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Posts posted by 00Zigor

  1. Got a similar bug last week,

    I was doing a refined relic run with my friends for a Vauban prime chassis, we finished the mission and close the fissure but one of them disconected in the end of the mission and couldn't return so we went to extraction whitout him, at the end i got a volt prime chassis as my reward, and other prime items for my friends, as nobody needed a Volt part no one clicked, but when the reward screen came up, there was my Vauban Prime Chassis, too bad no one else in the squad choose my reward.

    But since so many hotfixes have been released i'm not sure if the problem remains.

    Another problem that is happening now: The reward is only the same to everyone at the end of a mission in the first run, in the second run with the same squad every member gets a diferent reward, we solve it by remaking the squad and inviting everyone again, but its getting really anoying.

  2. There is a even simpler solution, replace the platinum cost with the credits cost to weapons that can be purchased as such or that you can buy the blueprint. Similar to the way it was before, and then when you click on the weapon that you want, give the option to buy it with platinum.

    Another solution is to remove the plantinum prices of all weapons and after you click on them you are give the choice on how to accquire it, platinum, credits, or BP at dojo lab etc. If possible make the credits options more visible.

  3. Hey guys.


    I've been trying to get Ivara's chassis yesterday all day, i did about 50 runs, tried many missions in all the places where the wiki says have a chance to drop it, and nothing.


    Then, after many tears have been shed, I decided to give Zilchy's method a try.


    I went to Phobos - Schklovsky, in my first try I tripped the point "A" alarm, finished the mission whitout any other alarm triped and got nothing.

    So i tried again, but this time tripped the "C" point alarm and got the legendary chassis, Lord RNGesus be praised.


    I still have to acquire more data on the subject, but I think there may be some fundament on Zilchy's process.


    I'll do my tests tripping the "C" point alarm to see if there's a connection and give you more feedback later.

  4. I just had the same issue, just finished a raid mission and didn't receive any reward.

    Right after ending the mission, on the reward screen back on my ship not only my rewards were wrong but i was sent to loggin screem before i could evem make sense of what was happenig, i didn't received the credits nor any other reward.

  5. Is it just me or the colors palets were changed?

    My blood red is no longer on the fire color set, seems like a whole line of red is missing.

    The black in smoke set is totaly different from what it was and many other sets seem very washed up.

    I'm trying to custom my Ash Prime and the colors just don't fit the way they used to.

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