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Posts posted by (PSN)Ishimura_Elite

  1. Well it's now August and there hasn't been any updates. No emails or anything. I'm starting to get real impatient with DE right about now. I'd get it if they'd just update the community on what's happening but as it is now they're pulling a Bethesda and being totally silent on all this.

  2. This is the second time this has happened to me, so I know for sure now it's a bug in the game. Sometimes the game will just break and not know how controllers work. I'll press L2 and it'll cause me to walk to the right. It happens both in and out of missions and the only way to fix it is to kill the game and start it up again. This doesn't happen with anything else and rebooting the game solves it, so I know it's the game itself and not my controller. I've looked everywhere online and haven't found anyone talking about this bug, so it's probably super rare and obscure. But apparently not so rare that it can't happen twice to the same person within a month.

    This game is getting worse and worse. I really wish DE would just stop and take the time to fix the tons of bugs that are still in the game, some of which have been around for years, and some of which were fixed and then put back in the game for some reason. It's getting so bad that the game is starting to screw up something as basic as controller commands.

    EDIT: Third time just happened to me. Shenanigans are afoot.

  3. This happens literally all the time. I'm on PS4 and I constantly have the screen fade to black and respawn me all the way across the map, sometimes without the ability to even move forcing me to quit the mission. It happens multiple times every day. They really need to fix this bug, already. It's been there for months.

  4. DE needs to get its S#&$ together and make bounties actually work properly. The last three bounties in a row I've had to quit because it bugs out and becomes impossible to complete. Killing enemies in the zone you're trying to defend doesn't count towards influence over it so that failed. Clearing out enemies broke so it just continues to spawn them forever and didn't move on to actually capturing the area, and one zone was out of the map entirely.

    The Plains was a mistake. I'm not even touching Fortuna when it comes out because I know it'll just be more of this but worse.

  5. I've had over 1000 hours logged into Warframe, and for the first time in the 3 years I've been a player of the game, I can say that I don't even want to play the game anymore. The cursor completely ruins the experience for me. I've put a lot of time and money into the game because I felt like DE really deserved it, but this is a gigantic screw-up. Like, it's really bad. Worse than anything else. All my motivation to play the game is gone because of this change. I really don't mind having to wait longer for updates compared to PC. To what end does that help us out? Cross-platform play isn't going to ever happen with PS4 because Sony won't let it, so that's not an incentive. We've been dealing with updates coming a bit later than PC for years so that's not an issue. I get that it would make it easier for DE to release updates if the system is universal, but console controls and PC controls are incompatible, plain and simple. It can't happen without ruining or watering down one or both platforms.

    This change is completely unnecessary and ruins the experience for console players. I'm in the right mind to not even touch the game again until the cursor is removed entirely.

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  6. Hotfix brings the hotbuttons for the arsenal back, but the cursor is still there and the D-pad is busted, so it doesn't really make much of a difference.

    I'm not gonna be satisfied until they remove the cursor entirely or give me the option to go back to the old system so I can pretend it doesn't exist. Cursors in a console game are completely unacceptable.

  7. I don't know why DE thought it was a good idea to add a cursor to a console version of the game. This is the reason why direct PC ports are garbage on consoles. This is actual, literal regression in a console game. Nobody likes browsing the internet on PS4, why would you implement that into your game? Leave it to DE to fix something that isn't broken. Again.

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