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Posts posted by (XBOX)Y0DA PRiME

  1. On 7/19/2016 at 6:32 PM, (XB1)BroadsideMobsta said:

    Arbiters Rage and Arbiters Covenant are looking for active clans interested in becoming an Arbiter. Due to capacity issues we decided to make another alliance with the goals to become as great as the original alliance, Arbiters Rage. 

    To join Arbiters Rage you must be a Storm Clan or higher with with at least 50% capacity filled, and have a relatively reasonable inactivity rule in your clan to make the most of your capacity.

    To join Arbiters Covenant you must be a Shadow Clan or higher with at least 50% capacity filled with the goal of furthering your clan in the near future.

    If you are interest in becoming an Arbiter feel free to send a message on Xbox to BroadsideMobsta, K9Dogpile, or JOEBLOW3800.




  2. 17 hours ago, (XB1)Aeries Vendetta said:

    Lunaro is going to amuse people for a while then people will get bored with it and do nothing but complain and conclave wont seem so bad once the shiny newness of it wears off. 

    Yup that why conclave should have been the only thing on there minds like adding new games modes but hey this what ppl want lol

  3. On 6/13/2016 at 4:36 AM, LittleRiot.Teemo said:

    " DE please watch this post to make PvP fair and square ^_^ I love you DE ! "

    • Makes the players only carry 1 Primary / 1 Secondary and 1 Melee , so no people will bring instant-kill weapon or high damage weapon 
    • No mods on PvP , since newbies doesn't have mods , so they have a big dis-advantage 
    • Showcase the winner please ^_^ I love dramatic scene [ never wanted to skip beautiful scene like on Law Of Retribution ] 

    Notice that this is the gathering discussion from the lastest post i posted on , also big thanks to lots of Tenno that helps and deliver these discussion !

    I disagree with this because just like pve you have to grind for your mods and frame you is not giving mods or weapons when you start off in pve so the same go for pvp. What i hate is people trying to handicapped pvp there is no game mode pvp where everything is the same you start on different levels and unlock them as you go on. I grind out my weapons slots and standing and i feel like i have accomplished something not hand it down to me because it to hard i just got better and ptobe that i can grind with the best. Also noobs shouldn't be trying to play pvp they should be learing how to play the game and grinding out on getting there warframes,mods,weapons, and unlocking there nodes

  4. 43 minutes ago, (XB1)XShadowDragon94 said:

    Anyways people all negativity aside thanks for your opinions. You all had some agreeable and some that are not so agreeable. Either way DE will not change a thing in sure so like it or not I guess conclave will be like this for us all. I'll have to practice the OP one-shot weapons. Wish me luck on my frustrating journey.

    Good luck i think your pretty good with it ??

  5. I would like to say no hud for 30 days is hard im in my second week no hud means no crosshairs.health bar.map. or aim assist can any one do this for 30 days ???????

  6. 8 hours ago, (XB1)LastxMOHICANx said:

    I and shadow both use the one shot weapons, daikyu and Miter. After using these weapons I agree, once you've used them for awhile and adjust your sensitivity a bit, they become fairly easy to use and the most powerful weapons in conclave.  Only real way to stop them is using the same weapon. This makes it where if everyone where to get good with the one shot weapons a very boring match with nothing but one shot weapons. I would like to see matches with all different kinds of weapons that stand a chance against each other. I use the daikyu and never aim for a headshot and as long as I'm 15m away, its a one shot anywhere on the body. Even if its not one shot you just follow up with an auto target ability from frames like ash or nova and its a done deal. In my opinon one shots should be removed. Yeah it is a little difficult because you have to hold the charge while you jump, but think about it. The person that uses the latron, or Sybaris they actually have to have the aim on you for several shots to kill you, with the daikyu,miter opticor, you just have to have it on them for that 1 shot to hit. I think it would make the game a lot more interesting if you eliminated all one shots and made us have to fight more. But in that case you would have to decrease the damage of blast weapons because right now the only real defense against a constant jumping frame with a penta is a one shot weapon,, so eliminating the one shots would mean a review of blast radius damage weapons as well.


    So the latron.braton. and burston is not op weapons what abouy karak i see noobs go in with the braton and lato mk 1 furis and mk 1 paris and just dominated with no mods. Even the lex prime is a op weapon

  7. 7 hours ago, (XB1)XShadowDragon94 said:

    m from the US and I believe in freedom of speech just like you CFE so as well with your "Social Justice"

    Really i just started using the daikyu for the no hud challenge which makes its harder cause you have no crosshairs try taking off your hud 

  8. The Daikyu is a 2 shot body and 1 shot head because its takes you 5 seconds to charge for each shot at that i can be killed by a op latron braton are burston prime so this is irrelevant conversation to have

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