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Posts posted by LinkaBell

  1. On 2019-07-07 at 9:28 PM, Aldain said:

    I think he got into a traffic accident on the way to work, don't worry he'll be fine, but its gonna take a few months of recovery before he gets here.

    This made me laugh so hard thank you xD

    On 2019-07-08 at 5:28 AM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    See, I wouldn’t worry about this too much, as some people have pointed out the main release order is likely the internal one for the difference between Wukong and Atlas.

    The only time a male frame has jumped the release order is Frost, the second Prime ever, who was also the first frame released after the base 8. His popularity did drive him up the order there.

    It’s the female frames that get re-ordered every year (there are at least four instances of queue jumping in that regard) and it’s almost exclusively due to the Christmas release being the real money-maker for DE.

    Frames like Nova or Valkyr jumping up the line in place of frames like Zephyr, that kind of thing is an almost yearly occurrence. Almost.

    The fun will be seeing who gets Christmas this year, actually, because we’re supposed to get Ivara, but the two frames after are Titania and Octavia. While Octavia is insanely popular, I’m not sure it’s enough to jump her over Ivara, especially when Octavia is due for a Christmas release anyway, but that does leave Titania... Empyrean is being released soon, all the Archwing stuff is being updated, they will have to be working on Titania anyway because of that... She may hit Christmas just to showcase the new improvements.

    Could be interesting.

    Well I do appreciate all the comments, and yeah I did incidentally freak out a little bit. I was too focused on the chronological order above anything else, so I was worried they purposely skipped Atlas for Wukong. But thank you guys. xD

  2. Just now, ConsumerJTC said:

    Wukong came out first before Atlas...

    Well, in China at least.

    And for now, Wukong is at least a lot more usable than Atlas as it is.

    Unless I'm braindead and forget the order of Wukong and Atlas.
    Which is most likely the case. LOL

    No joke though, I thought Atlas was before Wukong so that might've been my own mistake and forgetting the chronological order.

    I'll probably just delete this thread cause I realized how silly this was LOL.

  3. I see Wukong is being primed, he should've came after Atlas.
    I am rather sad to see that Atlas isn't being primed.
    Idk if a DE is able to respond to confirm, but isn't Atlas supposed to be primed? 
    I'm pretty sure many of us Warframe fans really hoped for that.

    • Like 2
  4. Quote

    Health (max, unmodded, value): 650

    Shield (max, unmodded, value): 750

    Interesting though I'd really say at least have the Health at 250 max, unmodded. 
    Maybe shield be 350 max, unmodded?

    Gives room for how the player may want to build him in accurate shields and health.
    The health and shield reminds me of Inaros being a health tank, just opposite he'd be a shield tank.

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