to what the community at large said they DONT want with their bosses (invulnerability states), or hell, even played in a public match (requesting a teralyst cycle through random vulnerabilities, which could only be taken down in a reasonable amount of time with an organized team  that could cover all of those vulnerabilities. But in a group of randoms? ppl probably arent covering the rainbow of damage types. That would artificially extend the fight)

    I know he said he wasnt responding.. but man.. wow

    Immunities are not invincibilities but rather waeknesses. In mode X slash damage is best, mode y impact, mode z toxin. Nothing like what you're talking about. Hope that clears it up.

    Unless they do away with all AOE abilities their method of nerfing ember is a moot point.

    Forcing people to communicate? How awful. Because everything in warframe should be able to be completed by random disorganized teams of new players.

    At some point they need to come out with activities just for organized teams and higher level players as both ate getting bored with the game. The eidolons seem to be that, so i was thinking on that mindset.

  9. While some of these replies are well thought out and some helpful, most are missing the eventual problem this path creates.


    Nerfing frames creates a vacuum. The frame to replace ember has already been figured out. The same issue will arise again. Then DE will nerf it. Rinse, wash, repeat. 

    Nerfing is the act of a dev who does not have control of their game, and lacks the proper planning for a game to continue with any form of longevity.

    The eidolons could easily cycle through several immunities at random, forcing teams to vary their damage types. This would not only increase the need for teamwork and communication, hightening the encounter overall, but also prevents 1 frame from being and end all be all.

    That's an easy way to avoid the Chroma debacle AND make this rather bland fight more fun. Win/win.

    Ember: change the ability range slightly and require movement to fuel damage output. Fire needs air to burn, so moving and "fanning the flames" keeps her going. Sit still and damage drops off.

    Nerfing world on fire will just make people abandon her 4th and build based on third. It fixes nothing.

    Gara: nothing was wrong aside from too much possible range and the ability to stack her splintering storm damage( which they left alone). Making her a frost clone makes the frame boring and will force them to revisit it later.

    Pretty sure that covers the requests.

    No i won't reply to anyone as the post is to DE, not to any of you.

  10. Dear DE,

    I have been playing warframe since my friend showed it to me in alpha on PC. I've loved every step of the way and until recently, agreed with 99% of your decisions on the game.

    Recently, however, you've made several changes to several frames that are damning to the design, play style, enjoyment, and time investment of your players because they're " killing things too fast".

    That's a terrible logic. If Ember is killing mass numbers with"world on fire" develope enemies to deal with that. If Chroma is murdering your eidolons too fast, then perhaps you should have made them more challenging. If gara was too good at defending, maybe you should have actually play tested it prior to release.

    Your pattern of punishing players for your shortcommings is ridiculous. How am I, as a clan leader, supposed to guide new players in building up frames when you seem to change the entire playstyle of a frame every week? How am I going to convince people not to quit the game when the frame they proudly built now must be completely redone because YOU can't plan your content around the frames that existed BEFORE that content.

    You're doing it backward DE, and you're frustrating your players while you do it.

  11. 11 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


    The Chains of Harrow update will be a remaster build. What makes this build so special, you ask? Well, we did a little summer cleaning and removed old game assets that are no longer in use to free up hard disc space (~21 GB disc space vs. ~46 GB disc space). We also rearranged all existing assets into optimal locations to speed up load times. 

    What does this mean for you guys? At least another month of waiting for about 8 hours of content.




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