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Posts posted by Shirazawa

  1. After prime vault was closed again (Brains & Brawn pack), void missions' drop tables returned to be in line with other drop tables. Can they keep their gimmick of having only void relics as drops? I think it puts void in a pretty good place, plus it makes sense to get void relics from the void. :0c

  2. 19 hours ago, (XB1)RPColten said:

    That fragmented sentence you quoted was about the presence of a vacuum toggle in the menu for gauging player usage rates. In the context of a scenario where DE would wish to see on a more numerical basis the population who actively seek out Vacuum as the essential tool. That is why it must come at a cost, and not be free.

    Personally, I feel the optimal method would be to deny the user the use of any companion be it a roamer or sentinel if they choose to use Vacuum, that way it would highlight the focus players may have on their companion choice. It is already evident in forum posts and in-game conversations that players would choose the vacuum pet, but it would at least provide a more accurate set of information.

    Yeah, and i'm asking why are you arguing against the implementing of a completely beneficial option at zero cost.

    I mean, I don't get it; does anyone actually enjoy walking in and getting each piece of loot individually? Having to scour through the battlefield looking for ammo to keep up firing your automatic gun? Having a resource case be out of bounds and being unable to get it?

    In a scenario where the question isn't "universal vacuum being good for the game" but rather "universal vacuum being something i'd like to have in the game", would y'all keep declining and arguing against it?

  3. 1 hour ago, (XB1)RPColten said:


    why would a reasonable person deny the use of a beneficial tool at zero cost?


    You realize you're doing exactly that by going against giving vacuum as a toggle on/off option, right?

    And a logical way to analyze the data from a test like that is to see how many people would switch from sentinel to pet once a change like that gets implemented. This way, they could see how many people use sentinels just for their vacuum and would prefer a pet instead.

    I for one would continue using sentinels because hey, sentinel weapons work better than pet AI. The only thing i'd consider is kavats' buffs.

  4. Alright, resume time:

    5 hours ago, Dohako said:

    I'm failing to see your point on any of the augment suggestions.

    First ten posts or so.

    4 hours ago, Dohako said:

    And you don't see that as a problem? My main focus is on 3 things Fun, CC, and Utility. Not everything centered around ironskin.


    "Totally broken and OP?" That is a large(if not the largest) over exaggeration a player can produce without any reasonable evidence to backed that statement.

    I'm waiting...

    Wait's over:

    5 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    In a lvl 100 sortie, all Rhinos would have 100k IS from the start all the time. My Rhino Prime with 50k can survive for minutes under heavy fire without any problem, you want all Rhinos without mods have the same survivability of a 200% or 300% str Rhino.

    also this quote if you want to know why it's "broken and op"

    3 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    Evidence? If you play Rhino right now you can find your evidence. If you need evidence to understand something that any Rhino player knows, then you don't play with Rhino at all. At 100k IS against a moving Rhino, it can take minutes to lvl 100 enemies remove all IS life

    1- To get another 100k, a Rhino player needs to cast Ironclad and hit enough enemies to get a good buff, and they can be killed during this time making full str Rhinos balanced. If you want to recast you need to waste another mod slot.

    2- To get 200% or 300% str to reach this numbers, Rhino loses a lot of efficiency and duration because of Transient Fortitude and Blind Rage

    3- You need a lot of enemies around you shooting you and in a straight line to get a really good buff. High risk, High reward

    4- If you do everything right and stay alive, then it rewards you with 300k or more IS and you can really be immortal. If you lose this 300k in a nullifier buble, takes a lot of skill to get that 300k again.

    Now with your "suggestion":

    1- Rhino don't need to waste slots with Ironclad Charge or even armor mods to get 100k IS. Against lvl 100 enemies you will get 100k on the first cast. Since you don't need Iron Shrapnel to recast, you have another free slot. If your IS is nearly ending, you don't have any vulnerable gap, you just recast and get back at 100k health maintaning invulnerability.

    2- You don't need to use Transient Fortitude or Blind Rage, that means you don't have drawbacks to have huge IS numbers. You can have a efficiency build + IS and get 100k IS all the time for 25 energy or even less. With Zenurik or even Energy Siphon, you have infinite IS no problem.

    3- You can get 100k IS alone without any enemies around. No Risk, high reward. Start the mission, press 2, bam! 100k IS.

    4- You don't need tactics or know how to play Rhino. Just press 2 and be immortal. If your IS have 1% health, press 2 and stay immortal. If you enter a nullifier buble, kill the nullifier and recast IS, and you get back at 100k IS again.


    TL:DR = OP


    If you need videos or images to find these problems in your suggestions. Then please, play more with Rhino instead of giving suggestions. All these problems are easily found if you play enough time with Rhino and know how Rhino works and how players use him.




    Now for page 2:

    3 hours ago, Dohako said:

    On top of all that I just gave an equation I didn't even go in depth of the stats or how the mods affect the stats at all.

    Then please go in depth about it because as of now it doesn't look like any thought process was put behind these suggestions, as a rhino with no strength mods would have the same, if not more survivability as a heavily specialized rhino that had to go through the trouble of setting up a good number of enemies in a straight line, align himself with them and use his 1. Besides, the duration of his stun, damage boost and/or the cost of his skills might have been affected by his build. Rhino being considered by many a good frame now, what do you think people would think if he was given a multiplicative buff? (Ex: a 10 squared (or 10 x 10) is 100)

    2 hours ago, Dohako said:

    did you not read the entire equation? You're right it is your reading comprehension. The reason I said enemies' lvl is because 11 out of 10 times the enemies you go against have the same lvl. I don't remember the last time I went up against lvl 34 at the same time a lvl 76.

    Yeah. Where's the clarification on what "enemies' lvl" refers to, though?

    1 hour ago, Dohako said:


    Nobody said that. Just because they used "ferrite" doesn't mean it's armor; It's because the damage bonuses/decreases for Iron Skin are calculated from the same bonuses/decreases as ferrite armor's (or at least it seems to be what they believe).

    2 hours ago, Dohako said:

    How do you get EHP from Ironskin or Snowglobe? Explained that one to me.

    You can take more shots if you've used Iron Skin or is inside a Snow Globe (the latter example being for shots outside the globe).

    So, yah. The line isn't that consistent but it has more work put into it than every response of yours to me so far.

    Also, current mood:

    4 hours ago, Dohako said:

    I'm waiting...

    + Naruto top 10 epic muzikcs xddddd 



  5. Just now, Dohako said:

     Equation: enemies' level (1) x 1000 = Ironskin hp(1000

    Thank you for answering what 'enemies lvl' refer, be it average, lowest or highest and if it refers to current or mission lvl. Also thank you very much for answering if power strength would affect this skill. And I appreciate clarification of the thought process behind those suggestions. And I also appreciate the complete, comprehensive and mindblowing answer you gave.

    Could you just admit being a troll already?

  6. 22 minutes ago, Dohako said:

    Well one its not based off the circumstances you've mention but the enemies' lvl. that's it nothing more nothing less.


    Would you give me a solid number?

    Also let me throw these:

    The 'enemies lvl' in question is the average, lowest or highest? Is it current lvl or mission's lvl? Is it affected by power strength? How much time do you think it would take for enemies to break through Iron Skin at various lvls (separated in a prone afk rhino and a moving rhino)?

    Could you answer my questions individually instead of putting a one line remark in bold all caps? I'd greatly appreciate that. Solid numbers, please.

  7. 1 minute ago, Dohako said:

    Well, you can't start from page 50 in a book then expect me to answer your question. You would have to go back read the entire exchange between me and the player to understand.

    I did. Want a resume?

    Also, just answer my question. It's a simple equation. Do the math, since I'm (apparently) unable to do it.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Dohako said:

    Well, you are just making THE EQUATION extremely complicated when it's really simple.

    How so? Say us how much HP will a Iron Skin in a sortie 3 survival with 4 players in the cell have. Not gonna comment on the other suggestions since this one seems to be the one being discussed right now and you refused to provide answers as complete as other people's.

  9. This dude has been saying that Rhino can't handle kuva flood without augments.

    You can handle kuva flood with any decent stun, and rhino is one of the best (a excalibur with stretch works just fine). Just stun everyone and collect the kuva.

    Also, of course rhino's 1 and 4 won't kill high level enemies. Ember doesn't, and she's supposed to be a damage frame. Weird, huh?

  10. 18 hours ago, Ninubi said:

    now i see what you all meen, but would it not be better to half the charge attack time, move the damage absorbed to infront of the shield and whaam, a much more intresting weapon.

    perhaps give sword and shield type inherent aggro?

    and lets be a little bitt serus, just for a secund, what do you want it to be changed to?

    come lads and ladies, constructive critisism is bozz

    25% damage absorbed not affected by block's DR, apply to regular attacks or make charge attacks faster. Increasing aggro while blocking would be good too. Damage resistance to allies is cool. Even maybe adding melee weapon's mods to the absorbed damage.

    Sure, all of that would be pretty overwhelming, so just a little point or two so it's not just a joke.

  11. 9 hours ago, shadow0727 said:




    I fail to see your argument, but let me try to list what points I could see.

    "Experienced players don't use them" Yes, they do. If you can't find any, you're a special case. The vast majority of people I've seen go vacuum all the way, except for a rare case or two of chesa or kavats.

    "People don't play the game" I do. Actually, I think I'm putting way too much time into it.

    "People will whine about it" Some of them will. Like the time I gave an entire sandwich (cheese, ham and mayo. My fav type of sandwich) and he threw it at the front of my house. But there was this other beggar that thanked me a lot for giving him a pretty much empty bag of chips and proceeded to eat every last bit with a big smile. My point is: Some people will whine and whine and never get satisfied, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make an effort to give them an easier time, or refuse to give some food to a beggar.

    "I don't need them" Most people think it's really convenient, and some can't play effectively without them. 95% usage should say something about this, and I really like being able to get ammo from behind cover or when jumping/sliding over enemies when using my twin grakata, or soma p, or dread.

    If I didn't adress your argument/points proper, please correct me.


    I, for one, love my carrier p and probably wouldn't give up on using it even if kavats got a retrieve, or a vacuum. It dishes out some pretty decent damage and status and its pure damage stays relevant throughout the entire star chart. And when it does stop killing everything, it gives me viral procs and stuns. Also, it restores my shields, heals me, gives me enemy and loot radar and feeds my ammo-hungry weapons. And it's tankier than most of my frames.

    I had a friend that used a chesa for loot grabbing, and he seemed pretty satisfied with it. The dog also disarmed a good lot of enemies, and he got the loots even if we were getting thousands of kills and had a nekros. So, if universal retrieve got around, I'd be all for it. Also, the wiki said:

    • Retrieve will make the Chesa Kubrow attack Storage Containers, breaking them open and allowing it to collect the drops inside. The Chesa Kubrow cannot open lockers however, though it will still collect items dropped from opened lockers.

    Can opening is great. c:

    And if the pick up range was increased, a simple toggle switch should be more than enough to satisfy people that want to "play the game". If it isn't, they're just being jerks. Would it be too difficult to code, though? Does someone have info on it?

    Also, the universal vacuum debate has been going for a lot of time. Did someone make a compilation of every [DE] answer? I'd like to see them all.

  12. That's just sad. Limbo has such a cool idea: being a master of the rift, dividing enemies. Gameplay-wise he's so cool too, with the CC, damage and being able to isolate enemies.

    I stand by the point that the problem here are the players. Specifically, the trolls that go on PUGs. That's a thing you can't prevent from existing, and the sledgehammer idea in the topic is indeed too harsh. It would make Limbo able to freeze everything in the map for his teammates really, really easily. It would be a buffed version of Rhino's Stomp with cataclysm, and pocket freeze with banish. It would be too good imo.

    I don't really have any idea how to make him more unobtrusive when used by trolls though. I think the issue is with matchmaking, but no ideas how to make that work too. Maybe a recommendation system similar to FFXIV?

    Also, for my experiences on Limbo on public matches, I found two once, when trying to use Limbo to cheese through an infested excavation sortie. The first had the same idea, and was using cataclysm + stasis to just freeze everything until excavators completed their job, while the second was one of those "Anti-limbos" that tried to spam cancel our stasis and was just a pain in the &#! in general.

    So yeah, my point is that public matchmaking means you'll find unpleasant people. Even though finding WoF Embers, Speed Volts, Frosts and high range Mags is kinda fun for me. Makes me wanna try these things on solo. c:

  13. I'm not trying to white knight DE, but why don't you offer feedback on how to make the event more fun for you? I'm pretty happy with the boss. It's way better than previous Ambulas or Sargas Ruk/Lech Kril. Invulnerability phases make me just stare at bosses for ten minutes while they throw bread crumbs at me so I can shoot their faces with the weapon I spent a lot of time and resources on so it would be able to one shot them. (wink wink)

    And also, it's better that it's recycled mechanics because they have a weird mystical difficulty at explaining new mechanics (Infested Salvage). One thing I would complain is that the rewards for grinding don't seem that much worthwhile, but hey; That just means that I won't feel a need to grind days and days to get it all. c:

  14. Na verdade, eu tenho um clã com um monte de pesquisas prontas e a maioria dos membros estão inativos (E provavelmente não vão voltar a jogar por alguns anos)

    Eu posso abrir vagas lá, se não se importarem com o nome (Argumentus). Dá pra pegar o Endo de level-up de clã também, já que eu não construi o altar de ascensão. Manda uma mensagem no privado se alguém se interessar c:

  15. It is indeed an overcharge and the focus tree really needs an rework, so +1


    23 hours ago, 514415 said:

    This kind of power is basically what I want for operators. They were forced to use warframe because otherwise they were so bloody powerful that not even the orokin (nor even themselves, for that matter) were able to control them...

    Considering that they had to be nerfed harder that Trinity ever was, it would make more sense for operators to be somewhat OP...

    in what part they said operators were so powerful that they needed warframes to control them? I'm curious.

  16.     I'm just confused.

        I came back to the game around two months ago and decided to test the new syndicate melee weapons. Telos Boltace was by far the most fun because I could clear my daily quota of syndicate missions (6) with most talismans. It still took around one and a half hours because of my loading times, but it was a good amount of time spent on a game daily.

       Now, I see why the change was necessary (I saw one screenshot and it burned my eyes) and with the right build the radial damage could clear an entire 20m radius circle. It's still a really great weapon; two timed spins clear most of a wave and it can be used every 5 seconds.

       But (correct me if I'm wrong), why do the new vortex and radial blast do a minimal amount of damage to enemies (~100 with my maxed pressure point + 400% elemental damage) but not to containers?

       From what I've seen people were complaining about: a) The radial blast's visual effect being painful to watch; b) People using the damage to clear waves of enemies while making repetitive slide attack sounds because of macro spamming.

       So why did you add more room clearing/trolling capabilities to the weapon (mob juggling) and remove the container breaking effect? Should I be having fun smashing crates?

    (PS: Is Ignis really that good at breaking containers? I might need one.)

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