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Posts posted by themaskpitol

  1. I feel there is a massive bug with this new aug as mentioned in another post; the player recipient of the parasite cannot do anything nor interact with post-mortem

    Attaching the link to a player does what it is expected, give ability strength, more health, and a bunch of cosmetic changes. However, after playing with this augment equipped and having other Nidus players use this in my squad, going down while under effects of the link forces the frame to instantly die, bypass and/or ignore the 20 second timer, and be unable to self-revive while staying stuck at the downed pose. 
    What makes it worse is that players equipped with "Last Gasp" on operator are forced to roam in their operator form, permanently invisible, and unable to interact in any way save for a slowed movement.

    This has happened thrice so far - twice by my hand at playing nidus, and once while playing with another user equipped with Nidus.

    I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing this.

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