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Posts posted by SpinnningSideKick

  1. One thing Id definitely like to see added to companions is like in Syndicate missions, you can tell your buddies what to do. Id like to see something like that for companions. But with a twist. Say you on the plains fishing, but ghouls keep popping up, spoiling your shots. My companions most of the time, kill everything around me so I can just fish or mine or whatever. no big. But sometimes, they dont. Usually one of the weaker ones. But it would be nice to be able to set them in an area, one you sorta designate like with the syndicate bros. 

    A thing I would like to add to that, is that they can then use their abilities in that area. So if you got Scavenge equipped to your Sahasa, your doggo will scratch open all the lockers in the area you set it on, then start digging up treasures till you get back, or summon with a radial wheel command(that snappy prime collar I built could be good for something, maybe also a stop &play command too), where it brings back ALL the loot for you. 

    Huras would cloak to attack stuff, hopefully getting big damage bonuses for stealth attacks. Sunika would maybe have less loot, but a pile of cowering bads its collared for you, Which you can then kill, using whatever means you like(to get more loot). Chesa both desperately need some work done on them. Be kinda nice to see the doggos get a bit of buff in their utility. They really dont have much going for them, especially the Chesa, they dont really do anything. Maybe if the Chesa captured live targets to shake them down for a few extra credits perhaps? I like the idea of doggos taking things alive to provide better loot opportunities. 

    Id also like to see things like Hunters Command instead be a little like Hunters Synergy, but instead of crit chance, it transfers and shares combo counters maybe? 

    The Adarza Kavat. I want to love this kat more, but it just dosnt seem to give anywhere near as good a benefit as the Smeetas charm. My suggestion for making them just a wee bit better, is move the crit cloud ability off Charm and move it over onto the Adarza, so it gives everyone in its range a little love too. Not just its companion warframe, but the whole squad. Not as much, just a little bump, so that a group of folk all using adarza can see a bigger bump together. Just a thought. Id like to see all companion abilities get a bump in effectiveness for each one present in the squad. 


  2. I wouldnt want more mod slots. They are mods. Take the ones you like, and leave the rest. Like every other mod. 

    A better argument could be made for a new weapon style (that you can trade, like a syndicate weapon, I would love more syndicate weapons anyway) that has a riven slot on it. Totally unnecessary really, but it would be a neat new thing and could boost the riven trade a bit more, make DE some more money. Same number of slots, just one is purple for 8 total as always. Kinda like a fluid polarity, so if you had more than one riven, you could ignore its polarity in that slot if they are different. 

  3. On 04/12/2017 at 9:31 AM, DarkRinnegan said:

    As the title says "What do people think about a legacy server?" I think it would be wonderful to get to experience old warframe again. Many other games do this so do you think DE should/would/can?


    You dont need that. DE dosnt need to spend resources on that. 

    You can easily make a new warframe, not add a catalyst and only use the most basic of mod setups, then dont use the parkour. Just walk or run, jump only when you absolutely have too. You can recreate the old warframe all by yourself.


    But please. Go to private matchmaking. I dont want to carry you. 

    Thank you

  4. I agree we could do with some more, but for the frames that dont have any at all first before any of the frames with at least one. I love Titanias Beguiling Lantern, use it all the time, its savage on the plains with a Kavat! Not so much on regular tiles, it tends to be pretty lack luster there unless the spaces are open like the Void tiles. But we just got Hunter, Augur and Gladiator mods and they are excellent. Im good for a while without warframe augments, but I would love them none the less.

    Side note. I would really enjoy mod sets like the new ones, but for Primes! ie only works together on prime weapons and warframes!

  5. Very reasonable suggestions. The problem is the player base. The meta is pretty much everything to some folks, and gaming the meta is their end game. Once they find an exploit they do just that, exploit it. I agree more variety would be great, as all the cool non meta builds are generally speaking less than effective. Changing that would be a clear invitation to the meta gamers to do their thing. 

    Some folks just ruin stuff. Its sad. But its the nature of people to take the fastest/ easiest route with no regard for other players or the business. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    I call BS on this.

    Vacuum is mandatory, and life without it is sub-optimal because you are spending less time killing things and wasting more time dealing with loot.

    After all, the game's slogan is "Ninjas play free", not "Janitors play free".

    You hit the nail on the head. Ninjas. Ninjas that can leap 10+ meters at the literal touch of a button. Leap after the good loot, ignore the schlock, you dont really need it (you can see whats what).


    Be a space ninja. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Yeah, but they have to displace something, and life without vacuum isn't much fun =/

    Uh huh. Quick question for you. Do you use mods like Fleeting expertise, Narrow Minded, Blind Rage? 

    All kinds of trade offs built into the game, you want one thing, you sacrifice something else. Nothing new there man. 

    Also life without vacuum is no big deal at all. I barely use sentinels anymore as the benefit of using companions is well worth the trade off. Especially now with the Hunter mods. They are pretty awesome. I use all 6 and havent really lost anything other than some crit bonuses on my primary, which is offset by the Adarza Kavat Im currently using. I see nothing but red crits roll off my strikes now. 

  8. Get some of those Hunter mods. 

    Since they launched Im seeing a lot more companions on the field. They are pretty great and add a lot to them overall. The sick damage they did before is now stupid damage! 

    Mine are killing stuff faster than ever before, and adding a lot to the survivability of my frames. 

  9. I just want to say thank you to DE for the Hunter mods, I think they add a lot to companions and make them a lot cooler and more effective than they were before. 

    I thought it would be nice to make a thread about how grateful I am for them and the work that went into them. 


    So once again. 


    Thank you DE! Well done!

  10. 2 minutes ago, Altre said:

    For the sake of us not spending more time of our day than necessary on this, and I understand what you feel, I'll conclude my point.

    Looting is a mechanic. The vacuum is a mod that interacts with the looting mechanic. I have always enjoyed this mechanic. Many other people that I have played with have enjoyed this mechanic. What a large universal vacuum would do to me, as well as other, negatively is affect an aspect of the game that made me like it in the first place and I would like people to be able to identify that looting is an enjoyable mechanic, like rushing to a Christmas tree for presents as a child or diving into candy from a piniata. There are games that have "loot rush" stages, which is what it I'm somewhat reminded of when looting. I think I'm just bothered that I haven't seen validation that people DO enjoy this.

    Honestly, I'm not sure why I hopped into this debate and I suck at expressing myself. It's not a huge issue. If they change it, I will lose no sleep over it. I just don't want to game to warp into a Sci-fi COD, based around instant gratification.

    Besides the bit of patronizing, I admire your resilience, Juicy. Apero, I apologize if it seems like I've ignored you. I had tried addressing Juicy initially and have been doing this on my phone. My hands are not well suited for extended debates and it's hard to pull everyone's updated input. lol

    Juicy asked me to do the same thing, though....

    Good night (or morning?), folks.

    Have a good one man. Hope to meet you ingame at some point. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

     No, you are heading towards crates, m8. Personally, whenever I play without vacuum, I don't bother with loot at all. What's the point in wasting time picking up individual specs of dust off the floor, when the mission itself could be finished in five minutes tops? Lack of UV on pets only makes looting system obsolete and non-interactive whenever you use them. Looting system is subservient to the gameplay. Without vacuum it doesn't serve its primary purpose so people just play while ignoring the loot. Simple.

    You are the one that brought up crates mid comment when talking about heading towards bads. Sorry for the misunderstanding. But I can only read what you have typed. I try very hard not infer too from each comment for this very reason. So in future, if you are talking about heading towards bads, dont switch, stay on target. 

    Now that you have clarified that it isnt about loot from crates, we can leave that alone. Back on topic. You did not answer my question. Specifically about bads you are already towards. This does not compromise your efficiency. 

    7 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    I only remember you trying to convince me to read 9 forum pages of text unrelated to me. If there were any points, you should be able to voice them the way I did in a similar fashion.

    As stated twice before, this practice is not very thorough or respectful.  It really only serves your argument to take in all available data, and address each point. Skipping over them is .... well sorry man. There really is no other word for it. Lazy. 

    I take the time to read all posts, and believe if you want to be validated in any way, should do the same. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    "Fiddling with words" is descriptive of an act of "talking" without actually "saying" anything. 

    Answer one simple fact: "Vacuum is already in the game and pets are the only type of companions without it."
    I'll add an assumption to it: "And that's exactly what makes them unpopular". Assumption is made indirectly based on statistics of the companion use revealed at Tennocon 2016.

    If you intend to talk, answer the points presented to you. I distilled my argument to the absolute bare. I don't need rhethoric, nor do I care about excuses and random stuff like your faith in DE. Just answer the one simple fact I brought up.

    I would ask you to do the same, as numerous point I brought up last night, have not yet been addressed by you. You focused in on one point, ignored the rest and moved on to repeat yourself again. If you want folks to address each of your own points, polite respect would demand the same from you. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    Statistically you would be jumping towards the nearest crate away from enemies far more often. Simply because the concentration of crates per mis greater than the number of enemies. At least before the endless spawning kicks in. 

    I was talking about loot from bads, not crates there. But okay, most shooting occurs within relatively small areas, so the 3m vac we already have is sufficient. You just said you were headed towards the bads but now you are heading for crates. I think you need to pick a direction and stay the course, this is not efficient at its core. This is random. 

    In the last day you have stated very clearly you have very little interest in crates, as its "tedious" and "janitorframe". So now you are heading towards crates? Why? If its so tedious, why are you heading for them as you literally just said you were in this very quote. 

  14. 1 minute ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    Except instead of going in the direction of enemies that are shooting at you, you're climbing in some crank to pick up 94 polymers.

    I dont have a crystal ball, so I cant agree with you there. No way of knowing every single time you will be jumping away from bads, its every bit as likely you would be jumping towards them, as they will drop loot when they die anyway. Your stated destination is towards the newest bad, so it follows that if they drop something, you are already on the way there. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Top_Kekkonen said:

    Sentinels are better than kavats and kubrows even without vacuum, we are talking about very minor trade offs here.

    I disagree. I find companions to be objectively better except in some aspects of utility. Its a trade off, plain and simple. More resources and crits versus shield buffs and looting. Heck, two breeds of kubrow even add to looting. 


    1 minute ago, JuicyPop said:

    Because the game is evolving beyond a simply hallway shooter and the looting mechanics that were developed for an era where coptering was an unintentional quirk of the physics engine are ill-equipped to pair alongside it. 

    Vacuum is a band-aid for an issue that should have been addressed with the launch of parkour 2.0. 

    I submit that parkour 2.0 solved pretty much every looting problem. You can get to everything, quickly and easily. Pushing a button twice to alter your course isnt really effecting your game play. Or are suggesting that you count every key stroke in the name of efficiency?

  17. 1 minute ago, Altre said:

    I wouldn't call it lazy, just they they are misunderstanding the fact that they literally already have a vacuum and that what is currently in place is a practical, functioning system that plenty enjoy. I just wish they'd acknowledge that looting is a part of the game, ya know? 😔

    Yep. Its always been a loot to win game, thats where pretty much everything( a huge percentage of at the very least) comes from.

  18. 17 minutes ago, Altre said:

    Patronizing, rather than giving a valid argument is the death of reasonable conversation. Insult isn't "sound reason", it's the end of the use of logic.

    Give me valid point that would make me change my view. At least I'm agreeing that I can't convince you, but that's perfectly fine. I'll bow out if you can't provide a convincing argument. Neither of us belong in this arena if we can't convince one another.

    Im definitely seeing a lot of the same. Vacuum because vacuum and the faux altruism "for the player base", which it isnt. 

    Folks want the double resources and convenience of a vacuum, but just cant come out and say it. It looks greedy and lazy, so they dont say it. A little honesty would go a long way. 

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