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Posts posted by Dziki94

  1. 2 minutes ago, SergeantSunshine said:

    Support gets thousands of tickets per day and numbers vary in different support categories. Knowing your post history, your support category probably gets A LOT more tickets, resulting in longer wait times. If you send in multiple tickets on the same issue, your wait time will extend. If you make multiple forum posts your wait time will extend. If you are rude or incoherent to the mods your wait time will extend. All of the above might also extend your ban time.

    Want my advice? Sit down, wait it out, stop posting.

    So it's like support is off-line.

    And i will post about moderators crossing their rights at loud. Someone must to.

  2. Just now, (XB1)ultimategamerjr said:

    I'm fairly certain it is in ToS and the bots in chat say it over and over when people get kicked.


    And all you need to do is send in a support ticket about the moderator and they should look into it, as long as you have documented evidence (screenshots etc.)

    I have sended a ticket (Even with a screen) but support is off-line.

  3. 2 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    Speaking about logic in a game with space ninja suits powered by telekinetic super children. Hah I'll go back to my cave now I've had enough interaction with the outside world for today.

    Why u posted this nonsense? Chat is full of players (if they are not kicked or baned) Space ninja suits or super children have nothing to do with it.

  4. 3 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    What I was implying is you chose to interact with other people, that brought you your problem(s). If you had your region chat set to off none of this would have happened. Hindsight is strong in this one :D

    So better kick a guy who post "F..." than a guy who post about religion? Where is logic?

  5. Just now, (XB1)ultimategamerjr said:

    They do not do what they want, they simply enforce rules that you could find and read. If you feel that a moderator has overstepped boundaries than you can file a complaint to support.


    Show me a rule.

    Player can't post "F..."

    Where is it? Even Devs posting it.

    Or find me a rule.

    Player can't speak about moderators abuse of legal powers.

    Where is it?

  6. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)ultimategamerjr said:

    It would seem that you did something wrong, so you better hope a certain DE moderator doesn't see this, because this unnamed person likes to extend bans when people haven't learned their lesson lol.

    I learned that mods and bots do what they want. And when my first ban has pass, nothing changed. I speak about it at loud and get next ban? This is fair? Ofc it's not.

  7. 1 minute ago, EndermanBeast said:

    1) They don't spam purple text. They are helping newer players who asked questions.

    2) There's only one bot in chat, which is [DE]ChatBot, who gives out chat bans and tells newer players advice.


    What's wrong with religion? Unless it was racist, I don't understand why you're angry for.


    They don't need to fix chat, you need to fix yours. 



    Dode, or bots, or mods. Not two of em at once. That's first.

    Second, u have no idea what u are talking about. CodexBot helps players.

    3) Yes, it was.

    I have to fix something? Tell me what. Cuz as for now i see that someone (ME) have to fix these mods and bots flood. Chat is a totally mess right now and only I care about it.

  8. Support don't work, so i'll post a ticket right here.

    I was baned again from region chat for exactly nothing and i would like to ask about un-ban.

    Ofc, all of you will say "You can't be baned for nothing" so... Who is able to tell me why i'm baned?

    Not support for sure.

    Anyway, behind this situation stand an abusing moderator (Like always)

    My first ban was for pointing a mistake.

    A guy on region chat did not get kicked after posting something about religion.

    So i asked a mod: " W8, this guy speaks about religion and he will not be kicked, but there is no problem to kick me out for posting "F..." isn't it?"

    BOOOOM. I guess i had 5 days chat ban.

    And now i got baned again cuz i was posting how i don't like mods, my earlier situation and how they are similar to bots. (U know, purple tex and ctrl + v spam text)

    And BOOOOM! Next ban.

    So now i can't use region chat to speak about what is usefull and what is not?

    This mods and bots kicks and bans flood is a pure scandal.

    Fix it.

  9. On 29.10.2017 at 12:57 AM, saltygr33n said:

    How is that? People like you who can't enjoy playing operator because they're kids? Your ego regarding emokids controlling warframes hurt your pride? You sound like all the people who are saying they don't like operator because they're kids. Maybe if you can get over that and enjoy the mechanics operator offers, you might think differently.

    Kid in blood bath? Enjoy that? Are you insane?

    It's not about mechanics. It's about game story (When we first saw our Tenno, it was a kid with muscular dystrophy. He could not move on his own so easy and now he's a "Warrior"? I don't buy it) and morality.

    Kid + War = NO. Let's preserve some moral values. Even in games.

    Kids controlling warframes don't hurt my pride. But a kid running around my Rhino? That hurts.


  10. 35 minutes ago, makaloff95 said:

    Nope i rather play my warframe than using my operator (sadly i have to use the operator thanks to the pesky mini sentients constantly harrassing you).


    but i understand there is people who like it aswell. As long as im mot forced to use the operator i dont really mind it.

    Well i feel forced. And take a closer look now. In my case, PoE did not bring anything to me. Well truly PoE just took away my focus nodes. Is that fine?

  11. Just now, Sean said:


    Wouldn't be silencing, your topic looked more "flamebait" than genuine feedback.

    I suggest in the future to rephrase what you are trying to say and not make it sound so...."rant-y".


    Well, PoE bring nothing for me. Well, truly it just took away focus nodes from me. And there's more. Now PoE force me to fish. Do i'm mad? Yes i am. Do i try to hide it? No, i don't. is it strange? No, it's not. Do I worry about the future of this game?  Very. Do I have a guarantee that this game will not change name from "WARFRAME" to "TENNO EMMO KIDDO WARRIOR"? No, i don't. How am I supposed to be nice for anybody? No answer. Why my topics are deleted without any reason or warrning? No answer as well. AAAAAAND I JUST LOST IT. This forum is wierd.

  12. 7 minutes ago, saltygr33n said:

    I'll admit that since focus 2.0, I actually enjoy using operator more than ever, especially when I know there's someone in the group who is doing all the work, I like to play around with operator, it's fun.

    Not to mention, I quite enjoy using operator against teralyst.

    Ah yes, cuz of players like you this game lose it's climat. So when players like you will force name change from "WARFRAME" to "TENNO EMMO KIDDO WARRIOR"?

  13. 1 minute ago, Sean said:

    The topic where you made a rant about hating PoE simply because you got a Zaw riven and felt like this was DE's way of forcing you to play PoE when you ultimately didn't like PoE due to Focus being overhauled?


    I'd say because it was just that: a rant and the topic had ran its course.


    Everything that needed to be said was said, and it was a lightning rod for more negative comments, either from you or people posting in it.

    Oh, so this is just silencing players? And this is totally normal?

  14. 3 minutes ago, Prime said:

    What was the topic about? It may have just been merged with another thread. Mods don't delete threads for no reason 

    Topic was about border. Solar system/ PoE. And it was like...:

    It's bad that i recived zaw riven from sortie.

    As i'm not interested in PoE content at all, this is rather stiupid that i was able to earn it.

    PoE trash must stay in PoE. Set up a border between these 2 locations.


    6 minutes ago, lightdragon64 said:

    it's also highly plasuable that your topics aren't being deleted at all. rather they are being merged with other topics with similar or the same content.

    I can't reach this topic. The only way i could get there is via browser history. this is what i got:

    Sorry, there is a problem

    We could not locate the item you are trying to view.

    Error code: 2F173/O

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