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Posts posted by animmortalghoulfromtokyo

  1. Slash Proc Bug, stealth melee slash procs no longer benefiting from the 8X stealth multiplier despite the patch notes saying that all melee stealth DoTs no longer double dip and have a fixed 8X multiplier. Currently stealth slash procs do the exact same damage as unstealthed ones despite appearing in yellow numbers. For some reason Update 20 seemed to have completely removed the damage bonus from stealth slash procs completely.

    As can be seen fro  the damage numbers, the slash procs do exactly the same damage, when stealthed as unstealthed.

  2. Unlike gas, which benefits from the 8X stealth multiplier, stealth slash procs still do the same damage as when you are not invisible/on a blinded enemy. Although patch notes indicate that slash still benefits from the 8X multiplier, a stealth slash proc still deals the same amount of damage as a normal slash proc.

  3. During my time in Asia I switched my gameplay region from Oceania to Asia but when I got back to Australia whenever I try to start up the launcher it says:

    Update Failed!

    The contnt servers are temporarily unavailable!


    update will be restarted shortly.

  4. Has anyone had their stances bug out? it seems some of the more mobile stances like Tempo Royale COMPLETELY override player movement. Before it was a fluid and mobile stance and now it feels clunky as hell. The other thing seems to be quest bugs. I mean Once Awake (one of the prerequisites for the Earth to Mars junction that awards the relic segment) was something I had done all the missions in long ago but a bug stops it from being 'competed'. That really kills the update for people who experience this bug because they practically have their access to one of the most important features of the update barred to them.  

  5. Noticed a bug in with Hysteria where you still take damage. During the sortie I was doing  not only was I instakilled while in hysteria the following casts of Hysteria didn't have any invuln. Still don't know what causes it though.

  6. So while I was playing warframe these past few days, I noticed that I could type in the chat and it would appear in the chat box, but it doesn't seem that either the server or the other player seems to receive the message. At first I though they were just ignoring me but after this occured several times in a row I figured that there had to be something wrong. This is really frustrating when I'm recruiting or trading. Any ideas or solutions that could work?

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