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Posts posted by Frenchie488

  1. Im not entirely sure how many people have this problem, but my entire clans operator models have reverted back to the original ones. everyone was excited to see the new operator models, so i am mildly annoyed to see this reversion after such a significant improvement to the design. please notify me of any changes im unaware of

  2. Im not entirely sure if anyone else has run into this yet, however I was just on the Plains of Eidolon, playing as Saryn Prime at night, i was doing the usual Saryn things this time however i was using the Pyrana Prime. every time  killed enemies quickly enough to activate the Pyrana Prime's ability it caused a Black digital hole looking something akin to screen damage dealt by blunt trama. i quickly checked to see if this occured on other missions. i found that it only occured at night on the plains of eidolon. Please fix this if you find a problem. And no it wasn't my graphics card screwing up. I checked ;D.

  3. I would like someone to clear something up for me. Titania is the new warframe and the theme has something to do with butterflies. I have a friend who says that Titania is a Fairy warframe, But I read on the official wiki a couple weeks back that her passive is called gravity well. Can anyone confirm either of these? My friend claims to have viewed an official video about Titania's warframe ability turning her into the size of one of her butterflies. If you have seen the same video, I would appreciate a link so I may see proof for my self

  4. I have a friend who plays warframe on the PS4 and I noticed he can change the color of the gold frames on his prime weapons. You can change it on the PC with the prime warframes so why not the weapons? I may seem to be a little picky but it messes up my color schemes. The gold is nice but I do want to match. Am I the only one who is bothered by this?


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