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Posts posted by Xyphon95

  1. I know already that you can influence the weapon element you get, I also know that people have been talking in the forums relating to influencing the weapon you get from using another specific weapon (This is a good idea). I myself have done about 16 or more kuva liches (Currently have 10 of the weapons and sold many duplicates and all of them being really bad rolls). All my rolls have been between 25 and 33% besides the one Kohm that was 44% (Still not a good roll) and i have also had one ephemera. There needs to be a system to improve your weapon instead of hoping for an improved roll if the system to influence your weapon is not good enough. 

    My opinion is that you should be able to get rid of a kuva lich. I have read that DE wanted to make a system where you give your lich to the clan or something? cant remember the exact text. Would it not instead be better to pay off your kuva lich with credits or materials considering they keep stealing stuff from you in missions anyway?

    Next, how you kill the kuva lich is really good and fun, I really don't mind the trial and error if you don't have hints and then actually figuring out the order once you do have the hints. I think it was a little bit of a bad idea for the final hint to be 140% of what it originally was, 120 would be better? 

    Finally, I want opinions from everyone else who reads this post:

    1. Do you think its a good idea to influence your weapon?

    2. Do you think the player should be able to pay off their lich with materials, money or both?

    3. As a pose to number 1, do you think we should be able to improve our weapons instead of hoping for a better roll? and hoping for the weapon we want (Excluding the weapon influencing feature)?

    4. Do you think the final hint is a slight bit too much to farm?

  2. This is more of a suggestion rather than a complaint. Instead of getting people to grind on the exploiter orb to get optional cosmetics (Ephemera's), should they not sell them for Vox Solaris standing or something along those lines. Also considering some people are either having trouble getting the one they want or getting non at all.

  3. 2 hours ago, Nakrast said:

    Can you use Prime cosmetics on the regular versions of the frames? No, so why should Umbra be able to?

    Both Excalibur Umbra and Excalibur Prime are better variants of Excalibur and that's why you can use Excalibur cosmetics on both Umbra and Prime, this would entail that both these frame are in the same league, not Umbra above Prime or Prime above Umbra, there is no cosmetic hierarchy between the two, so why should we not be allowed to do it? and as Taciturnitas mentioned that it is completely cosmetic so why not let us founders have the ability to do this?

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