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Posts posted by Eversor

  1. Again broken, we are stuck at pre 19.0.3. Same error, stuck in Launcher Action Set, wont autoswitch. But this time the game even crashes more when you try to bring Big picture mode Layout for me. Already sent 2 crash reports to the system. Hope they´ll fix it soon.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Irohen said:

    Ok, I made it, it's uploaded in the community configurations and the name is Warframe: The War Within Configuration.

    Cant see it published yet. Anyways, I think you have tried to do the same we all did. Create a new config and try to live without the hardcoded action set autoswitch. It is a pain in the a$$, and I refuse to lose the  Steam Controller integration. Im sure it is an error introduced by all the jazz that "The Bug Within" has introduced with the controllers.

    Hopefully we will see this fixed in a pair of days... hopefully

    We must bring this to the Devs nontheless

  3. Worst idea you DE have had in a long long time...


    You are still trying to control the metagame while you dont really seem to care about it... In the meantime you destroy Excalibur, Peacemaker, Miasma and other poor designed mindless4spam skills are STILL THERE you know DE??? It seems you dont even play your own game anymore.


    "We dont want you excal players to use only 2 weapons... But we really want you to play only with 2 Frames: Saryn and Mesa"


    Seriously DE, stop nonsensing . I was proud of being one of the oldest Vets that still plays... dont make me change that, please.

  4. Same here Brother Master, Strun Wraith Reload is bugged. sometimes it reloads 1 shell at a time giving a total mag reload time of... dont know , maybe 8 seconds?, sometimes it gets stuck playing the animation but wont reload at all. Its totally unplayable. I´ve Also noticed that the shotgun stops reloading when player starts sprinting.


    Please check DE.

  5. Please DE hear us! I have a health problem in my hands and i cant use a keyboard or a mouse far more than 5 minutes, it hurts badly. Please,  I need full Gamepad support, please DE, make it happen.

  6. You know? This argument is just getting too old. Learn something, there is no black, there is no white... There are no bad guys, nor good guys. There are no friends nor nemesis, just factions with their interests and motivations, Targets or allies, like in every war.


    Btw, i dont care if my enemies want money to save children or cure greedymilkeryonosis. They would murder us in mass numbers if they had the opportunity just for a bunch of creds.


    "They sowed their fate when they took that job... i´m just the reaper"

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