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Posts posted by Xeniith

  1. Banning someone for being dumb or annoying is also backwards thinking from a perspective of someone who wants a community to succeed.

    not necessarily, although im sure it goes without saying that warnings should be distributed before any kind of kicks or bans


    Actually DE can ban people for pretty much any reason they want to. It's the same for pretty much all online games. People alsso seem to forget that the internet is privately owned and you don't have the right to freedom of speech.


    I'm curious what's they're saying that is being considered hate speech though. I literally never use region chat so I haven't seen this.


    mainly rants about feminism, religion and politics from edgy kids who have done minimal research on any of the subjects

  2. Think about it. Did you really expect a General chat in a game would only talk about the game and not real world issues?

    i expect there to be a reasonable margin for off topic conversation, but region is pretty awful as it is


    your reason for not wanting it to be moderated seem to make a lot of assumptions that moderation will turn it into a police state


    ive been a part of a lot of online communities and the people who usually complain about this are the people who participate only to cause trouble in the first place, so this isnt something im really concerned about at all and you shouldnt be either unless you fit into this category

  3. 1. Limited Resources.


    2. Low level of importance


    3. Player Tools (Reporting, Ignoring, and forming of your own social groups aka clans)

    it doesnt take many resources to assign a few player moderators to keep the chat in line


    just because its not a massive priority does not mean bringing it to the attention of the staff is a bad idea

    edit: furthermore, i severely doubt the moderation staff are so busy with much more important matters that they would be unwilling to do this


    trying to report someone is cumbersome and generally requires the other player say something pretty awful, ignoring a problem doesnt make it go away, and forcing yourself into joining a clique to avoid frustrating and frankly cringeworthy people in region chat is backwards thinking from the perspective of someone who wants a community to succeed

  4. Whatever kid im done feeding a troll.

    thats a convenient excuse to completely shut down an argument that youre losing

    every point he made was completely valid and rather than posing an equally valid argument you decided to abuse a buzzword you dont even understand

  5. That's a bold assumption on both sides you have made with zero evidence of anything. While i have zero proof of this i use Boltor Prime, Excaliber, Prisma Skana and Lex Prime. From what i have seen not one of the mentioned items is "broken", whichever definition you're using. It doesn't happen EVERY time but it happens entirely too much. You constantly try to justify people leaving in the middle of a match, but if you won a match against someone using something "broken", would you leave? No, you wouldn't you only leave because you're losing and from that leaderboards comment im sure its because of stats. Nothing you have said has made quitting justifiable. It needs to be stopped. People need to be punished or boost the winners reward for people leaving in the middle or end of a match. Thats actually a good 3rd option. Lets cowards who quit leave without punishment and ill get a better reward for staying, win or lose, like an adult.

    everything i said makes quitting unfair games entirely justifiable and it does not need to stop nor should it

    and it doesnt take a genius to tell you that you should not get a better reward for causing other players to quit because that would only further encourage players to ruin the game for others


    im not convinced any of these ideas have been thought through at all

  6. Your response contradicts itself because you obviously dont like my OP. So if you dont like my responses or feedback then dont read or respond to my post. 



    Just because there are few pvp players doesn't mean it should be a lawless field. Losing the players who just going to quit every loss wont be missed. They dont pvp enough to make their appearance matter anyway. Do you quit when you're winning? If you're just going to quit every time you're losing then you shouldnt be pvping at all. If you will stay when you win then you should stay when you lose.

    enemies leaving has never been a problem for me, despite topping leaderboards for most every match i play

    every now and then players leave of course, on my team and the enemy team

    but very rarely has the entire enemy team left and i can only think of one reason why this would happen so frequently to you and it makes sense from what youve said

    youre probably using some broken loadout and dominate the enemy team of players who just made a warframe account 5-0

    demanding other players be forced to sit through that for your entertainment is unfair and disrespectful

  7. If you dont like how the pvp is then stay out of it. You trying to justify quitting is CLOSE to the dumbest comment ive gotten on any of my posts so far.

    i enjoy the pvp when everyone is playing fairly

    if you think your response is reasonable or appropriate then this is equally so

    if you dont like what im posting in your thread then dont reply

  8. you should be punished for being a leaver in a team based mode, but not under the current hosting method

    i still disagree for the same reasons

    until balance is thoroughly sorted out which it never will be there should be no punishments to players for refusing to deprive themselves of fun

  9. i only agree that there should be a master rank lock because i see tons of new players joining conclave and getting stomped and its more than likely that they quit the game shortly after

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